Thursday, January 17, 2013

(会員)1月16日 (水曜日) 11pm 中級ー上級

(会員)1月16日 (水曜日) 11pm 中級ー上級

1. Jodie Foster came out at the Golden Globes.

to come out of the closet=to admit a secret

He is hiding in the closet.

He's a closet homosexual.
He's a closet Takarazuka fan.
I'm a closet manga lover.

2. Mel Gibson came under fire for his bigotry.
Mel Gibson has been ostracized by much of Hollywood.

She was ostracized by her friends after she got pregnant.

3. 高く評価された = acclaimed

4. The movie has graphic sex scenes.

生々しいセックスや強姦シーン graphic sex and rape scenes

graphic violence 露骨な[生々しい]暴力

5. to dismiss sb = to fire sb
They dismissed her. 
She was dismissed.

6. NHK sent her a letter dismissing her for abandoning her job.

7. Se was advised by the French Embassy to leave.
The French Embassy advised her to leave.
She followed that advice.

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