Tuesday, January 8, 2013

(会員)1月07日 (月曜日) 11pm 初級-中級-上級 NEWS!

The Biggest Headlines of 2012 (According to Google)
a headline
according to sb
10. Pussy Riot
They are a feminist punk band.
On March 3, two members were arrested for hooliganism. 
Three members were sentenced to 3 years in prison.
9. a 17 year old African American
 racial tension 人種間の緊張[敵対意識]
Many people think it was Zimmerman's fault.
Nobody believed him at first.
New evidence emerged.
to emerge  = to come out
evidence = 証拠
Trayvon had a good reputation. 
a reputation = 評判
8. Penn State child sex abuse scandal
The assistant coach sexually assaulted 8 boys.
to molest: 性的ないたずらをする
to assault: 攻撃する、襲撃する
7. Stratosphere jump
That takes courage.
That takes bravery.
That takes guts.
That takes nerve. (神経)
That takes balls. 
He has nerves of steel.
6. Presidential Debate 大統領候補討論会

Just a minute. Let me see if I can fix it. 

5. Costa Concordia crash
Costa Concordia disaster
There were 4,252 people on board.
4. SOPA = Stop Online Piracy Act.
3. Olympics 2012
Did you watch the Olympics?
2. Kate Middleton pictures released
Many people are obsessed with royalty.
1. Hurricane Sandy
Other big news stories.
The gang rape in India.
The riots in China.
Gangnam Style.
Arab Spring=the ~》アラブの春◆2010年から2011年にかけて中東や北アフリカ諸国で発生した民主化運動の総称。

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