Wednesday, January 23, 2013

(会員)1月21日 (月曜日) 11pm NEWS / MIXED!

(会員)121 (月曜日) 11pm NEWS / MIXED!

1. The big story is the kidnapping of Japanese national in Algeria.
a national = a citizen
to kidnap = 誘拐する
to abduct = 拉致する
a hostage = 人質
a ransom =身代金

2. U.S. sailor arrested for trespassing in Yokosuka
to arrest sb = 逮捕する
to trespass = to enter a place without permission
trespass = 不法侵入する
He was arrested for trespassing.

3. I should've guessed. = やっぱり
I should've guessed he was drunk.

4. Obama issued some exective orders about gun control. 
to issue = to put out
 issue an order 指令を発する、命令を出す
an exective order = a president's order

5. Did you hear about Lance Armstrong?
He admitted that he took steroids.

5. Matthew McConaughey Was 'Pissed Off' At Friend Lance Armstrong Following Doping Confession; Says Cyclist …
Matthew McConaughey Was 'Pissed Off' at Lance Armstrong.
to be pissed off = to be angry
to be pissed = to be angry
to piss = to pee = おしっこ

UK English = to be pissed = to be drunk

6. Justin Bieber Moons Camera In Instagram Photo
to moon sb = to show sb your butt
Justin Bieber's Got Back, Flashes His Rear for Instagram Photo

Baby's got back! = She/He has a big butt/ass.

7. Obama's inauguration
He has to take the oath of office.

8. to flub 

In Jan. 20, 2009, Roberts flubbed the oath.

to flub st = to make a mistake

He flubbed his line. せりふをとちる
Obama had to do it over.

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