(会員)1月25日 (金曜日) 11pm 初級
I heard it's going to snow tomorrow.
What is the weather forecast for tomorrow.
take idioms;
to take a shower
I took a shower.
to take a trip
I took a trip to Tokyo.
to take it easy
a) Bye!, b) Relax!
to take one's time
Take your time.
to take a picture/photo
Could you take our picture?
to take a nap
You look tired! You should take a nap!
to take medicine
You look sick! Take some medicine!
Take a chill pill.
Relax man! You're too excited.
to take time
How much time will it take to get to Tokyo?
How long will it take to get to Tokyo?
How much time will it take to make dinner?
How long will it take to make dinner?
to take st to do st
How many eggs does this recipe take?
How many batteries does this flashlight take?
How many phone calls did it take you to find
out where he lives?
How many visits to the dentist will it take
to fix my tooth?
take care
see you later
Okay, take care. I'll see you later.
to take a break = rest for a short time I'm
going to take a 15-minute break.
to take after = to be similar to another
She takes after her mother. They have the same
personality and the same manners.
take down = write. You should take down her phone number and
give her a call.
I took down his license plate number.
take (one) for = to believe something, possibly
in error. to make a mistake.
Whoops! I took him for a police officer,
but he's just a security guard.
He took me for a Canadian.
They took me for a Brazilian.
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