Monday, March 4, 2013

(会員) 2月23日 (土曜日) 11:00pm - This Week in the NEWS!

(会員) 2月23日 (土曜日) 11:00pm - This Week in the NEWS!

Abe tells Obama Japan will join child abduction treaty
Japan never signed the treaty.
11 Ambassadors to Japan have issued a joint statement urging Japan to ratify the 1980 Hague Convention on international child abduction. 
child abduction=幼児誘拐, 幼児誘拐
to urge = 促す
“From the perspective of children, there is an increasing number of international marriages, meaning that there will be some cases where marriages will break down. Therefore we believe it is important to have international rules,” Abe told reporters after talks with Obama.

perspective=見方、態度、視点, 評価する能力、見通せる力

However, Abe did not set a timeframe.
a timeframe = 時間枠
Unlike Western nations, Japan does not recognize joint custody and courts almost always order that children of divorcees live with their mothers.
joint custody = 共同保管制、共同養育
His parents got divorced, but they share custody.
the court = 裁判 
a divorcee= a divorced person
American teacher’s spin on Japan racism angers
He got divorced. = He is newly single.
spin = sb's perspective
Madonna is top music earner of 2012
I thought she was a has-been.

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