Wednesday, March 13, 2013

(会員)Part 1&2 - 英会話ライブレッスン 3月11日(月曜日)23:00 Mixed Level - Remembering 東日本大震災

(会員)Part 1 - 英会話ライブレッスン 3月11日(月曜日)23:00 Mixed Level - Remembering 東日本大震災

(会員)Part 2 - 英会話ライブレッスン 3月11日(月曜日)23:00 Mixed Level - Remembering 東日本大震災

(公開)英会話ライブレッスン 3月11(月曜日)23:00 Mixed Level - Remembering 東日本大震災  

2011 Tohoko Earthquake

1. Today is the  2-year anniversary of the 2011 Tohoko Earthquake.
Today is my parent's 40 Year Wedding anniversary.
Today is the anniversary of my grandfather's death.

2. to pay tribute = 敬意を表する、たたえる

3. Almost 16,000 died. = 3. Almost 16,000 people died.
He died.  
He is dead.
X He dead. / X He is died. / X He was dead.

I'm dead. = I'm in big trouble.
My battery is dead. 
My battery has just died.
My cell phone battery just died.
My phone just died.
I'm so tired. = I'm dead.
I'm depressed.
I'm dead inside.

4. He bowed his head. 
People bowed their heads in silence to remember the victims.

a victim = 犠牲者
Everyone observed a moment of silence.
どんな休暇があるのですか。 What holidays do you observe?

Did you observe a moment of silence today?

Some people celebrate Christmas.

There were many ceremonies paying tribute to the victims.
a ceremony = 式

5. 地震 = a earthquake
X The earthquake attacked Japan.
The earthquake hit Japan.
The earthquake struck Japan.
The tsunami struck Japan.
The tsunami struck Japan.
The dog attacked the cat.
X The car attacked the dog.
X  The storm attacked the town. 
The storm hit the town. 

6. 16,000 people lost their lives.
She lost her mother in the earthquake. 
She lost her mother in a car accident. 
She lost her life.
Her mother was killed in a car accident.
Her mother was killed by a crazy man.
She was killed by her ex-boyfriend.
She was killed with a knife.
What software do you use? 
I made this video with iMovie.
I opened the beer with my teeth.

7. We mourn the victims.
I mourned the death of my grandfather.
We are mourning his death.
People who go to a funeral are called mourners.
a mourner= 哀悼者 
funeral = 葬儀
葬式 = funeral
葬儀社 =an undertaker
funeral = few - ner - ul

8. cremation
In America we bury our dead.
In Japan we cremate our dead.
to cremate = 火葬する
cremation = 火葬
I want to be buried. / I want to be cremated.
I want my ashes to be scattered in the sea.
A total of 15,881 people are confirmed to have died and 2,668 others remain unaccounted for.

They are still unaccounted for.
They are still missing. 
They are still unaccounted for. 

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