Wednesday, March 13, 2013

(会員)英会話ライブレッスン 3月7日(木曜日)23:00 News 中級〜上級

It's an acquired taste.

a touch of = a little bit of 
a dab of = a little bit of
a smidge of = a little bit of

air pollution=japa大気汚染

particle = small thing

Fine particulate matter = PM2.5 

visibility 目に見えること

Visibility is high/low.

My memory is a little hazy.

Does PM2.5 cause cancer?
Is PM2.5 cancerous?
Is PM2.5 a carcinogen?

He has not been heard of since last Tuesday.

The head was severed.

to cut off = to sever

I assume it's the mother's head and leg.

Furious over sanctions, N. Korea vows to nuke U.S.

furious = very angry

制裁 Seisai  = sanctions

to nuke sb = to attack them with an atomic bomb

to nuke = to cook in a microwave

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