Monday, March 4, 2013

March 4, 2013

1. approach = get closer
Japanese English meaning of "approach" is wrong.

to hit on sb 
He hit on her.  
He came onto her. 
He made a pass at her. 

2. chemical 
RELATED: chemistry 化学
I had a date last night. She was smart and pretty, but we had no chemistry.

3. evil 
It's so good, it's evil.

4. experiment 実験
期限切れ expiration

= to try new things

The painter experimented with colors.
She experimented with drugs.
She experimented in college.

5. to kill = 殺す
He killed the cockroach.
= to cause pain
My head is killing me. = My head really hurts.

That guy kills me. = That guy is really funny.

You kill me. = You are hilarious. = You are really funny.

6. loud = big volume
The TV is on too loud. Turn it down. 

He wore loud pants.
loud= 派手な、けばけばしい, gaudy

negative: gaudy, garish, loud

not so negative: flashy, showy, ritzy, fancy

7. noise 
a) 騒音、雑音

b) That's just a lot of noise. 

8. shout: to yell, to speak in a very loud voice
I'll shout you a beer. = I'll treat you to a beer. I'll buy you a beer.

9. smell 
Maggie smelled the other dog's butt.
Smell the roses.
The roses smell great.
Your hair smells great.
You smell. = 臭い (negative)
You smell good. (positive)

Something smells. = a)何かが臭い、b)なんか、怪しい

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