Monday, March 4, 2013

(公開)英会話ライブレッスン 3月02日(土曜日)23:00日本語で何って言う?

(公開)英会話ライブレッスン 3月02日(土曜日)23:00日本語で何って言う?
1. 目覚まし時計がなる
I alarm clock went off at 7am. 

2. 目覚ましを6時にセットしました。
I set my alarm clock for 6am. 

3. 寝坊する
oversleep / sleep in
I overslept. (bad)
I slept in. (no problem)
I like to sleep in on Sundays.

4. コーヒーを入れる
to make coffee
to fix coffee, 
to brew some coffee, 
to start the coffee
to pour coffee

Should I make coffee?
Would you like me to make coffee?
Would you care for some coffee?
Do you want some coffee?
X Would you want some coffee?
X Do you care for some coffee?

Would you like ~?

Would you like to grab some coffee?

5. 映画を見に行きました。
I went to the movies.
I went to see a movie.
Want to go to the movies this weekend?
Why plural 複数?

go to the pictures 映画を見に行く

Let's take in a movie.

I want to take in the sites. 

I like going to the mountains to take in the nature. 
I like going to the mountains to take in the mountain air. 

What is the difference between A and B?
What is the difference between retaliation and revenge? 

6. すみません。かけ間違えたようです。
I'm sorry. I seem to have called the wrong number.
I'm sorry. I think I called the wrong number.
I'm sorry. I must have called the wrong number.

I'm so sorry. I must have left my wallet at home. 
I'm so sorry.  I must have misunderstood. 
I'm so sorry.  I must have mistaken the road. 

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