Thursday, November 28, 2013

11pm Tuesday Night - Members Only! 英会話ライブレッスン MIXED- Conversational English

1. How about you? = And you? = And yourself?

2. What's your job? = What do you do?  = What do you do for a living? 

3. Welcome to DAIEI! 
May I help you? 
How can I help you?
How can I help you today? 
What can I do for you?
What can I help you with? 
Can I be of assistance? 
Can I be of any help? 

3. an order = 一人前
a side order = 一人前
I'd like a side order of fries, please. 
I'd like an order of fries, please. 
I'd like a side of fries, please. 

4. It's as cold as Hell.  
It's freezing.  
It's as cold as a witch's teat.  
It's cold. 
It's chilly. 

The word "cold" has only one vowel. 
a vowel = 母音

5. I would like ~.   
May I have ~?  
Could I have ~?  
Can I have ~?  
I'll have ~? 
I'll take ~? 
I want ~. 
Give me ~. 

6. I want ~.    I'm in the mood for ~.    I feel like ~.   I want ~.  

7. All I want is ~. 

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