1. ちょといいですか?
Excuse me?
Got a minute?
Can I talk to you for a minute?
2. お話の途中ですみませんが。。。
I'm sorry to interrupt you, but...
3. オフレコで話し手もいいですか?
Can I talk to you off
the record?
Can I speak to you off
the record?
4. お話があります。
We have to talk.
We need to talk.
I have to talk to you.
I need to talk to you.
5. 何よりも先...
First things, first...
First of all,
Before everything
6. 結局...
In the end...
At the end of the
As it turned
When all is/was said
and done...
7. What are you
A penny for your thoughts?
8. 実を言うと。。。
To tell the truth...
To tell you the
As a matter of fact...
9. He doesn't like to talk
about what he's planning.
He plays his cards
close to his chest.
10. 恐れ入れますが...
I'm sorry to bother
you but...
11. It is better that
you do A than B.
You're better off
buying a new car.
A: My girlfriend broke
up with me.
B: You're better off.
You're better off
taking the subway.
12. きっと
I bet...
I bet it's going to rain tomorrow.
a) I bet he's tired.
b) He must be tired.
I bet you're hungry.
You must be hungry.
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