Friday, November 22, 2013

Members Only 英会話ライブレッスン Halloween!! (Mix Level)

英会話ライブレッスン Halloween!! (Mix Level)

I have a dark sense of humor.
scared = afraid
I'm scared of snakes. = I'm afraid of snakes.=
I fear snakes.
I'm afraid + bad news
I'm afraid I can't help you.
I'm afraid I can't come to your party.
I scared of ~. < I'm terrified of ~. < I'm petrified of ~.
I'm scared of snakes. = Snakes are scary.
I am ~ ed.   /   It is ~ ing.

He is creepy.
That song is creepy.
That place is creepy.
a creep = 嫌な奴
He gives me the creeps.
to creep up on sb
creep over 〔恐怖などが〕(人)を徐々に襲う
a spook = a ghost, a spy
a haunted house = a spooky house

Do you believe in ghosts?

What do you call a dead body?
a corpse

Where do vampires sleep?
a coffin / a casket

a graveyard / a cemetery

お墓 = a grave

葬式 a funeral
They are holding a funeral for him today.
火葬する cremate
a cremation 
a crematorium 
a stadium 
an aquarium

a wake
They are holding a wake for him tonight.
a wake, a funeral, a burial, a memorial 

I was so scared!
I was terrified. 
I was petrified.
I was so scared I (almost) peed my pants.
It was so funny (that) I (almost) peed my pants.
I shit myself. 
I was so scared I almost shit myself.
I was scared to death.
I almost died of fright. 
You scared me out my skin!

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