Friday, August 29, 2014

(会員)8月29日(月)23:00 ~ 英会話生放送レッスン Conversational Expressions

(会員)8月29日(月)23:00 ~ 英会話生放送レッスン Conversational Expressions

A: I did something bad. I blame myself. 
B: Don’t kick yourself for it. 

to kick oneself = to blame oneself

2. How do you like to get your kicks? 
= What do you like to do for fun?

Just for kicks.  = Just for fun. 

4. I kicked ass today. = I did great today. 
I did great today.

A: How was the test?  
B: It kicked my ass.  

= It was really difficult!

6. 助かりました!
Thanks! I appreciate it!   
You saved my life!    
You’re a lifesaver!   
Thanks! You were a big help! 
I couldn't have done it without you!

7. はっきり決めてください。
Make up your mind!

8. 気が変わりました。 
I changed my mind. 

9. 微妙
I’m not so sure.   
That’s a tricky question.  
(That’s) Hard to say. 

10. 考えさせてください。
Let me sleep on it. 
Let me think about it.  
Let me think on it.  
Let me give it some thought. 
Let me get back to you about that. 

11. Have you ever thought of getting a dog? 
      Have you ever thought of me? 

12. Did you hear about ~?  (NEWS!)

Have you ever heard of ~? 

(会員)8月28日(月)23:00 ~ 英会話生放送レッスン TOEIC English!

1. to take the bull by the horns 

I think you should take the bull by the horns and tell him. 

2. to be on the same page = to make sure that you and your business partner have the same goal 

and are thinking the same thing 

I want to make sure we’re both on the same page. 

3. to think outside the ~ = to have an idea that is very different from the usual idea

He’s a very successful businessman because he can think outside the box. 

4. to lay st on the line = to be direct and honest

I'm going to lay everything on the line and tell her how I feel. 

5. to bend over backwards = to do your best to make sb happy

I bend over backwards to make sure my customers are satisfied. 

6. to back out of st = to change your mind about an agreement and try to cancel it

He tried to back out of the deal. 

7. a deal = a business agreement 

It’s a big deal! = たいしたもんです。  

It’s not a big deal! =たいしたことない。

I made a deal. 

It’s a good deal. 

He closed a deal.

He backed out of the deal. 

It’s a bad deal. 

Deal with it.

to get a raw deal = to get a bad deal = to be treated badly 

Monday, August 25, 2014

(会員)8月25日(月)23:00 ~ 英会話生放送レッスン Random Lesson

(会員)825日(月)23:00 ~ 英会話生放送レッスン Random Lesson

1. The Ice Bucket Challenge
ALS=amyotrophic lateral sclerosis =《病理》筋萎縮性側索硬化症

2. It’s just good marketing. 

Lou Gehrig ルー・ゲーリック
He died in 1941 at the age of 37 of ALS. 
He died of + disease. 

3. He died in a car accident. 
He died in the earthquake. 

4. I was born in Peru, but I was brought up in America.

I was born ~ an island.  

I was born ~  a farm. 

I was born ~ a cattle ranch.

5. to suspect
Many people are suspicious of the ASL ice bucket challenge.

6. to criticize = 批判する、批評する
Some people criticize it because they say it's a waste of water.

7. I can see that. 
I can see why people say that. 

8. 空気が読めない 
He cannot take a hint. 
Can't you take a hint? 

You need to work on your ability to pick up on non-verbal cues. 

Friday, August 22, 2014

(会員)8月22日(金)23:00 ~ 英会話生放送レッスン Fish Idioms-2!

(会員)8月22日(金)23:00 ~ 英会話生放送レッスン Fish Idioms-2!

1. He drinks like a fish. = He drinks a lot.

Similar: He can hold his liquor.
He can’t hold his liquor.

2. to fish for compliments = to say st because you want someone to compliment you. = 褒めてほしいことをほのめかす

3. I have 2 problem. a) with coworker, b) with big customer
Joe, my coworker is mad at me, but right now I've got bigger fish to fry.

4. Shit or get off the pot.  どっちにするのかはっきりする

Fish or cut bait! 

5. Holy mackeral! = OMG!

6. Gone fishing!
7. Every morning we’re packed in like sardines in the subway.
《be ~》すし詰めになっている

8. a small fish = a small fry
In the Internet world I’m small fry. 

9.  That car salesman is a shark. Be careful when you  do business with him.

(会員)8月21日(木)23:00 ~ 英会話生放送レッスン fish idioms! Yay!!

(会員)8月21日(木)23:00 ~ 英会話生放送レッスン fish idioms! Yaeh!

1. 怪しい fishy

2. 慰める expression. When someone has a broken heart what do we tell them?
There are plenty of fish in the sea.
There are plenty of other fish in the sea.
There are more fish in the sea.
He's not the only fish in the sea.

3. I'd rather be a big fish in a small pond than a small fish in a big pond.

4. I’m off the hook. = I am no longer in trouble.
I was going to fire you, but since your sales went up you’re off the hook.

5. I’m hooked on that TV show.
I'm addicted to Breaking Bad. = I'm hooked on Breaking Bad.

6. I'll hook up with you later.  = You go ahead. I’ll meet you later.

7. We hooked up at the party.

8. He swallowed it, hook, line, and sinker.

9. He is a cold fish. = He is not friendly at all.

10. He has a handshake like a dead fish.
He shakes hands like a dead fish.

11. I feel like a fish out of water.
I felt like a fish out of water.  <—> I felt right at home.

12. It was like shooting fish in a barrel.
It was no challenge. I won. Someone else lost.

Thursday, August 14, 2014

(会員)8月14日(木)23:00 ~ 英会話生放送レッスン Talking about privacy

(会員)8月14日(木)23:00 ~ 英会話生放送レッスン Talking about privacy

1. privacy プライバシー

2. That’s private. / It’s private.

3. プライバシー侵害 = That’s an invasion of privacy.

4. It feels like an invasion of privacy.

5. Can I ask you a private question?

Do you mind if I ask you a private question?

6. That is a privacy issue.

7. Did you hear the story about the shoplifter?

a shoplifter = 万匹をする人

8. Where is the privy?

privy = (noun) a toilet in a separate small building next to a house

9. He ate it secretly. / He ate it in secret.

He snuck some food.

10. I’d like to talk to you in private.

11. He snuck into the room.

When no one was looking, I snuck a few cookies.

When no one was looking, I snuck a few cookies into my pocket. 

12. Please stop talking to me. I just want to eat in private.

13. behind closed doors: in your own room, house, space

I don’t care what happens behind closed doors.

You should discuss it behind closed doors.

14. to let st out of the bag = to reveal a secret

I let it out of the bag.

Sunday, August 10, 2014

(公開)8月10日(日)23:00 ~ 英会話生放送レッスン MORE Random Idioms

(公開)8月10日(日)23:00 ~ 英会話生放送レッスン MORE Random Idioms      
1. He was struck by lightning.
Idiom: Lightning never strikes twice. 

2. He could sell ice to an eskimo. = He is a great salesman. 

3. It’s the best thing since sliced bread.  = It’s a great new invention. 

4. He fooled me. = He pulled the wool over my eyes.

5. When someone gives you a gift you should just say thank you.  = Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth. 

6. I heard the news straight from the source. = I heard it straight from the horse’s mouth. 

7. I would never go to a place like that. = I wouldn’t be caught dead in a place like that. 

8. I will not allow that. = Over my dead body.  

9. Relax. Calm down. = Keep your ~ on. 
Keep your hat on. 
Keep your shirt on.
Keep your pants on.
Keep your hair on.

Joe Cocker - You Can Leave Your Hat On (Official Video) HD

Friday, August 8, 2014

(公開)8月08日(金)23:00 ~ 英会話生放送レッスン Random Idioms

(公開)808日(金)23:00 ~ 英会話生放送レッスン Random Idioms

1. Everyone is buying them. = They are selling like hotcakes. =They are flying off the shelves.

2. It was very expensive. = It cost me an arm and a leg. 

3. Get to the point! = Stop beating around the bush. 
= Say what you have to say. = Say what you want to say. = Spit it out!

4. He told the secret. (Often by accident.) = He let the cat out of the bag. 

5. He’s crazy. = He’s off his rocker. = He’s got a ~ loose. 

6. 堪忍袋の緒が切れる = That's it. = That's the last straw.

7. He’s a little stupid. = He’s not playing with a full deck. 
“deck” is a metaphor for your brain.  

8. If you look better than the bride, then we could say you are stealing her thunder. 
steal someone's thunder
訳語 (人の)手柄を横取りする

I'm sorry. I didn't mean to steal your thunder.
9. I rarely do that. = I do that once in a blue moon.

10. Let's play it by ear. = We’ll decide later. 

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

(公開)8月05日(火)23:00 ~ 英会話生放送レッスン ENTERTAINMENT NEWS

Channel live broadcast
(公開)8月05日(火)23:00 ~ 英会話生放送レッスン ENTERTAINMENT NEWS

1. "Guardians Of The Galaxy" Decimates Box Office Expectations
to decimate = to destroy

2. 'Big Bang Theory' actors set for big payday
20 million people watch every episode
to hold out for st ~をあくまでも要求する、~を求めて[要求して・得ようとして]粘る、~を求めて合意を渋る
They held out for more money.
I'm holding out for something better.

3. "The Expendables 3."

He is expendable. = He is not necessary.

The second sequel.

4. Mel Gibson has a bad reputation in Hollywood.
He had a meltdown a few years ago. 
core meltdown accident = 炉心溶融事故
He had a meltdown.

He got really drunk, and he said some anti-semetic things.

5. Black Cat spin-off film? Sony expanding 'Spider-Man' universe with female lead

6. a threesequel = the 3rd movie in a series

7. a movie franchise = a series of movies

The star of Guardians of the Galaxy is an actor named Chris Pratt.

8. Prove it!
Chris sang one of the most difficult songs of the album.
The radio DJs underestimated him. 
to underestimate sb = 低く見積もること、過小評価すること

underestimate one's rival

Monday, August 4, 2014

(公開)8月04日(金)23:00 ~ 英会話生放送レッスン JNEWS!

(公開)8月04日(金)23:00 ~ 英会話生放送レッスン JNEWS!

1. Guam man guilty over deadly Japanese tourist attack
He was found guilty.
over = becuase   
deadly = st that can kill you
He'll get death. = He'll get the death sentence. 死刑
He'll get life. = He'll get a life sentence.  無期懲役
2. Man dies in tractor accident in Gunma
He broke his leg in a car accident.
He was hurt in the (car) accident. 
3. He died of natural causes. 
    He died of old age.
4. He lived to a ripe old age.
live to a ripe old age 十分に長生きする

5. I have no words. 
I am speechless. 
I am at a loss for words.

6. Osaka police admit hiding 81,000 crimes to clean up image
They lied about the crime rate in Osaka.
The Osaka police were trying to clean up their image/reputation.
image/reputation = 評判

7. Teen murder suspect committed 'unforgivable' act, says father
What you did was unforgivable.   
What I did was unforgivable.
There is no excuse for what she did.
There is no rationale for what she did.

8. a psychopath 精神病者
or psychopath 精神異常者 or
She is mentally ill.
She has mental problems.
She is criminally insane.
She’s a pyscho.
9. Digital-age robber foiled by analog elderly woman at convenience store in Fukuoka
digital-age = modern
foiled = ruined, stopped
The police foiled the thief's plan.= 警察は泥棒の計画を失敗させた。
10. I had my stitched (taken) out.
11. analog <--> digital
12. She had bad eyesight.
13. She didn’t lose her cool. She kept her cool. = She did not panic.

Friday, August 1, 2014

(公開)8月01日(金)23:00 ~ 英会話生放送レッスン inviting & saying no thank you

(公開)8月01日(金)23:00 ~ 英会話生放送レッスン inviting & saying no thank you

Slow down, please.

Could you speak more slowly, please?


expiration date = 賞味期限
expired = 失効した、期限切れの

Would you like to ....?

Would you like to join me?
Would you like to join me for ~?
Would you like to join me for a drink?
Would you like to join me for dinner?
Would you like to join me for a cup of coffee?

Are you busy tonight?
Do you any time tonight?
What are you doing tonight?
Do you have any plans for tonight?

Do you have any plans for Saturday?
 Do you have any plans for Saturday night?

What are you up to this evening?
What are you doing this evening?

Would you like to have dinner with me?

Would you like to go to the movies?

Want to grab some dinner with me tomorrow night?

There's this new French restaurant in Sakae I've been meaning to check out?  Feel like checking it out with me?

Would you like to…?
Do you feel like…?
Do you want to…?
How about ….?

Feel like grabbing a beer after work?
Feel like grabbing some dinner after work?

A: I feel like doing something tonight. 
B: Oh, really? Why not joining me for a drink?
Oh, tonight? I’m sorry. I can’t. I already have plans?

Rain check.
I better take a rain check. 
I have to get up early tomorrow.
Can I take a rain check?
Do you mind if I take a rain check?
Would you mind too much if I took a rain check tonight?
I’ll have to take a rain check.

Would you mind too terribly much if I...?

I’d love to, but….

I’m tempted, but I better not.
Oh, I’m tempted, but I better not.

That sounds tempting, but I better not.

(会員)7月30日(日)23:00 〜 英会話生放送レッスン DOCTOR ENGLISH

(会員)7月30日(日)23:00 〜 英会話生放送レッスン DOCTOR ENGLISH
Channel live broadcast
(会員)7月30日(日)23:00 ~ 英会話生放送レッスン DOCTOR ENGLISH
1. How did you operation go?
How are you feeling?
local anesthesia
general anesthesia
Did you get stitches?
When do you get your stitches out?

2. I have a ~ache. There are only 5.
5 aches
I have a backache.
I have an earache.
I have a toothache.

I have a headache.
I have a stomachache.

I have heartache.

There are plenty of fish in the sea.

3. He has mental problems.
He has psychological problems.

4. He has asthma.

5. He has 糖尿病 diabetes.

6. He has a heart condition.

7. 肥満 He is obese.
He suffers from obesity.

8. He has cancer.
He has “The Big C”.
He is battling cancer. 

9. 微熱です。
He has a slight fever.

10. 風邪気味です。
I have a slight cold.   I feel a cold coming on.
I’m coming with a cold.
I think I'm coming down with a cold.
I have a touch of the flu.
the flu = ンフルエンザ
I have the measles. (はしか)

みずぼうそうmizubousou  = the chicken pox