Friday, August 8, 2014

(公開)8月08日(金)23:00 ~ 英会話生放送レッスン Random Idioms

(公開)808日(金)23:00 ~ 英会話生放送レッスン Random Idioms

1. Everyone is buying them. = They are selling like hotcakes. =They are flying off the shelves.

2. It was very expensive. = It cost me an arm and a leg. 

3. Get to the point! = Stop beating around the bush. 
= Say what you have to say. = Say what you want to say. = Spit it out!

4. He told the secret. (Often by accident.) = He let the cat out of the bag. 

5. He’s crazy. = He’s off his rocker. = He’s got a ~ loose. 

6. 堪忍袋の緒が切れる = That's it. = That's the last straw.

7. He’s a little stupid. = He’s not playing with a full deck. 
“deck” is a metaphor for your brain.  

8. If you look better than the bride, then we could say you are stealing her thunder. 
steal someone's thunder
訳語 (人の)手柄を横取りする

I'm sorry. I didn't mean to steal your thunder.
9. I rarely do that. = I do that once in a blue moon.

10. Let's play it by ear. = We’ll decide later. 

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