Monday, August 4, 2014

(公開)8月04日(金)23:00 ~ 英会話生放送レッスン JNEWS!

(公開)8月04日(金)23:00 ~ 英会話生放送レッスン JNEWS!

1. Guam man guilty over deadly Japanese tourist attack
He was found guilty.
over = becuase   
deadly = st that can kill you
He'll get death. = He'll get the death sentence. 死刑
He'll get life. = He'll get a life sentence.  無期懲役
2. Man dies in tractor accident in Gunma
He broke his leg in a car accident.
He was hurt in the (car) accident. 
3. He died of natural causes. 
    He died of old age.
4. He lived to a ripe old age.
live to a ripe old age 十分に長生きする

5. I have no words. 
I am speechless. 
I am at a loss for words.

6. Osaka police admit hiding 81,000 crimes to clean up image
They lied about the crime rate in Osaka.
The Osaka police were trying to clean up their image/reputation.
image/reputation = 評判

7. Teen murder suspect committed 'unforgivable' act, says father
What you did was unforgivable.   
What I did was unforgivable.
There is no excuse for what she did.
There is no rationale for what she did.

8. a psychopath 精神病者
or psychopath 精神異常者 or
She is mentally ill.
She has mental problems.
She is criminally insane.
She’s a pyscho.
9. Digital-age robber foiled by analog elderly woman at convenience store in Fukuoka
digital-age = modern
foiled = ruined, stopped
The police foiled the thief's plan.= 警察は泥棒の計画を失敗させた。
10. I had my stitched (taken) out.
11. analog <--> digital
12. She had bad eyesight.
13. She didn’t lose her cool. She kept her cool. = She did not panic.

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