Monday, March 23, 2009

ニコニコ動画 Monday Class, March 23, 2009

Must know slang:
"piss" has 3 meanings
1) おしっこ=pee, urine
The dog pissed on the tree. (動詞)
I have to piss. (動詞)
I stepped in piss. (名詞)
2) 怒っている=angry、まd
I am pissed.
I am pissed off.
She really pissed me off
I'm p.o.'d. (short for: I'm pissed off.)
3) 酔っている=drunk
He is pissed.
Speaking of "drunk".
a) I'm a little drunk. = I'm tipsy.
b) I'm really drunk. = I'm trashed.
Speaking of "trash".
Someone or something that is of very low quality is considered "trash".
That movie was trash.
That magazine is trash.
That criminal is trash.
a crime: 犯罪
a criminal =犯罪者
Speaking of criminals:
the death penalty=死刑
to sentence sb to death: 死刑を宣告する、死刑判決を下す
to sentence a murderer to death: 殺人者を死刑に処する
to sentence sb to life imprisonment: 終身刑を宣告する
life imprisonment: 終身刑.
He got life. = He got life imprisonment.
to be sentenced to ten years at [of] hard labor: 重労働10年を申し渡される.

Last Wednesday a Nagoya court sentences 2 men to death and a third to life imprisonment for killing a woman.

A court sentenced 2 men to death.

to turn oneself in: 自首する
The third man turned himself into the police.

What is the opposite of "strict"?
lenient (形容詞): 寛大な
leniency: 寛大さ
There is no room for leniency=情状酌量の余地はない。
He got leniency. = That means the court went easy on him.
Take it easy on me.
Go easy on him.
The airplane accident.
An airplane crashed today.
An airplane crashed today.
The pilot and copilot died in the accident.
My condolences.
I'm sorry for your loss.

Baseball Game: Japan v.s. USA
Japan beat the USA today.
The USA lost to Japan.
Japan trained harder than the USA.
Japan has a good chance of winning.
Who are you rooting for?
to root for sb= 応援する

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