Wednesday, March 18, 2009

ニコニコ動画 Wednesday Class, March 18, 2009

Today's Listening:
So, wuddayawannado?
So, what do you want to do?

Listening math:
what + do = wudda
want + to = wanna
Translate the following into English!
1. 先の話に戻るけど。
2. さっそくだけど。
3. おもいついたんだけど。
4. ちなみに。
5. その話はおいといて
6. そうじゃなくて
7. よく言うよ。 
Answers to the above:
1. Getting back to what we
were talking about before.
Let's get back on track.
You were saying?
Where were we?
Where was I?
What was I saying?
Let's get back to what
we were talking about.
2. Let's get to the point.
Let me get right to the point.
Let's get right to the point.
Getting to the point, ~.
3. I just realized something.
It just occurred to me.
I just had an idea.
I just had a thought.
4. Incidentally
By the way
That reminds me
Speaking of
5. Let's change the subject for a moment.
Let's put that aside for a moment
Putting that aside
6. That's not what I meant.
What I meant to say was...
I didn't meant that.
7. There you go again.
Shut up. (Smile!)
I bet you say that to all the girls.

Iraqi who threw shoes at
Bush jailed for 3 years
To jail sb means to
put them in jail.
He was convicted of assault.

to make it.
I can't make it?
By what time can
you make it?
He finally made it!
I made it myself.
He made a goal.

Today's complaint:
X Present for you. <--NOT natural!

O This is for you.
O I have a present for you.
O I bought this for you.
O I got you something.
O I got you a present.
O I got a present for you.
O I have a little something for you.
O This is a small token of my appreciation.
O This is a small token of my gratitude.

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