Sunday, March 22, 2009

ニコニコ動画 Sunday Class, March 22, 2009

Useful Idiom point
Use these with people: to bump into sb: ばったり会う
to run into sb:ばったり会う
Example: I bumped into an old friend at the mall yesterday.

Use this with things: to come across st:
Example: I came across an interesting article in the newspaper today.

Listening point for today:
What we hear: It's preddy good, isn dit?
What we write: It's pretty good, isn't it?

Another listening variation: It's preddy good, idnit?

Yes! idnit=isn't it!

The math: t → d
Fruit Expressions:
Fill in the following blanks with the best fruit:
1. Thanks so much, honey! You're a~!
2. An ~ a day keeps the doctor away.
3. I bought a new car, but it broke down after one week. What a ~!
4. You can't compare rock music
and opera! They're (fruit A)s and (fruit B)s.
5. I heard through the ~vine that you got a new girlfriend! What's she like?
Explanation of above:
1. a peach: a very nice person or thing
2. An apple a day keeps the doctor away.: something that you say which means eating an apple every day will keep you healthy
3. a lemon st you buy that broken, has problems or is low quality
4. apples and oranges: used to talk about 2 things that are too different to compare
5. the grapevine: gossip
Obama news:
He made a joke comparing his bowling ability to that of the Special Olympics.
Special Olympics: 特別オリンピック、スペシャル・オリンピックス◆知的障害者{ちてき しょうがいしゃ}のためのオリンピック

Fill in the blank: He put his ~ in his mouth.

Answer: ʇooɟ
to put one's foot in one's mouth

to make a (verbal) gaffe:  失言をする

Aso said stock traders can be shady.
Shady is あやしい。

What are other words for 「あやしい」?
dubious, dodgy,suspicious, questionable, fishy

Thanks for coming today!

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