Wednesday, March 11, 2009

ニコニコ動画 Wednesday Class, March 11, 2009

Today's Class if for Intermediate to Advanced students.
I plan to do a short 公開 class -- open to non members. If you go to both, you may see me repeat some of the information here:
First, let's warm-up!
Translate the following to English!
1. また後で。
2. まだ今度.
3. お元気で。
4. いってきます。
5. いってらっしゃい。
6. ただいま。
7. おかえりなさい。
Bonus Questions:
8. はっきりしないお天気ですね。
9. お願いがあるんだけど。
10. それで思い出したんだけど。

Answers to above:
1. See you later!, Later! Hasta la vista! See you later, alligator!, Take care! See you in a little while!, See you soon!
2. Some other time., We'll do next time., I'll take a rain check.
3. Take care. Take it easy.
4. I'm going out now., See you later.
5. Have a good day., Have a good one.
6. I'm home!, Honey, I'm home!
7. Welcome home!
8. The weather has been really fickle.
9. I have a favor to ask you.
10. That reminds me.

From Heroes today:
You're a very resourceful woman.=あなたは機略に富んだ女性です。
a resourceful person=力[能力/才能/才覚]のある人
Today's news:
1. Who is Kim Hyon Hui?
(Answer using "former" or "ex")

2. Is she famous or infamous?

3. What did she do?
(Hints: airplane, South Korean, 1987)

4. What did she do when they arrested her?

5. Was she found guilty or not guilty?

6. What was her punishment?

7. Why is she alive today?

8. Why was she pardoned?

9. How did Kim learn Japanese?

Answers to above:
1. She is an ex-North Korean spy. / She is an former North Korean agent.

2. Trick question! She is actually both! She was first infamous for her crimes. Then later she became famous because her husband wrote a book about her.

3. She planted a bomb on an airline. The bomb detonated.
to plant a bomb: 爆弾を仕掛ける
to detonate: 爆発する

4. She tried to commit suicide by swallowing cyanide tablets.

5. She was found guilty.

6. She was sentenced to death.
to sentence sb to (punishment) =(人)を~の刑に処する

sentenced to death
《be ~》死刑判決を受ける

7. She was pardoned.
to pardon sb=(人)に完全な赦免を与える

8. She was pardoned because she was believed to have been duped into committing her crime by the North Korean government, specifically Kim Jon Il.
to dupe=だます, to fool sb

9. She learned Japanese from Taguchi, a Japanese woman who was kidnapped when she was 22 years old in June 1978.
Newspaper quote:
"I have no doubt your mother is still alive. I’m sure you will be able to meet her if you continue to make the effort," Kim told them in Japanese. Kim is believed to have learned from Taguchi.

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