Wednesday, March 25, 2009

ニコニコ動画 Wednesday Class, March 25, 2009

Basic Translation Mistakes!

Translate the following:
1. パーティーに参加しますか?

1. Are you going to the party?
Typical Mistake:
X Are you joining the party.
a) "join"は決まっているグループと一緒に使う.
When did you join the company?
Are you going to join the club?
Ichiro joined the Mariners.

b) "join"は人間と一緒に使う。
Would you like to join us for dinner?
Do you mind if I join you?

2. 今度のパーティーに行けません。
2. I'm not going to be able to go to the party.
I'm not going to make the party.

3. 今日駄目です。約束が入っているんだ。
3. I can't today. I already have plans.

NOTE: plans is usually plural (複数)
1. I made a mistake.
2. She made me mad!
3. Don't make me go!
4. I made lunch.
5. I made up my mind.
6. He made the bed.
7. You made my day!
These flowers really make this room.
That song really made the movie.
8. We made it! = We succeeded!
9. I don't think I'm going to make my train.
Are you going to make your plane?
10. The cops made him! = He's been made.
= They identified him or recognized him.

Japan opposition leader's aide indicted in scandal
to indict sb: 人を非難する、起訴する、告訴する、告発する

Hawker's family hopes Japan will eliminate statute of limitations
a statute of limitations: 時効

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