Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Jan. 17, 2011 - Nico Nico Douga Beginner Lesson

Jan. 17, 2011年1月17日

brisk cool chilly cold freezing
used book store
a thrift store

1. belong=〜所属する

a) When I was in high school
I was a member of the chess club.
=When I was in high school.
I belonged to the chess club.
b) I don’t feel comfortable here.
=I don’t (feel like I) belong here.
c) I feel comfortable here. =
I really feel like I belong here.

2. pass=誰かに何かを渡す

Pass me the salt.

3. 誰かにプレゼントする
=to give sb a gift

=She gave me a watch.

4. miss=を見逃す、〜に乗り遅れる

I missed my favorite TV show last night.
会えないから寂しい。=I miss you.

5. put on / wear / take off

I forgot to put on my glasses.
He is wearing a wool cap.
Take off your shoes before you come in.

6. to do sb a favor

Can you do me a favor?

7. spend=費やす

=I spend a lot of money on Maggie.

=I spent 10 hours making this video.

8. to lose=to forget st somewhere (なくす, 落とす)
=to not win a game, etc. (負ける)
= to go down in number, weight (減らす)

to lose your mind=to go crazy
Have you lost your mind?

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