Sunday, January 9, 2011

Nico Nico – Jan. 5, 2010, Happy New Year, everyone!

Happy New Year, everyone!
Let’s catch up!
Let’s tell each
other our news!
What did you do ~
New Year’s break?
What did you
do over/during
New Year’s break?
I went ~ to Hakuba.
I went up to Hakuba.
I didn’t go skiing.
I just ~ it easy.
I stayed in and rested.
I stayed in and
took it easy.
I chilled at home.
I relaxed at home.
I just took it easy.
I celebrated New Year
with my family. = I ~
in the New Year with
my family.
I celebrated New Year
with my family. = I rang
in the New Year with
my family.

As some of you know,
Geof passed ~ last week.
I think the funeral was
Dec. 31st, but I couldn’t go.
I couldn’t ~ it.
I couldn’t make it.
I wish I could
have given a eulogy
at the wedding.

“a eulogy” is a kind
of speech you give
at a funeral.

I hurt my knee last night.
It’s really swollen.
I iced it and heated it
but it hasn’t helped.
to alternate=to back an forth between 2 things
It’s really painful.
It’s agonizing.
It’s excruciating.

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