Sunday, January 9, 2011

Nico Nico – Jan. 9 & 10, 2010


The doctor told me to stay off my leg.
Hello Nico Nico Douga!

Let’s study some HEADLINES!
1. Suicides in Japan top
30,000 for 13th straight year
a) to commit suicide
He committed suicide.
He is doing something really
stupid.= It’s suicide.
b) to top = to go over, to beat
c) straight = in a row, running,
successive, consecutive,
[英会話] イチロー200安打!「10年連続」記録更新

2. 4 perish in residential fire
in Kumamoto Prefecture
a) to perish=to die
b) perishable=food
that can rot easily
c) Perish the thought.
d) residential(adj.)=where people live
e) to reside= to live
f) a resident=sb who
lives somewhere
g) a prefecture=県

First of all Jack and Rose
met on the gorgeous ship.
As soon as they met
they were fall in love.
As soon as they met they fell in love.
It was love at first site.
And then attack on the ice rock.
-->And then it hit an iceberg.
And the ship broken! --> And the ship was broken!
The ship was damaged and
started to take on water.
Many people were sinking in the sea.
It was very cold so
they were shaking.
They were shivering from the cold.
They were trembling from fear.

By request:
What is the difference between: “particular” & “special”?
Anything ~ happen yesterday?
A: Do you have any questions?
B: None in ~.

I have a ~ problem with
people who litter.
Everyone is ~ in their own way.
She is very ~ about her food.

What is the difference between: “empty”&“vacant”?
His eyes were ~.
My mind is ~.
The building is ~.
Please ~ your cup.
Please empty your mind.

What is the difference between: “casual” & “informal”?
The dress code at school is ~.
Jeans are ~.
He had an ~ conversation
with the boss.
He was being a little too ~.

What is the difference between: “compliment”& “complement”?
White wine ~ seafood.
Red wine ~ beef.
Thanks for the ~.
She ~ me on my hair.

1. You could get a haircut.
2. Why don’t you get a haircut.
3. How about getting a haircut?
4. You should get a haircut.
5. You ought to get a haircut.
6. Have you thought about getting a haircut?
7. I think you should consider getting a haircut.
8. Why don’t you think about getting a haircut?
9. You have to get a haircut!
10. You must get a haircut!
11. Get a haircut!
12. Get a hair cut already!

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