Tuesday, October 23, 2012

(会員)10月22日(月曜日) 23:00 - Barack Obama LESSON 2

J: What happened? What, did you feel.. did you? Here's what happens to me sometimes. Sometimes I'll go on stage, and I'll have let's say an open faced Turkey Sandwich and a shot of Nyquil, and uh...

O: That's a good combination.

He's being sarcastic. = 皮肉

J: And half way through I'll look up and go, "are we on?" Did, did you sense, were you taken aback by their reaction to it? Did you sense this wasn't going as well as you'd like it to? What, what happened?

go = say = 言う
went = said = 言った
to be taken aback = to be shocked
How is it going?

O: Look, you know, I think obviously I had an off night. The presentation wasn't the way it was needed to be, but the issues haven't changed. They didn't change after the first debate, and they didn't change in the second debate. And that is that the stakes in this election are really big. You know, Governor Romney makes a good presentation, but the fundamentals of what he's calling for are the same policies that got us into this mess that we've been fighting against for the last 4 years, trying to dig are way out of -- an economy that was good for a few folks at the top but wasn't working for ordinary Americans. And after 31 months of consecutive job growth we've seen 5.2 million jobs created. Manufacturing is starting to come back. The auto industry (is) recovering. Housing is starting to rise again. I want to make sure that we're not going back to those policies. And I want to make sure that over the next four years we're building on the progress that we've already made to create jobs right here in America for folks. And and to make sure that middle class families have security.

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