Thursday, October 25, 2012

(会員)10月24日(水曜日) 23:00 - Barack Obama LESSON 3

(会員)10月24日(水曜日) 23:00 - Barack Obama LESSON 3

Today I interviewed PropogandaBuster and we went over time, so we’re starting a few minutes later than usual. My apologies.
Let’s get back to the interview!

J: Would you say...? Do you feel that you have a stronger affirmative case for a second Barack Obama presidency or a stronger negative case for a Mitt Romney presidency? What is, in your mind, what is the the the stronger case to be made. Or do you prefer a melange. But what is, because I'm curious, what do you think? Did you feel like you've, do you feel you've made the strong enough affirmative case or a stronger negative case?

O: I think I've got a strong end on both ends. Four years ago I said I'd end the war in Iraq. We did. I said we'd pass health care reforms, make sure people don't go bankrupt when they get sick. We have. Said that we would refocus our attention on Al Quiada. We have. Made sure that, made sure that we'd save an auto industry that was on the brink of collapse. We've done that. So we've got a very strong story to tell. Whether it's on social issues like "don't ask, don't tell" or economic issues that matter for, uh, middle class families. I do think that part of the president's job is not only moving forward on things that will work but also preventing things that won't work. So, I think you want a president in the Oval Office who is going to say "no, we're not going amend our constitution for the first time to restrict rights for gay and lesbian couples... We're not gonna, we're not gonna pass a budget where all the work we've done to make college more affordable for young people gets wiped aside so that suddenly lenders and banks are getting extra tens of billions of dollars.
We're not going to roll back health care so that millions of people are thrown off the roles.
We're not going to turn Medicare into a voucher system. So, but, but when you think about it, it is two sides of the same coin.

It is two sides of the same coin.

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