Wednesday, October 24, 2012

ヤクザの女親分のようなイメージ - Japan's Female Godfather/Charles Manson [JNEWS!]

The Japanese article:

Of course I find an article on it AFTER I do the video! ARGH!
Here it is:
My LOOSE translation & notes:
In Amagasaki city, 3 bodies were found under the floorboards of a residence. A 64 year old woman named Miyoko Sumida is suspected in the robberies, deaths and disappearances of 8 people. With a complete disregard for life, she beat them and stole their money. Her connection to all of these incidents is intricate and very confusing but apparently she created some of brainwashing network. The police are still piecing it all together but it looks like she's been involved in the disappearances of people for over 25 years.
According to the testimony of people involved in the case, she is responsible for another 3 people's bodies were found in a house in Takamatsu City 高松市 and in the ocean off of Okayama Prefecture 岡山県.
According to Hyogo Police 兵庫県警the first body was found about a week ago in Hyogo but a lengthy investigation is unavoidable.
She invited a Taco Yaki owner to her house to talk over business and according to him she had a few henchmen in the room, we call them 子分 kobun. The just stood there, like bodyguards. She served a luxurious spread of sushi and when the Taco Yaki owner suggested the other men eat, she dismissed the suggestion like a mafia male 親分.
And when she visited the Tako Yaki restaurant she would clean him out and buy all he had -- 100s at once.
When he commented on a piece of expensive furniture in her house and asked if he could look at it closer, she commented, "Sure, but it's ichi oku en." That's 100 million yen or $1.25 million!

She kept her victims locked up
監禁= house arrest
Confined & Beaten
On Oct. 13th, following the testimony of the suspect's friends/acquaintances that she had buried 3 bodies, the Hyogo Police started searching a residence in Amagasaki City, Kajigashima尼崎市梶ケ島. Between the 14th and 15th, they found the 3 bodies buried in the dirt under the floorboards.
So get this. Sumida somehow convinced her step daughter, Rui, to kill her uncle, Takashi Tanimoto, and her brother's girlfriend -- a 71 year old woman. The police said there is a high possibility that the third body belongs to the step daughter's older sister.

Cause of death shiin死因 remains unknown. But the police did verify that Takashi had bruises on his head and legs. According to testimony, he was confined to his room and beaten until he died from weakness.

She never got her hands dirty.
Sumida apparently never killed anyone herself. Using complicated legal family connections, like adopted daughters and using the thugs we mentioned before, she would target someone, force herself into their homes and intimidate them into following her orders.
About 9 years ago, in Takamatsu City, Sumida forced her way into Rui's house. She got her bodyguard thug, a Korean named Lee Masanori (38 years old) to continuously beat and threaten her parents. In this way, she was able to extort 20,000,000 yen ($250,000). That bodyguard is now in jail on completely different charge of disposing a body.
Rui's grandmother (87) is now missing (行方不明) and all of the savings and pension about ¥4,000,000 ($50K) were illegal withdrawn from her oldest son's (69) bank account. She was apparently living with him for short time, and he tried to escape but she always dragged him back home.

In another, Sumida is also suspected of killing Kazuko Oe (66) in Kobe. He body was found in November of 2011. They were about to start trying the case in court when the bodies in Amagasaki City were found. In light of this new evidence the prosecutors said they have no choice but to stop the proceedings until they can determine the connection, etc.
Following a year long covert investigation, they were able to gather evidence and testimony implicating Sumida in the deaths and disappearances of multiple victims murdered by their own family members. Presumably on Sumida's orders.  Terrorized by Sumida into committing the crimes, the family members could not deny they were complicit in the murders.

In addition to the 6 murders, they suspect she is involved in even more crimes. Another of Sumida's step sister (59) is also charged with robbing her husband in Okinawa 17 years ago where he fell into sea. The police also suspect Miyoko got the insurance money -- which was 10 million yen ($125m) and said the death was unnatural 不自然。
巧妙 koumyou tricky, ingenius

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