Friday, October 5, 2012

(会員) FRIDAY 11:00pm - 10月05日-intermediate-advanced

(会員) FRIDAY 11:00pm - 10月05日-intermediate-advanced

Oct. 5, 2012
Friday – Int. – Adv.
1. When I was a child I did not like soda water.
Since I turned 40, I’ve come to like it.
After turning 40, I’ve come to like it.

2. modest / humble = adjectives
Welcome to my humble home/abode.
X He lived in a humble house.
O He lived in a modest house.
He drove a modest car.
He always flew coach.
humble = personality
Ex: He is a humble person.

modest = temporarily for someone who does not brag

Don't be modest.
I thought my Japanese was pretty good, but I was humbled by Joe's Japanese.
~ was a humbling experience.
Democrats / Republicans
Voter ID laws disproportionallyaffect Democrats.

Japanese insurers stop covering firms against China riots

Loopholes are very useful when you pay your taxes.

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