Tuesday, October 16, 2012

(会員) 金曜日 11:00pm - 10月12日 Int. - Adv.

(会員) 金曜日 11:00pm - 10月12日 Int. - Adv.

I was crazy busy today.
1. IMF urges against draconian fiscal reforms in Europe
IMFInternational Monetary Fund 国際通貨基金
Fiscal Reforms = 経済・財政の改革

2. Japan sees U.S. as deterrent to China in islands dispute
deterrent =抑止するもの手段、妨害物
a dispute =議論、論争、口論, 不和、紛争
a row, a fight, a quarrel, a conflict, a dispute, a spat,
The death penalty is not a deterrent.
The picture is meant to be a deterrent.
3.a China hoped to deter people from buying Japanese cars with this car tax.
The tax is meant to be a deterrent.

4. 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue = The White House
The Prime Minister's official residence is 10 Downing Street.

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