Tuesday, October 16, 2012

(会員) 水曜日 11:10pm - 10月10日 MIXED- GET idioms

1. I enjoy doing that. = I get a kick out of that.
What do you for kicks?
What do you like to do for kicks?
How do you get your kicks?
What do you do for fun?

2. Mind your own business. = Get a life!

3. Look at that!  = Get a load of that!

4. Let’s start working. = Let’s get down to business.

5. Let’s talk about specifics. = Let’s get down to brass tacks.

6. You are standing to close to me. Step back. = Get out of my face!

7. You need to become organized and serious! = Get your act together!

8. Stop complaining about me to me. = Get off my case.
I have to get my act together.
He really has his act together.

9. What is your point? = Get to the point!
He takes a long time to get to the point.

10. Wake up! Accept reality! = Get real!
Get real! That is never going to happen.

11. Hurry up! Run! = Get the lead out!

12.  You are out of fashion. Become fashionable. = Get with it!

13. Go to Hell. = Get bent!

14. That guy really gets my goat. = He really bothers me.

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