Thursday, October 25, 2012

(会員)10月25日(木曜日) 23:00 - MIXED - MUST KNOW ENGLISH

(会員)105(木曜日) 23:00 - MIXED - MUST KNOW ENGLISH

Let’s learn some NEW meaning for easy words:

1. He pushed me.
2. Don’t push me.  = Don’t give me pressure.
3. Don’t push your luck. = 図に乗るな。/悪乗りするな。
4. He’s pushing the envelope. = He is going further than before.
to push the envelope = もっと高いレベルを求め
5. He knows just how to push my buttons.
to push sb’s buttons = (人)の反感を買う、(人)を怒らせる
Stop trying to push my buttons.
Are you trying to push his buttons?

6. Pull over! = Drive to the edge of the road and stop the car.
7. He pulled into the parking lot. = He drove into the parking lot.
8. He pulled out of the parking lot. = He drove out of the parking lot.
9. He pulled around to the front. = He drove his car to the front.
10. I pulled a muscle in my thigh. = I used too much energy in his muscle and hurt himself.

A: I’m thinking.
B: Don’t pull a muscle. / Don’t hurt herself.

11. He didn’t pull any punches. = He used all his force when he punched.
12. He isn’t pulling his weight. = He is not doing his fair share of work.
I want to pull my weight.
13. しっかりしろ! = Pull yourself together!
Put yourself together!
Get a grip!  Get a hold of yourself!
14. Man up! = Be brave and take care of your responsibility.

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