Monday, October 24, 2011

会員) Intermediate-Advanced English Class/中級-上級 英会話 -Talking about animals

(会員) Intermediate-Advanced English Class/中級-上級 英会話 -Talking about animals

1. A warm blooded animal is called a ~
2. A snake or lizard is a ~.
3. A frog is an ~.
4. An animal that has feathers is called a ~.
5. An animal that can swim and breathe underwater and has scales is called a ~.
6. A cockroach is an ~.
7. A squid and an octopus is called a ~.
a scale = うろこ
a feather = 羽
a cockroach = ゴキブリ
8. An animal that only eat meat is called a ~.
9. An animal that doesn't eat meat is called a ~.
10. An animal that eats both meat and vegetables is called an ~.
11. An animal that mostly active at night is ~.
12. A bear sleeps all winter. = A bear ~ all winter.
13. Dogs travel in ~.
14. Cows and horses travel in ~.
15. Fish travel in ~.
16. Bees travel in ~.
17. Birds travel in ~.
18. Sheep travel in ~.
19. The scientific word for dog is ~.
20. The scientific word for cat is ~.
21. The scientific adjective for pig is ~.
22. The scientific adjective for cow is ~.

1. mammal
2. reptile
3. amphibian
4. bird
5. fish
6. insect
7. mollusk
8. carnivore / meat-eater
9. herbivore / vegetarian
10. omnivore
11. nocturnal
BONUS: I'm a night owl. <--> I’m an early bird. / I'm a morning person.
12. hibernates
13. packs
14. herds
15. schools
16. swarms
17. flocks
18. flocks
19. canine
20. feline
21. porcine
22. bovine

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