Monday, October 3, 2011

Nico Nico Douga - Saturday, Oct. 2, 2011 - 1pm class

1pm - Nico Nico Douga Live Class
Did you hear about the little girl who died
because her father thought a ghost was in her?
Do you believe in ghosts?
Do you believe me?
What’s the difference?
Do you believe in somebody/me/him/yourself/Obama?
to possess
He was possessed by ghost.
He was possessed by ambition.
He was possessed by ambition / greed.

to haunt
The house is haunted.
He was haunted by her memory.

to stalk
He stalked his old girlfriend.
My dog Maggie stalked the cat.

must / must not / mustn’t
have to
The X team must win the next game to qualify for the finals.
You must be tired. X You have to be tired.
I haven't eaten anything today. --> You must be hungry.
I only slept 3 hours last night. --> You must be sleepy.
Someone stole my laptop. --> You must be angry.
My dog bit me. --> You must be shocked.
You should join my member's only Nico Nico Douga English Class.
She plays violin very well. --> --> She must have studied for a long time.
I lost 10 kilograms last month. --> You must have exercised a lot. / You must have been sick.
He is accused of kicking and breaking the reception counter at a karaoke parlor.

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