Friday, December 28, 2012

(会員)12月28日 (金曜日) 10:30pm-11:30pm 初級-中級-上級 1 hour lesson!

(会員)12月28日 (金曜日) 10:30pm-11:30pm 初級-中級-上級 1 hour lesson!

a / the
a = new information
a = 1
a = before proper nouns of people you don't know

1. I went to ~ convenience store.

2. I went to ~ new French restaurant.

3. I like dog. vs. I like dogs. 
What's the difference between these two?

4. I like chicken / chickens.

5. A: He's friends with Tom Cruise. 
    B: You mean ~ Tom Cruise?

6. Have you seen ~ new 007 movie?

Be careful! I'm trying to trick you. I'm trying to fool you.

7. I like listening to ~ music.


8. Do you know ~ music that they are playing on that TV show?

9. ~ Mr. Jones called for you.

10. I have ~ daughter and two sons.  My daughter is married. ~ eldest son is in college, and ~ youngest is in high school.

11. Mr. Jones robbed ~ bank. / He was arrested for robbing ~ bank.

12. Where did you get that car? Did you rob a bank?

13. Excuse me where is ~ bathroom?

14. Excuse me, is there ~ bathroom around here?
1. I have a cold. 

2. I caught a cold. 

3. My son gave me a cold. 
I hope I don't give you my cold!

4. My nose is stuffy.  (can't breathe)
4. My nose is stuffy.  I have a stuffy nose. My nose is stuffed.

5. My nose is running. (鼻水)  I have a runny nose.  

6. I have a slight fever.

7. I have a fever. 

8. I have a [back / ear / tooth / head / stomach] ache.

I haven't gotten the hang of it yet. 

9. I have a hangover. / I am hungover. 

10. I have a sore throat.

China 1950 paper says Senkakus are Japan's 
An unearthed Chinese government document from 1950 appears to refute China's current claim to the Senkakus

My father likes to downplay his health problems.
My father likes to exaggerate his health problems.

The Japanese government was "lying through their teeth about the reactor meltdown" crisis.
The Japanese government was "lying through their teeth".

白々しいうそをつく lie through one's teeth 

Thursday, December 20, 2012

(会員)12月20日(木曜日)初級- これを英語で言えますか?

(会員)12月20日(木曜日)初級- これを英語で言えますか?

Dec. 20, 2012

Can you say these expressions in English?
1. あなたの体重は何キロですか?
How much do you weigh?

2. 身長はどのぐらいですか?
How tall are you?

3. おかわりはどうですか?
Would you like another one?
Would you like more?

4. これと同じで色違いはありますか?
Do you have this in another color?

5. これと同じもので大きいサイズはありますか?
Do you have this in a larger/bigger size?
Do you have this in a large?

6. いかがお過ごしですか?
How have you been?
What have you been up to?
What are you doing?
May I ask what you are doing?

7. 今の仕事に満足していますか?
Are you happy with your present) job?
Are you satisfied with your (present) job?
Do you like your (present) job?

8. 何となくこうなると思っていた。
Somehow I knew this would happen.
Somehow I knew this was coming.
Somehow I knew it would be like this.

9. 頑張ってね!
Hang in there!
Say this to someone who is experiencing a bad time.

Go for it!
Say this to someone who is thinking about doing something difficult.

You can do it!
Say this to encourage someone who may not have confidence.

Do your best!
Say this to someone who has to do something soon – like a test.

Break a leg!
Say this to someone who is about to perform.

Cheer up! = 元気だして。
落ち込んでいる人にCheer up! と良く言う。

Keep your chin up! 頑張ってね!
Say this to someone who is experiencing a bad time.

Good luck! You can say this most times.

Give it your all!

10. あまり無理しないでくださいね!
Don’t work too hard!

Take it easy!
Don't push yourself too hard!
Don't overdo it.
Don't overexert yourself.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

(会員)12月18日(火曜日)Mixed 「Insane」関係の Idioms

1.  He snapped.

2. He lost it.

3. He lost his temper.

4a. He went over the edge.
4b. He was pushed over the edge.

5. He went postal.
to go postal = 気が狂、気違い差別語おかしく・自暴自棄に・やけになる、発狂する、カンカンになる、精神に異常を来す

6. He blew a fuse.

7. He blew his stack. = He blew his top.

8. He flipped out.

9. He had a meltdown.
原子炉の炉心溶解 a nuclear meltdown

10. He had a mental breakdown.
a mental breakdown = 神経衰弱
Synonyms for crazy
1. He is insane. (medical)
2. He is nuts. He is nutty.
3. He is psycho. (dangerous)
4. He is bananas. (fun)
5. He is bonkers. (cute)
6. He is deranged. (dangerous)
7. He is wacky. (fun)

(会員)12月17日 (月曜日) 中級-上級 guns in America

1. a ~gun marriage = a sudden wedding because someone is pregnant

2. to be ~ the gun = to be under pressure

3. to gun ~ someone = to shoot someone like an animal

4. to ~ the gun = to move too quickly

5. to ~ a gun on someone = to take out a gun & point it out at someone

6. to ~ to one's guns = to keep your opinion

7. to put a gun to one's ~ = to threaten sb to do st

8. a smoking gun = strong evidence

Seven Gun Idioms

1. a shotgun marriage

Ex. I can't imagine why they're getting married so quickly unless it's a shotgun marriage.

2. to be under the gun

Ex. I'm really under the gun to finish my report by Friday.

3. to gun someone down

Ex. He was gunned down., He was gunned down in cold blood.

4. to jump the gun

Ex. Don't jump the gun and quit your job. Wait until you talk to your boss.

5. to pull a gun on someone

Ex. He pulled a gun on the clerk and demanded all the money from the register.

6. to stick to one's guns

Ex. You made a good argument, but I'm sticking to my guns.

7. to put a gun to one's head

Ex. Look, I'm not going to put a gun to your head, but I'd like for you to come.

8. a smoking gun = strong evidence

Ex. I am sure he did it, but there is no smoking gun.
Words we use with guns:

1. to put bullets in the gun = to load the gun

Ex. In the old days it took 30 seconds to load a gun.

2. the gun has bullets in it = the gun is loaded

Ex. Don't worry. The gun isn't loaded.

3. to carry a gun = to pack a gun (slang)

Ex. Are you packing?
Is he packing? = Does he have a gun now?

4. to have a gun or any weapon = to be armed

Ex. The police say the suspect is armed and dangerous.


5. to take someone's weapon or gun away = to disarm sb
Ex. I disarmed him with baseball bat.

6. gun size is measured by caliber

.22 is fairly small

The sizes range from .17 to .50.

Clint Eastwood in the Dirty Harry movies carried a .44 Magnum

7. Shotguns are classed according to gauge

12-gauge shotguns are the most common

(会員)12月16日 (日曜日) Mixed - Christmas English!

1. ambivalent 
Q: How do you feel about the elections?
A: I’m ambivalent.
ambivalent = to have mixed feelings
ambidextrous = to be able to use both hands well

2. What are some other names for Santa Clause.
Saint Nicholas/Nick
Father Christmas
Kris Kringle

3. It's Christmas in July.

the Southern Hemisphere

cold idioms:
4. She caught a cold.

5.  to get cold feet
to suddenly become reluctant to do something you were planning
Are you getting cold feet?

6. to give sb the cold shoulder
She gave me the cold shoulder.

7. What's your favorite Christmas Movie?
I like: Nightmare Before Christmas.
Santa Claws

8. She is a cold fish.

9. Cold hands, warm heart.

10. He quit smoking cold turkey. = He quit completely.

11. He knocked him out cold.

12. I need some cold cash. / I need some hard cash.

13. She broke out in a cold sweat.

14. It will be a  cold day in hell before I do that.

15. When Hell freezes over. = Never.
A: Will you kiss me?
B: Sure, when Hell freezes over.

16. cold blooded = without feeling or sympath
It was cold blooded murder.

17. in cold blood
He killed her in cold blood.

18. Cold enough for you?

19. to blow hot and cold
He is blowing hot and cold about ~.

20. 20. to make sb's blood run cold
My blood ran cold when I heard the news.

21. ことわざ / proverb
Revenge is a dish best served cold

I'm ambivalent about NOUN.

(会員)12月14日 (金曜日) 中級-上級 - NEWS

I tend to cough at night.

I have a tendency to cough at night.

I am prone to NOUN/VERBING.

I am prone to coughing at night.

I am cough prone at night.

I am accident prone.

I am accident prone. = I often have accidents.

to gear up for = to get read for = to prepare for

Myoko Sumida committed suicide.

The missile story overshadowed her suicide.

a meteor shower = 流星群、流星雨

30 meteors per hour
The Grammy nomination
Justin Beiber was snubbed.

a dog's nose area = a snout

to snub sb = to ignore

to sneeze = くしゃみをする
snot = 鼻くそ

to growl = to make a threatening noise like a dog does
to snarl=to growl with one’s teeth
to sneer =

(会員)12月11日 (火曜日) MIXED - Snow idioms

1. as white as snow = very VERY white

She has skin as white as snow.
Her skin was as white as know.

2. She was as pure as the driven snow.
She was as pure as the driven snow. = She is pure and chaste.
<--> promiscuous
Ken was notoriusly promiscuous.
notoriously = 悪名

3. as white as a ghost = white because sb is scared
He was as white as a ghost.

4. as white as a sheet = white because of shock/surprise
She turned as white as a sheet when I told her her dog had died.

5. to be snowed in
It snowed so much that I was afraid I would get snowed in.
We always have food prepared just in case we get snowed in.
I’m snowed in! = I’m trapped! I can’t go anywhere because of the snow.

The blizzard snowed us in.
a blizzard = a snow storm

6. to be snowed under = overworked, VERY busy
I always get snowed under in April.

7. a snow job = a plan to fool or deceive sb
He is trying to do a snow job on me.

Monday, December 10, 2012

(会員)12月10日 (月曜日) MIXED - Must Know TV Idioms!

(会員)12月10日 (月曜日) MIXED - Must Know TV Idioms!


007: It’s gone.
M: You both know what’s at stake here.
Black woman: There isn’t much road left.
M: Take the bloody shot!

M: What do you say about a man like that?
Agent: Three months ago you lost the drive containing the identity of every agent embedded in terrorist organizations across the globe.
007: Double O Seven, reporting for duty.
M: Where the Hell have you been?
007: Enjoying death.
Gareth: I only have one question. Why not stay dead?  There’s no shame in saying you’ve lost a step.
Gareth: They weren’t targeting her. They wanted her to see it. Welcome to the new Mi6.
Q: I’m your Quarter Master.
007: You must be joking.
Q: The Walther PPK/S nine-millimeter short. It's been coded to your palmprint so only you can fire it. Less of a random killing machine, more of a personal statement.
007: Q.
Q: Double O Seven.
007: I want to meet your employer.

Sévérine: What do you know about fear?
James Bond: All there is.
Sévérine: Well not like this. Not like him.

Raoul Silva: Just look at you, chasing spies. England. Mi6. She sent you after me, knowing you're not ready, knowing you would likely die. Mommy was very bad.
The two survivors. This is what she made us.
007: Everybody needs a hobby.
Raoul Silva: So what’s yours?

007: Resurrection.

to be at stake: 賭けられて 懸かっている
He looks dead.

identity: 正体、身元
embedded: 埋め込まれた、内蔵された、組み込みの
reporting for duty: に出勤されている
there’s no shame in ving: it’s ok to verb, ~は恥ずかしいことではありません
to lose a step: 効き目が薄れる[弱まる]
less A, more B:
a random killing machine: ランダムな殺害機械
a personal statement: 個人の声明

resurrection: 生き返り、よみがえり

He is resurrected.
 an obituary: 死亡記事[広告・告知]

Where in Sam Hill have you been?
Where the heck have you been?
Where the Hell have you been?
Where the fuck have you been?

He's lost a step.= He used to be better.

the villain = the bad guy

(会員)12月07日 (金曜日) 中級-上級 - My favorite words

(会員)12月07日 (金曜日) 中級-上級 - My favorite words

1. to get under sb's skin
She gets under my skin.

Many things bother me. 
Many things bug me. 
Many things annoy me.

 2. diddlysquat=nothing
I didn't do diddlysquat.
He didn't do squat.
He doesn't know squat. 
He doesn't know diddlysquat.

 3. redonkulous
ridiculous + donkey
= ridiculous 

4. gruesome + grisly
gruesome: ゾッとするような, 恐ろしい, Causing horror and repugnance; frightful and shocking
grisly: ゾッとするような、身の毛もよだつ、不気味な, Inspiring repugnance; gruesome

5. lascivious=sexual, expressing lust

6. Best 〜 ever!

7. dilapidated= Having fallen into a state of disrepair or deterioration, as through neglect; broken-down and shabby.
8. a douche = a low level person
a douche bag = a low level person

9. ginormous =
gigantic + enormous = ginormous

10. ravenous = VERY hungry

11. aesthetic = artistic, pleasing in appearance
The painting is aesthetically pleasing.

12. epicurean = Devoted to the pursuit of sensual pleasure, especially to the enjoyment of good food and comfort.

13. mercurial = Quick and changeable in temperament; volatile

(会員)12月04日 (火曜日) 初級 - restaurant expressions

(会員)12月04日 (火曜日) 初級 - restaurant expressions


It seems to get worse at night.
Nice to meet you. – Niceta meecha.
I’m cold, and I have a cold.

a reflection=反射
prescription glasses = 度が入っているメガネ

Do you have a reservation?
I have a reservation.
My name is XXXX, and I have a reservation.
I have a reservation under the name ~.
I have a reservation. The name is XXXX.
Is all or your party here?
Are all members of your party here?
Yes, they are.
We are waiting for 2 members.

How many in your party?
I’m meeting a friend here.
Can I look for him / her?
I’m meeting some friends here.
Can I look for them?

Would you like a table?
Would you like a booth?
Would you like to sit at the bar?
Would you like to wait at the bar?
Would you like to wait at the bar until your table is ready?

Would you like an aperitif?
Would you like an hors d'oeuvre (or derb)

Can we sit over there?
Some restaurant staff might try to take advantage of your good nature.

take advantage of st

They might try to put you at a bad table.
They know/think you won't complain.

Can we have another table?

Can we have that table?

Can we change tables?

Do you have a children’s menu?

What are today’s specials?
Can I have a glass of water?
Excuse me, my order hasn’t come yet.
Excuse me, I ordered XXXXX.
Excuse me, I didn’t order this.
Excuse me, this is not cooked.
This is too rare.

Waitress: Can I get you anything else?
Can we see the dessert menu?
No, thank you. Just the check.
A 20% gratuity is included on groups of 8 or more.