Wednesday, December 19, 2012

(会員)12月17日 (月曜日) 中級-上級 guns in America

1. a ~gun marriage = a sudden wedding because someone is pregnant

2. to be ~ the gun = to be under pressure

3. to gun ~ someone = to shoot someone like an animal

4. to ~ the gun = to move too quickly

5. to ~ a gun on someone = to take out a gun & point it out at someone

6. to ~ to one's guns = to keep your opinion

7. to put a gun to one's ~ = to threaten sb to do st

8. a smoking gun = strong evidence

Seven Gun Idioms

1. a shotgun marriage

Ex. I can't imagine why they're getting married so quickly unless it's a shotgun marriage.

2. to be under the gun

Ex. I'm really under the gun to finish my report by Friday.

3. to gun someone down

Ex. He was gunned down., He was gunned down in cold blood.

4. to jump the gun

Ex. Don't jump the gun and quit your job. Wait until you talk to your boss.

5. to pull a gun on someone

Ex. He pulled a gun on the clerk and demanded all the money from the register.

6. to stick to one's guns

Ex. You made a good argument, but I'm sticking to my guns.

7. to put a gun to one's head

Ex. Look, I'm not going to put a gun to your head, but I'd like for you to come.

8. a smoking gun = strong evidence

Ex. I am sure he did it, but there is no smoking gun.
Words we use with guns:

1. to put bullets in the gun = to load the gun

Ex. In the old days it took 30 seconds to load a gun.

2. the gun has bullets in it = the gun is loaded

Ex. Don't worry. The gun isn't loaded.

3. to carry a gun = to pack a gun (slang)

Ex. Are you packing?
Is he packing? = Does he have a gun now?

4. to have a gun or any weapon = to be armed

Ex. The police say the suspect is armed and dangerous.


5. to take someone's weapon or gun away = to disarm sb
Ex. I disarmed him with baseball bat.

6. gun size is measured by caliber

.22 is fairly small

The sizes range from .17 to .50.

Clint Eastwood in the Dirty Harry movies carried a .44 Magnum

7. Shotguns are classed according to gauge

12-gauge shotguns are the most common

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