Sunday, December 2, 2012

(会員)12月02日 (日曜日) 中級ー上級 - sophisticated English

(会員)12月02日 (日曜日) 中級ー上級 - sophisticated English

to sophisticate st
a) cuisine
b) fare
c) victuals
d) the meal

a) consume
b) partake
c) dine

eat like a pig
a) to gormandize = pig out, chow down, eat greedily

You can eat it. =  It is edible.
You can eat it. =  It is palatable.

He has a very good sense of taste. = He has a very refined palate.

real    genuine   authentic

Most authentic Indian food is too spicy for the American palate.
The recipe has been altered to accommodate the Japanese palate.

I didn’t even notice I was wearing that hat.
I was completely unaware I was wearing that hat.
I was completely oblivious to the fact I was wearing that hat.


It's to cleanse to palate.

This water is not fit for human consumption.
This water is not potable.

Would you care for a drink?
Would you care for some spirits?
Would you care for a libation?

What’s your poison?
What can I get you?
What’ll you have?

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