(会員)12月07日 (金曜日) 中級-上級 - My favorite words
1. to get under sb's skin
She gets under my skin.
Many things bother me.
Many things bug me.
Many things annoy me.
2. diddlysquat=nothing
I didn't do diddlysquat.
He didn't do squat.
He doesn't know squat.
He doesn't know diddlysquat.
3. redonkulous
ridiculous + donkey
= ridiculous
4. gruesome + grisly
gruesome: ゾッとするような, 恐ろしい, Causing horror and repugnance; frightful and shocking
grisly: ゾッとするような、身の毛もよだつ、不気味な, Inspiring repugnance; gruesome
5. lascivious=sexual, expressing lust
6. Best 〜 ever!
7. dilapidated= Having fallen into a state of disrepair or deterioration, as through neglect; broken-down and shabby.
8. a douche = a low level person
a douche bag = a low level person
9. ginormous =
gigantic + enormous = ginormous
10. ravenous = VERY hungry
11. aesthetic = artistic, pleasing in appearance
The painting is aesthetically pleasing.
12. epicurean = Devoted to the pursuit of sensual pleasure, especially to the enjoyment of good food and comfort.
13. mercurial = Quick and changeable in temperament; volatile
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