Monday, December 10, 2012

(会員)12月10日 (月曜日) MIXED - Must Know TV Idioms!

(会員)12月10日 (月曜日) MIXED - Must Know TV Idioms!


007: It’s gone.
M: You both know what’s at stake here.
Black woman: There isn’t much road left.
M: Take the bloody shot!

M: What do you say about a man like that?
Agent: Three months ago you lost the drive containing the identity of every agent embedded in terrorist organizations across the globe.
007: Double O Seven, reporting for duty.
M: Where the Hell have you been?
007: Enjoying death.
Gareth: I only have one question. Why not stay dead?  There’s no shame in saying you’ve lost a step.
Gareth: They weren’t targeting her. They wanted her to see it. Welcome to the new Mi6.
Q: I’m your Quarter Master.
007: You must be joking.
Q: The Walther PPK/S nine-millimeter short. It's been coded to your palmprint so only you can fire it. Less of a random killing machine, more of a personal statement.
007: Q.
Q: Double O Seven.
007: I want to meet your employer.

Sévérine: What do you know about fear?
James Bond: All there is.
Sévérine: Well not like this. Not like him.

Raoul Silva: Just look at you, chasing spies. England. Mi6. She sent you after me, knowing you're not ready, knowing you would likely die. Mommy was very bad.
The two survivors. This is what she made us.
007: Everybody needs a hobby.
Raoul Silva: So what’s yours?

007: Resurrection.

to be at stake: 賭けられて 懸かっている
He looks dead.

identity: 正体、身元
embedded: 埋め込まれた、内蔵された、組み込みの
reporting for duty: に出勤されている
there’s no shame in ving: it’s ok to verb, ~は恥ずかしいことではありません
to lose a step: 効き目が薄れる[弱まる]
less A, more B:
a random killing machine: ランダムな殺害機械
a personal statement: 個人の声明

resurrection: 生き返り、よみがえり

He is resurrected.
 an obituary: 死亡記事[広告・告知]

Where in Sam Hill have you been?
Where the heck have you been?
Where the Hell have you been?
Where the fuck have you been?

He's lost a step.= He used to be better.

the villain = the bad guy

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