Thursday, December 20, 2012

(会員)12月20日(木曜日)初級- これを英語で言えますか?

(会員)12月20日(木曜日)初級- これを英語で言えますか?

Dec. 20, 2012

Can you say these expressions in English?
1. あなたの体重は何キロですか?
How much do you weigh?

2. 身長はどのぐらいですか?
How tall are you?

3. おかわりはどうですか?
Would you like another one?
Would you like more?

4. これと同じで色違いはありますか?
Do you have this in another color?

5. これと同じもので大きいサイズはありますか?
Do you have this in a larger/bigger size?
Do you have this in a large?

6. いかがお過ごしですか?
How have you been?
What have you been up to?
What are you doing?
May I ask what you are doing?

7. 今の仕事に満足していますか?
Are you happy with your present) job?
Are you satisfied with your (present) job?
Do you like your (present) job?

8. 何となくこうなると思っていた。
Somehow I knew this would happen.
Somehow I knew this was coming.
Somehow I knew it would be like this.

9. 頑張ってね!
Hang in there!
Say this to someone who is experiencing a bad time.

Go for it!
Say this to someone who is thinking about doing something difficult.

You can do it!
Say this to encourage someone who may not have confidence.

Do your best!
Say this to someone who has to do something soon – like a test.

Break a leg!
Say this to someone who is about to perform.

Cheer up! = 元気だして。
落ち込んでいる人にCheer up! と良く言う。

Keep your chin up! 頑張ってね!
Say this to someone who is experiencing a bad time.

Good luck! You can say this most times.

Give it your all!

10. あまり無理しないでくださいね!
Don’t work too hard!

Take it easy!
Don't push yourself too hard!
Don't overdo it.
Don't overexert yourself.

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