Monday, December 10, 2012

(会員)12月03日 (月曜日) mixed - MUST KNOW animal idioms

(会員)12月03日 (月曜日) mixed - MUST KNOW animal idioms
1. To kill two birds with one stone.

2. They are fighting like cats and dogs.

3. It's raining cats and dogs.

4. I work like a dog.

5. A little bird told me.

6. He's as strong as an ox.

7. I'll be as quite as a mouse.

8. No more monkey business!

9. Quit hogging the mic!  Let someone else sing!

10. Holy cow! = Oh, my God!

11. I'm really sick. = I'm as sick as a dog.

12. My boss is angry with me. I'm in the doghouse. 
13. He's a stubborn as a mule.

14. She is small but she eats like a horse.

15. She is small, and she eats like a bird.

16. Wait! Hold your horses!

17. Never look a gift horse in the mouth.

18. He told me. I heard it straight from the horse's mouth.

19. I'm as fat as a pig!

20. I can't see anything without my glasses. I'm as blind as a bat.

21. Why don't you answer? Cat got your tongue?

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