Wednesday, December 19, 2012

(会員)12月18日(火曜日)Mixed 「Insane」関係の Idioms

1.  He snapped.

2. He lost it.

3. He lost his temper.

4a. He went over the edge.
4b. He was pushed over the edge.

5. He went postal.
to go postal = 気が狂、気違い差別語おかしく・自暴自棄に・やけになる、発狂する、カンカンになる、精神に異常を来す

6. He blew a fuse.

7. He blew his stack. = He blew his top.

8. He flipped out.

9. He had a meltdown.
原子炉の炉心溶解 a nuclear meltdown

10. He had a mental breakdown.
a mental breakdown = 神経衰弱
Synonyms for crazy
1. He is insane. (medical)
2. He is nuts. He is nutty.
3. He is psycho. (dangerous)
4. He is bananas. (fun)
5. He is bonkers. (cute)
6. He is deranged. (dangerous)
7. He is wacky. (fun)

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