Tuesday, April 30, 2013

(会員)2013年4月30日(火曜日) 23:00 英会話ライブレッスン Mixed! Talking about MONEY & SHOPPING

(会員)2013430日(火曜日) 23:00 英会話ライブレッスン Mixed! Talking about MONEY & SHOPPING

1. What is your job?
What do you?
What do you do for a living?
How field are you in?
How do you make ends meet?

2. I work for ~.
I work at ~.
I'm with ~.
I work part time Ving.
I work part-time at ~.
I have a part time job Ving / at ~.

3. 残響
I work overtime twice a week.
I am overworked.
I am overworked and underpaid.

4. Q: How does it pay? / Does it pay well? / Does that pay well?

I can't complain.
It's not too bad.
It pays the bills. = It's enough for me to live.
I wish I made more.
I wouldn't mind making more.
I could use a raise.

5. I am saving money to buy a car.
I'm saving ~ to buy a car.

I'm saving up to buy a car.
I'm saving up for a trip to Las Vegas.

to save up for / to save up to

6. I am 給料の一部をevery month 貯えています.
I am setting aside part of my salary every month. 

to set aside st 

7. I bought this on sale.
I can't resist a sale.
I'm a sucker for a sale.

8. I get an employee discount.
I'm a member so I get a discount.
It was discounted so I bought it.
They'll give you a 10% discount if you pay cash.

9. It's highway robber!
It's out of my budget.
It's too expensive for me. 
It's what you would expect to pay.
It was reasonably priced.
It was moderatly priced.
I was fairly inexpensive.
I was inexpensive.
It was a bargain.
It was cheap.
It was dirt cheap.

10. I negotiated the price down.
I haggled the price down.
I asked him for a discount.
I asked him to give me a break on the price.
I asked him to knock a little off the price.
He knocked $20 off the price.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

会員 video of (公開)英会話ライブレッスン 擬音語、擬態語、ネット英語

1. がつがつ
He ate hungrily.
He ate a lot.
He pigged out.

verb: to pig out
verb: to stuff your face
He stuffed his face.
He pigged out on pizza.
He stuffed his face with pizza.

2.  ぺこぺこ 
I'm hungry.
It's interesting. I'm interested.
It's boring. I'm bored.
Exception = 例外
I'm starving. I'm starved.
I'm famished.
I'm ravenous.
I'm peckish.
I'm a bit peckish.

3. ぎりぎり
I got to work just in time.
I just made it to work in time.
I made just under the wire.

I beat him to work by a nose.
I got there just in the nick of time.

4. ぼろぼろ = worn out, shabby, beat up
He drove an old beat up Toyota.
He wore a shabby old coat.
His shoes were shabby.
He lived in a dilapidated old house.
His coated was tattered.

A: How's everything going? 
B: Not too shabby.

Internet words
5. om nom nom nom

6. wwwwwwwww
lol = laughing out loud
rofl = rolling on the floor laughing.
roflmao = rolling on the floor laughing my ass off

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

(会員)2013年4月23日( 火曜日) 22:30 英会話ライブレッスン 初級-上級 Random Topics

(会員)2013年4月23日( 火曜日) 22:30 英会話ライブレッスン 初級-上級 Random Topics

1. He is making a lot of money.

2. He is making big making.
He was making big money.

3. He is making money hand over fist.

4. He was raking it in.

5. He was making bank.

6. 〜 is very profitable.

7. I'm barely getting by.

8. I'm scraping by.

9. I'm having trouble making ends meet.
= It is difficult for me to make enough money to pay the bills.

a trip, travel, a journey
10.   I like to travel.

11. He's on a business trip.  出張です

12. He tripped and fell.
tripped and fell = つまずいて転倒しました

13. He is tripping.     〈俗〉による、トリップ
You're crazy. = You're tripping. = No way!
You must be tripping! = I disagree with you!

14. a trip = interesting person or situation
He is trip!
That guy is a trip!

Meeting Princess Masako was a trip.

trippy = 形容詞

15. to trip sb up = to become confused
That question tripped me up.

I took a trip to PLACE.

16. I tripped him.
I tripped on the table.
I tripped on a rock.

17. a journey
Life is a journey.
He journeyed to Europe.
O He went to Europe.

18. I like to travel.
X I like to take a trip.

Monday, April 22, 2013

(会員)2013年4月22日( 月曜日) 23:00 英会話ライブレッスン 初級-中級 Talking about yourself

(会員)2013422日( 月曜日) 23:00 英会話ライブレッスン 初級-中級 Talking about yourself

1. I'm from New York.
2. I was born and raised in Nagoya.
3. I was born in Hiroshima but was raised in Nagoya.
4. He hails from Tokyo., Hailing from Tokyo, Joe lives in Nagoya with his girlfriend, Susan.

5. I went to school in PLACE.
6. I majored in English Literature, but I specialized in Shakespearean Literature.
7. I have a BA in ~. Bachelor of Arts
I have a BS in ~. Bachelor of Science
I have a masters in ~.
I have a doctorate in ~.

8. I'm a certified ~.
I'm a certified diving instructor.
I'm a certified masseuse.
masseuse 女性マッサージ師
masseur マッサージ師
I'm a certified acupuncturist.
I'm a certified therapist.

9. I like playing tennis.
I play tennis.
I'm into tennis.
It's kind of my hobby.
I'm really interested in ~.
I really like ~.
I'm into ~.
I enjoy ~.
I'm crazy about ~.
I'm nuts about ~.
I'm bananas about ~.
I am a ~ buff.
He is a history buff.
He is a bit of a history buff.
He is a bit of a ~ buff.
He is a baseball enthusiast.
He is a baseball nut.
He is a baseball maniac.
He is a baseball junkie.
He is a ~ junkie.
He is a ~ addict.
He is a golf addict.

10. I'm a Sunday ~.
I'm a Sunday golfer.  I'm a weekend golfer.
I play tennis off and on.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

(会員)2013年4月21日(金曜日) 23:00 英会話ライブレッスン 初級-上級 NEWS! & 危ない人間

(会員)2013年4月21日(金曜日) 23:00 英会話ライブレッスン 初級-上級 NEWS! & 危ない人間
The Boston Bombing suspect is in custody.
a suspect = 容疑者
to be in custody = 拘留されて、保護観察中で
There had been a manhunt, but they finally caught him.
a manhunt =犯人[行方不明者]の追跡[捜索]
He was finally apprehended.
to apprehend =〔犯罪者などを〕捕まえる、逮捕する
to arrest = to bust = to collar = to nab = to pinch
He was collared. 
He is a collar. = an arrested person

comprehend = understand
David Ortiz = baseball player, a Boston Red Sox player, "This is our [expletive] city and nobody is going to dictate our freedom."

Recently he got into some hot water. = He got into trouble.

a bad word = an expletive = a vulgar word = profanity =虚辞
to dictate = ~に影する、~を定する、定づける

This was broadcast on live TV.

a fine = 罰金

The FCC =Federal Communications Commission 《米》連邦通信委員会

After the game, Ortiz said that his remarks were not premeditated, and apologized if anyone took offense to his heartfelt expression.

premeditated = planned
to take offense = to get angry
heartfelt = sincere, 心からの            
It's always the quiet ones. = The craziest or most dangerous people are always quiet.

a crazy person = a nut
a harmless or slightly crazy person = a fruitcake
a VERY crazy person = a wackjob, a wacko
a dangerously crazy person = a psychopath, a psycho
someone who is wild crazy or dangerous crazy = a maniac / a lunatic
He was committed. = He was hospitalized in a mental hospital.
a psychopath =精神病質者、変質者、狂人
sociopath=【名】 社会病質者、反社会的人間

Friday, April 19, 2013

(会員)2013年4月19日(金曜日) 23:00 英会話ライブレッスン 中ー上級 NEWS!

(会員)2013年4月19日(金曜日) 23:00 英会話ライブレッスン 中ー上級 NEWS!


suspect  容疑者
a criminal 犯罪者
a perp 犯罪者
a perpetrator 犯罪者
a culprit 犯罪者
a person of interest = may not be a suspect yet.
a manhunt = looking for a criminal
on the run = running away from the police
in the wind = running away from the police 

Apparently 1 police officer was killed.
Another police officer was seriously wounded during the violent spree.

a spree 
a shooting spree 
a murder spree 
a killing spree 
a stabbing spree 

drinking spree 宴、大宴会、どんちゃん騒ぎ

buying spree 買いあさり、買い急ぎ、派手な買い物、気前の良い散財、買いが殺到すること

They are on lockdown.
Public transit has been shutdown. 

 still-unfolding story まだ展開中のニュース

A fertilizer plant exploded in Texas.

Investigators were tight-lipped about the number of dead.
to be tight-lipped = to talk VERY little about something

He's a private person.

He likes to play things close to his chest.

He likes to keep things close to his chest.

Keep this under your ~.
Keep this under your hat.
Keep it under your hat.
keep ~ under your hat ~を秘密にする

(会員)2013年4月16日(火曜日) 23:00 英会話ライブレッスン Mixed - Boston Marathon

(会員)2013416日(火曜日) 23:00 英会話ライブレッスン Mixed - Boston Marathon 
1. It is a tragedy.  悲劇 
2. It is tragic. 悲劇的な
3. Many people think it was a terrorist attack.
4. 爆弾 = a bomb, an explosive device 
5. 爆発 = an explosion, a blast 
Ex: The party was fun. I had a blast.
to blast sb = to attack or criticize 
爆発する = to explode
The bomb exploded. 
He exploded the car. 

爆発する = to blast = to criticize sb
The media blasted the president.

6. 容疑者 = a suspect
The police have no suspects yet.

7. 犯罪者 = a criminal, a perpetrator, a perp, a culprit 
犯罪 = a crime

8. a casualty, casualities = a victim, victims = 犠牲者

9. death toll = number of dead people = 死亡者数

10. to hurt = to injure = to wound
X I was wounded in the car accident.
O  I was wounded in the attack.
I was hurt/injured in the attack.

11. shrapnel = pieces of flying bomb, etc.
=The doctors are taking shrapnel out of patients.

12. a patient = 患者

13. debris = がらくた、破片、残骸、岩屑、がれき類

14. a limb = a leg, arm, etc. 
Many people lost limbs.

15. an amputee = a person who has lost a limb 

16. to amputate = to cut off a limb, 切断する
Ex: The doctors amputated his right leg.

17. an amputation: an operation to amputate a limb

18. Let's not jump to conclusions. = 早合点しないで

19. an international terrorist? a domestic terrorist?

20. Make no mistake, we will get to the bottom of this. 
Make no mistake… = YES! We will!
to get to the bottom of st = to find out all the information about st

(会員)2013年4月14日(日曜日) 23:00 英会話ライブレッスン Mixed - Mixed Topics!

(会員)2013414日(日曜日) 23:00 英会話ライブレッスン Mixed - Mixed Topics!

1. responsible
He is responsible.
a) 責任感がある, b) in charge, c) at fault

c) It was my fault. = I am responsible for the accident.

He is a responsible person. <--> He is an irresponsible person.

This restaurant is not responsible for any car thefts.
X This restaurant is irresponsible for any car thefts.

He is a responsible person.
You can rely on him.  
You can count on him.  
You can depend on him.  
You can trust him.  
You can believe him. 

2. X He told a lie.  
He lied.
I'm sorry I lied. 

He told the truth.

3. What do you say when someone invites you to something?
A: Want to go out to dinner?

If you want to go…
That sounds like fun.  = いいですね。
That sounds good/great.
By all means! = Very formal way to say "YES!"
With pleasure. = formal
Why not. = weak "yes"
Sure, I'm in. = OK!
I'm in!
Count me in! <--> Count me out!
Lead the way. 

If you cannot go…
I'd like to, but I already have plans.
I'd like to, but I have a previous engagement.

Sounds like fun, but I have to get up early tomorrow.
Sounds like fun, but I'll have to take a rain check. 
Rain check. I'm too tired today.

(That) Sounds tempting. But I better not.

4. to expect = 期待する <-- best="" but="" definition.="" is="" most="" not="" p="" people="" that="" the="" think="" this.="">
予期する = expect, anticipate
I think so. = I expect so. 
I don't think so. = I expect not. 

It was good, but I expected better.
I expected more from you.

(会員)2013年4月12日(金曜日) 23:00 英会話ライブレッスン Mixed - Mixed Topics!

(会員)2013412日(金曜日) 23:00 英会話ライブレッスン Mixed - Mixed Topics!

1. busy
I am busy.
X I am busy to study. 
X I am busy for studying.
O I am busy studying.
O I am busy with my studies.

2. say vs tell
He said "Good morning".
He said "Good morning" to me.
He said, "I am coming to the party."

tell + sb
Joe told me that he was coming to the party.
X Joe told that he was coming to the party.

3. discuss & mention
X discuss about 
X mention about
We discussed the problem. 
He mentioned he was going to Europe.
I can't discuss it. = I can't talk about it.

My boss told me to cancel the order.

4. He has a receding hairline.
髪の生え際が後退する. =  I have receding hairline.
He is going bald.
He has a bald spot. 
He has a big bald spot. 
Who is the cue ball over there at the bar.
Who is baldy over there at the bar.
Who is the chrome dome over there.
He is follicly challenged. 
He is balding. = He is follicly challenged.
He has a full head of hair.
My grandfather is 90, but he still has a full head of hair.
My son is only a month old, but he already has a full head of hair.
He has a thick mustache/beard. 

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

(会員)2013年4月9日(月曜日) 23:00 英会話ライブレッスン Mixed - Travel English

(会員)201349日(月曜日) 23:00 英会話ライブレッスン Mixed - Travel English
Questions to ask someone after they've gone on a trip.
1. How was your trip?
2. How was the weather?
3. How was the food?
4. How were the people?
Were the people friendly?
5. How was the hotel?
Was it nice?
How was the room?
6. Where did you go?
Who did you go with?
7. Where in ~ did you go?
Where in ~ were you?
Where in ~ did you visit?
X Why did you come to Japan?
Why did you go to Alaska?
What brought you to Japan?
9. How was your flight?
10. How long was the flight?
11. Who did you fly with?
12. Were the drinks on your flight free?
Were the drinks on your flight complimentary?
This  question is  a little too familiar.
13. Did you see any movies on the flight?
14. Did you get any sleep on the flight?
I have trouble sleeping when I fly.
I can't sleep when I fly. 
I can't sleep on the plane.
PAST TENSE: I slept like a baby. I slept like a log.
NOW: He is sleeping like a baby.
I sleep like a baby when I fly.
15. Did you speak English while you were in the USA?
Did you get to use any English while you were on vacation?
I didn't get to meet him.
I didn't get to see him.
I didn't get to see that movie.

16. What did you do there?
17. What else did you do?
18. Did you have any problems while you were on vacation?
No, no problems. 
I had my bag stolen. I had my wallet stolen. We were overcharged by a local tour guide.
Japanese get overcharged without realizing it because they don't know about this.

19. I enjoyed taking in the sights. 
I enjoyed taking in the atmosphere.
20. I just enjoyed walking around. I enjoyed looking around.
21. Welcome to Japan!
22. How was your flight?
23. You must be exhausted/sleepy/tired.
24. Can I help you with your luggage/bags?
Can I help you with your bag?
25. Do you need to change money?
26. Thanks for picking me up.
27. I would love a cup of coffee. 
I would love a beer.
28. I could use a shower.
29. I could use some rest.
30. I could use some shut-eye.

Monday, April 8, 2013

(会員)2013年4月8日(月曜日) 23:00 英会話ライブレッスン 中-上級 - Business English

(会員)2013年4月8日(月曜日) 23:00 英会話ライブレッスン 中-上級 - Business English
Must know vocabulary:
1. itinerary = schedule, used in business & travel.
The travel agent gave me a travel itinerary.
The travel agent gave me an itinerary for my trip.
2. logistics: the planning, implementation, and coordination of the details of a business or other operation.
I will have to figureout the logistics.
3. a position: a job
There is no position available at the company at the present time for you.
We have no suitable positions for you at the present time. 
I'm afraid there are no positions available at the present time.

4. day-to-day operations 日常業務
He's in charge of the day-to-day operations.
First Day at the Office:
5. Greetings:
A: Good to meet you. I've heard a lot about you.
B: Don't believe everything you hear.
All good, I hope.
A: Pleasure to meet you.
B: The pleasure is all mine.
Your reputation precedes you.

6. Job description:
What exactly do you do here?
What department are you in?

I'm in ~.
I'm responsible for ~.
I'm in charge of ~.

7. Personal information:
How long have you been with the company?
What did you do before this?
How did you come to work here?

8. Offering help:
Let me know if you need anything.
Let me know if I can be of any help.
9. Ending the conversation:
It was good to meet you.
Great meeting you.
I'm sorry to cut things so short, but I must be going.
I'm sorry to cut things so short, but I have a plane to catch.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

(会員)2013年4月5日(金曜日) 23:00 英会話ライブレッスン 初級 - 交通で使う英語

(会員)2013年4月5日(金曜日) 23:00 英会話ライブレッスン 初級 - 交通で使う英語      
1. fare / fee / cost / price / charge
bus fare, taxi fare, subway fare, airfare/plane fare , 

2. What time do you leave for work?

3. How do you get to work?
How do you commute?

4. How long does it take you to get to work?
How long is your commute?

5. How far is your commute?

6. Does your company pay for your commute
Does your company cover your transportation expenses?
Does your company reimburse you for your commuting cost?
They reimbursed me for the taxi fare.

7. What do you do on your way to work?
I listen to THE radio.
I read a book.
I study English.
I watch movies on hulu.
I sleep. 
I play games on my smart phone.

8. How many times do you have to change trains on the way to work.

How many times do you have to transfer on your way to work?

9. What do you love most about commuting?

10. What do you hate most about commuting?

11. Do you get motion sickness?
Do you get carsick?
Do you get seasick?
Do you get airsick?

12. How often do you go on business trips?

13. Would you like to live abroad?

14. I was transferred.

(公開)2013年4月4日(木曜日) 23:00 英会話ライブレッスン Mixed levels - health vocabulary

(公開)2013年4月4日(木曜日) 23:00 英会話ライブレッスン Mixed levels - health vocabulary     

Long time no see!
Hello, stranger!

鼻声 nasal

I have a nasally voice.

1. How are you feeling?

2. Are you feeling better?

3. I caught a cold.  
I caught cold. (old fashioned)

4. I have a cold. 

5. I'm getting over my cold. 

6. I can't seem to shake my cold.

7. I'm still alive and kicking.

8. You look really sick. You look as pale as a ghost.

9. He is going to die soon. = He is at death's door.

10. I'm really sick. = I'm as sick as a dog.
Dogs vomit a lot. 
吐く to vomit = to throw up = to puke

11. You should eat good food. You should not eat junk food.
= You are what you eat.
junk food = ジャンクフード

12. My nose is stuffed.
       My nose is stuffed up.

13. My nose is running.
I have a runny nose.

14. I have a slight fever.
 I have a fever.
      I am running a fever.

15. I have a headache.
My head hurts.
My head is pounding.
I have a migraine.

16. My stomach hurts. I have a stomachache. 
I have diarrhea. 下痢 
I am constipated. 便秘

17. だるい 
I feel weak. I have no energy.
I feel sluggish. 

18, Proverb: An apple a day keeps the doctor away.

19. I have a bloody nose.

20. I was sick this week, but I'm almost back on my feet again.
He's back on his feet. = He's healthy again.

It's time to hit the sack.

(会員)2013年3月28日(木)23:00 英会話ライブレッスン(Mixed) How to use WOULD

(会員)2013年3月28日(木)23:00 英会話ライブレッスン(Mixed) How to use WOULD

Q:What would you do if you were rich?
A: If I were rich, I would quit my job. 

Q: Would you mind if ~?

First let's review:
Q: Do you mind if I smoke?
A: No, I don't mind. Go right ahead.

3. Q: Would you like to have dinner with me?
3. Q: Would you like to join me for a drink?

Q: Would you like a cup of coffee?
Q: Would you like something to drink?
Q: Would you like to sit down?

4. 思ったより形容詞だった。
He was more handsome than I thought he would be.
She was more beautiful than I thought she would be.
He was younger than I thought he would be.

5. 子供のころよく映画を見に行っていた。
When I was a kid I would often go to the movies.
When I was a kid I used to go to the movies often.

6. What would you say …..?
What would you say is your biggest weakness?

Who would you say is Japan's best director in history?
A: I would say Kurosawa is the best?

When would you say is the best time to visit Japan?

7. I wouldn't count on it. 

8. Don't count on it. そうとも限らないぜ。

9. You can count on it. = It will happen for sure.

10. A: Are you coming to the party?
B: You can count on it.

(会員)2013年3月25日(月)22:30 英会話ライブレッスン(Mixed) Must know vocabulary

(会員)2013年3月25日(月)22:30 英会話ライブレッスン(Mixed) Must know vocabulary      

1.  I bought this hat at Uniqlo., I got this hat at Uniqlo., I picked up this hat at Uniqlo.
2. I like your hat., That hat looks good on you., You look good in that hat., That hat is you
3. friendly:
Not so common: kind, gentle
This computer is user friendly.  = easy to use
4. badly. a) not good, Ex: He plays piano badly. 
b) very much, I miss you badly. 
I badly need to buy a new car.
You badly need to lose weight. 
A: I always wanted to play the piano badly.
B: You do. 
5. wise = a) 賢い、博学の、博識な、賢そうな
~の場合 = ~wise
Looks wise, he is handsome, but he is not very smart.
A: How is your new job?
B: Time wise it's good, but money wise it's so-so. 
clockwise 【形・副】      時計[右]回りの[に・へ]
counterclockwise 〈米〉反時計[左]回りの[に・へ]
wise = manner, position, direction, reference
6. I like all vegetables ~ onions. 
I like all vegetables except onions. 
What else do you do, ~ work? 
~ you, her English is the best.
Not counting you, her English is the best.
7. challenge 
challenge = to invite someone to fight you 
I challenge you to a game of tennis. 
I challenge you to find my mistake. 
I challenge you to find a better cheese cake. 

challenging = interesting but difficult
His job is very challenging. 

(会員)2013年3月24日(日)22:30 英会話ライブレッスン(中級-上級) Intellectual Vocabulary

It's chilly.

1. alleviate
To alleviate pain or suffering means to make it less intense or severe.
The medicine alleviated the pain.
This should alleviate your stress.
The doctors need to operate to alleviate the pressure.

2. inadvertent, inadvertently
If it is inadvertent it means you did not realize you did it.
It was an inadvertent mistake.
He inadvertently left his keys in the car.

3. latitude 
freedom from narrow restrictions
He gave his kids a lot of latitude.

4. volatile 
When something is volatile, it is likely to change suddenly and unexpectedly.
He has a volatile personality. 
The situation is volatile. 

5. versatile 
= adjective describing adaptability
He is a versatile actor.
He is a versatile director.
He is a versatile writer.
He is a versatile athlete.

6. dubious = vague, not clear, suspicious, questionable
dubious honora ~》ありがたくない名誉
Game of Thrones has the dubious honor of being the most pirated TV show in history.
This is a dubiour honor.

7. terrestrial = land, relating to earth
ET = extraterrestrial

8. attire
He had on an interesting attire.
= He was dressed in a strange way. 
He was attired in silk robes.
He was attired in red.
That certainly is interesting attire.

9. feminine and effeminate
feminine = only used with women
She has a very feminine voice. 

effeminate = only used with men 
He had an effeminate way about him.

10. reputable = adjective, having a good reputation
He is a reputable car dealer. 
It is a reputable company.

(会員)2013年3月21日(木)23:00 英会話ライブレッスン(初級)前置詞

(会員)2013年3月21日(木)23:00 英会話ライブレッスン(初級)前置詞     

It is unseasonably cold tonight.

1. Long time no see! I haven't seen you ~ a long time.
1. Long time no see! I haven't seen you in/for a long time.

2. Dinner is in 2 hours. = Dinner is not ~ another 2 hours.

3. I worked all day and all night. = I worked ~ the clock.
I worked all day and all night. = I worked around the clock.

4. I almost never do that. = I do that once ~ a blue moon.
I almost never do that. = I do that once in a blue moon. 

5. Let's go ~ a walk.
Let's go for a walk.
Let's go take a walk.

Let's go for a walk/swim/jog/run/hike.
Let's take a walk/swim/jog/run/hike.

6. I saw that movei ~ TV.
    I saw that movei on TV.
on + machine

7. I went to + place.
I went to Tokyo.

I went abroad/overseas.
I went home.
I went to his home.
I went to her home.
I went there.

8. I sat ~ the chair.
I sat in the chair.

9. Get ~ bed and go ~ sleep.
Get in bed, and go to sleep.

10. I have to go ~ the restroom.
I have to go to the restroom.

11. He lives ~ the island.
He lives on the island.

12. He lives ~ Hawaii.
He lives in Hawaii.

13. I like everything ~ umeboshi.
I like everything except umeboshi.

14. What do you do ~ work?
14. What do you do besides work?
15. (USA) She got up on the horse.
(UK) She got on the horse.

16. He grew up ~ a farm. 
   He grew up on a farm.