Sunday, April 28, 2013

会員 video of (公開)英会話ライブレッスン 擬音語、擬態語、ネット英語

1. がつがつ
He ate hungrily.
He ate a lot.
He pigged out.

verb: to pig out
verb: to stuff your face
He stuffed his face.
He pigged out on pizza.
He stuffed his face with pizza.

2.  ぺこぺこ 
I'm hungry.
It's interesting. I'm interested.
It's boring. I'm bored.
Exception = 例外
I'm starving. I'm starved.
I'm famished.
I'm ravenous.
I'm peckish.
I'm a bit peckish.

3. ぎりぎり
I got to work just in time.
I just made it to work in time.
I made just under the wire.

I beat him to work by a nose.
I got there just in the nick of time.

4. ぼろぼろ = worn out, shabby, beat up
He drove an old beat up Toyota.
He wore a shabby old coat.
His shoes were shabby.
He lived in a dilapidated old house.
His coated was tattered.

A: How's everything going? 
B: Not too shabby.

Internet words
5. om nom nom nom

6. wwwwwwwww
lol = laughing out loud
rofl = rolling on the floor laughing.
roflmao = rolling on the floor laughing my ass off

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