Friday, April 19, 2013

(会員)2013年4月19日(金曜日) 23:00 英会話ライブレッスン 中ー上級 NEWS!

(会員)2013年4月19日(金曜日) 23:00 英会話ライブレッスン 中ー上級 NEWS!


suspect  容疑者
a criminal 犯罪者
a perp 犯罪者
a perpetrator 犯罪者
a culprit 犯罪者
a person of interest = may not be a suspect yet.
a manhunt = looking for a criminal
on the run = running away from the police
in the wind = running away from the police 

Apparently 1 police officer was killed.
Another police officer was seriously wounded during the violent spree.

a spree 
a shooting spree 
a murder spree 
a killing spree 
a stabbing spree 

drinking spree 宴、大宴会、どんちゃん騒ぎ

buying spree 買いあさり、買い急ぎ、派手な買い物、気前の良い散財、買いが殺到すること

They are on lockdown.
Public transit has been shutdown. 

 still-unfolding story まだ展開中のニュース

A fertilizer plant exploded in Texas.

Investigators were tight-lipped about the number of dead.
to be tight-lipped = to talk VERY little about something

He's a private person.

He likes to play things close to his chest.

He likes to keep things close to his chest.

Keep this under your ~.
Keep this under your hat.
Keep it under your hat.
keep ~ under your hat ~を秘密にする

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