Saturday, April 6, 2013

(会員)2013年3月24日(日)22:30 英会話ライブレッスン(中級-上級) Intellectual Vocabulary

It's chilly.

1. alleviate
To alleviate pain or suffering means to make it less intense or severe.
The medicine alleviated the pain.
This should alleviate your stress.
The doctors need to operate to alleviate the pressure.

2. inadvertent, inadvertently
If it is inadvertent it means you did not realize you did it.
It was an inadvertent mistake.
He inadvertently left his keys in the car.

3. latitude 
freedom from narrow restrictions
He gave his kids a lot of latitude.

4. volatile 
When something is volatile, it is likely to change suddenly and unexpectedly.
He has a volatile personality. 
The situation is volatile. 

5. versatile 
= adjective describing adaptability
He is a versatile actor.
He is a versatile director.
He is a versatile writer.
He is a versatile athlete.

6. dubious = vague, not clear, suspicious, questionable
dubious honora ~》ありがたくない名誉
Game of Thrones has the dubious honor of being the most pirated TV show in history.
This is a dubiour honor.

7. terrestrial = land, relating to earth
ET = extraterrestrial

8. attire
He had on an interesting attire.
= He was dressed in a strange way. 
He was attired in silk robes.
He was attired in red.
That certainly is interesting attire.

9. feminine and effeminate
feminine = only used with women
She has a very feminine voice. 

effeminate = only used with men 
He had an effeminate way about him.

10. reputable = adjective, having a good reputation
He is a reputable car dealer. 
It is a reputable company.

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