Friday, April 19, 2013

(会員)2013年4月14日(日曜日) 23:00 英会話ライブレッスン Mixed - Mixed Topics!

(会員)2013414日(日曜日) 23:00 英会話ライブレッスン Mixed - Mixed Topics!

1. responsible
He is responsible.
a) 責任感がある, b) in charge, c) at fault

c) It was my fault. = I am responsible for the accident.

He is a responsible person. <--> He is an irresponsible person.

This restaurant is not responsible for any car thefts.
X This restaurant is irresponsible for any car thefts.

He is a responsible person.
You can rely on him.  
You can count on him.  
You can depend on him.  
You can trust him.  
You can believe him. 

2. X He told a lie.  
He lied.
I'm sorry I lied. 

He told the truth.

3. What do you say when someone invites you to something?
A: Want to go out to dinner?

If you want to go…
That sounds like fun.  = いいですね。
That sounds good/great.
By all means! = Very formal way to say "YES!"
With pleasure. = formal
Why not. = weak "yes"
Sure, I'm in. = OK!
I'm in!
Count me in! <--> Count me out!
Lead the way. 

If you cannot go…
I'd like to, but I already have plans.
I'd like to, but I have a previous engagement.

Sounds like fun, but I have to get up early tomorrow.
Sounds like fun, but I'll have to take a rain check. 
Rain check. I'm too tired today.

(That) Sounds tempting. But I better not.

4. to expect = 期待する <-- best="" but="" definition.="" is="" most="" not="" p="" people="" that="" the="" think="" this.="">
予期する = expect, anticipate
I think so. = I expect so. 
I don't think so. = I expect not. 

It was good, but I expected better.
I expected more from you.

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