Friday, April 19, 2013

(会員)2013年4月16日(火曜日) 23:00 英会話ライブレッスン Mixed - Boston Marathon

(会員)2013416日(火曜日) 23:00 英会話ライブレッスン Mixed - Boston Marathon 
1. It is a tragedy.  悲劇 
2. It is tragic. 悲劇的な
3. Many people think it was a terrorist attack.
4. 爆弾 = a bomb, an explosive device 
5. 爆発 = an explosion, a blast 
Ex: The party was fun. I had a blast.
to blast sb = to attack or criticize 
爆発する = to explode
The bomb exploded. 
He exploded the car. 

爆発する = to blast = to criticize sb
The media blasted the president.

6. 容疑者 = a suspect
The police have no suspects yet.

7. 犯罪者 = a criminal, a perpetrator, a perp, a culprit 
犯罪 = a crime

8. a casualty, casualities = a victim, victims = 犠牲者

9. death toll = number of dead people = 死亡者数

10. to hurt = to injure = to wound
X I was wounded in the car accident.
O  I was wounded in the attack.
I was hurt/injured in the attack.

11. shrapnel = pieces of flying bomb, etc.
=The doctors are taking shrapnel out of patients.

12. a patient = 患者

13. debris = がらくた、破片、残骸、岩屑、がれき類

14. a limb = a leg, arm, etc. 
Many people lost limbs.

15. an amputee = a person who has lost a limb 

16. to amputate = to cut off a limb, 切断する
Ex: The doctors amputated his right leg.

17. an amputation: an operation to amputate a limb

18. Let's not jump to conclusions. = 早合点しないで

19. an international terrorist? a domestic terrorist?

20. Make no mistake, we will get to the bottom of this. 
Make no mistake… = YES! We will!
to get to the bottom of st = to find out all the information about st

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