Sunday, April 21, 2013

(会員)2013年4月21日(金曜日) 23:00 英会話ライブレッスン 初級-上級 NEWS! & 危ない人間

(会員)2013年4月21日(金曜日) 23:00 英会話ライブレッスン 初級-上級 NEWS! & 危ない人間
The Boston Bombing suspect is in custody.
a suspect = 容疑者
to be in custody = 拘留されて、保護観察中で
There had been a manhunt, but they finally caught him.
a manhunt =犯人[行方不明者]の追跡[捜索]
He was finally apprehended.
to apprehend =〔犯罪者などを〕捕まえる、逮捕する
to arrest = to bust = to collar = to nab = to pinch
He was collared. 
He is a collar. = an arrested person

comprehend = understand
David Ortiz = baseball player, a Boston Red Sox player, "This is our [expletive] city and nobody is going to dictate our freedom."

Recently he got into some hot water. = He got into trouble.

a bad word = an expletive = a vulgar word = profanity =虚辞
to dictate = ~に影する、~を定する、定づける

This was broadcast on live TV.

a fine = 罰金

The FCC =Federal Communications Commission 《米》連邦通信委員会

After the game, Ortiz said that his remarks were not premeditated, and apologized if anyone took offense to his heartfelt expression.

premeditated = planned
to take offense = to get angry
heartfelt = sincere, 心からの            
It's always the quiet ones. = The craziest or most dangerous people are always quiet.

a crazy person = a nut
a harmless or slightly crazy person = a fruitcake
a VERY crazy person = a wackjob, a wacko
a dangerously crazy person = a psychopath, a psycho
someone who is wild crazy or dangerous crazy = a maniac / a lunatic
He was committed. = He was hospitalized in a mental hospital.
a psychopath =精神病質者、変質者、狂人
sociopath=【名】 社会病質者、反社会的人間

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