(会員)2013年3月25日(月)22:30 英会話ライブレッスン(Mixed) Must know vocabulary
1. I bought this hat at Uniqlo., I got this hat at Uniqlo., I picked up this hat at Uniqlo.
2. I like your hat., That hat looks good on you., You look good in that hat., That hat is you
3. friendly:
Not so common: kind, gentle
This computer is user friendly. = easy to use
4. badly. a) not good, Ex: He plays piano badly.
b) very much, I miss you badly.
I badly need to buy a new car.
You badly need to lose weight.
A: I always wanted to play the piano badly.
B: You do.
5. wise = a) 賢い、博学の、博識な、賢そうな
~の場合 = ~wise
Looks wise, he is handsome, but he is not very smart.
A: How is your new job?
B: Time wise it's good, but money wise it's so-so.
clockwise 【形・副】 時計[右]回りの[に・へ]
counterclockwise 〈米〉反時計[左]回りの[に・へ]
wise = manner, position, direction, reference
6. I like all vegetables ~ onions.
I like all vegetables except onions.
What else do you do, ~ work?
~ you, her English is the best.
Not counting you, her English is the best.
7. challenge
challenge = to invite someone to fight you
I challenge you to a game of tennis.
I challenge you to find my mistake.
I challenge you to find a better cheese cake.
challenging = interesting but difficult
His job is very challenging.
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