Friday, December 22, 2017

Friday Night, Dec. 22, 11pm! English lesson!

Nico - Dec. 22, 2017

A teenage Mexican YouTube star who insulted a notorious drug lord has been shot dead.

notorious = infamous
A person of ill repute.
a drug lord = a criminal who controls a drug selling criminal organization

I think this drug lord overreacted.
I think this drug lord overdid it.

1. overreact

2. overdo st

3. to make a mountain out of a molehill 
You’re making a mountain out of a molehill.  
Don’t make a mountain out of a molehill. 

4. to blow something (all) out of proportion = to make a mountain out of a molehill 
You’re blowing it/everything all out of proportion. 
Don’t blow everything all out of proportion. 

5. to make a big deal out of nothing =  to make a mountain out of a molehill 
You’re making a big deal out of nothing.   
Don’t make a big deal out of nothing. 

Monday, December 18, 2017

Nico - Dec. 17, 2017

Nico - Dec. 17, 2017

1. By comparison my kids are great. 
My kids are comparatively great. 

2. Tomika was originally established as a village in 1954.
Tomika was originally founded as a village in 1954.
It comes from the villages: Tomida (富田) and Kajita (加冶田). 
Those 2 villages merged. 

3. Tomy Co. of Japan was founded in 1924 by Eijira Tomiyama in Tokyo (Robinson 2010). 

4. a gimmick = a technique for attract customers
1,600 yen 

5. He was completely out. = totally asleep

6. to toy with an idea = to think about doing st 
Ex: I’ve been toying with the idea of getting a new dog. 
Ex: She was toying with me. 
He toyed with the smaller boxer.

You are wasting time. 

7. a boy toy = a young man in a relationship with an older woman 

8. a cougar : slang for a woman who likes younger men

9. Boys and their toys! 

Monday, December 11, 2017

Monday Night, Dec. 11, 10pm! English lesson!

Monday Night, Dec. 11, 10pm! English lesson!

I had originally scheduled a class last night, but I had to cancel due to technical problems.

stress = pressure = tension 

1. I feel stress.   
2. I am stressed.  
3. I am under a lot of stress. 
4. I am stressed out. 
I am tired out. / I am worn out. 
5. How do you deal with stress? 
6. How do you relieve with stress? 
7. What do you do to relieve stress? 
8. Don’t stress over it. = Don’t worry about it. 
Don’t stress too much over it. 
9. I’m under a lot of pressure at work. 
10. My wife is pressuring me to buy her a new car.
My boss is pressuring me to work on Saturday.  
11. He put pressure on me to quit my job. 
12. I work in a high-pressure work environment.
13. Do you work well under pressure? 
     I work well under pressure. / I thrive under pressure. 
     I do not do well under pressure. 
14. No pressure. = Please do not hurry or feel any pressure. 
15. You could cut the tension in the room with a knife. 
16. I’m feeling a lot of tension from you. 

You don't seem yourself today. Are you ok?
He has a low-key personality.
You seem a bit down today. Everything OK?

Thursday, December 7, 2017

Thursday night Dec. 7, 10pm! English lesson!

Nico - Dec. 7, 2017

Thursday night Dec. 7, 10pm! English lesson!
U.S. President Donald Trump said Jerusalem is the capital of Israel.
controversial = 議論を呼ぶ
con = with
contro = against,   
verse= word
Trump is always saying controversial things.
Trump is always saying provocative things.
She wore a sexy dress. = She wore a provocative dress.
She had a provocative smile.
controversial 議論を引き起こす
She smiled at me provocatively.
That is a provocative idea.

compelling = st that really makes you think

He made a very compelling argument.

It's debatable.

Hakuho is debatably the best sumo wrestler in history.
Hakuho is arguably the best sumo wrestler in history.
Hakuho is inarguably the best sumo wrestler in history.

Hakuho is indisputably the best sumo wrestler in history.

He is the undisputed champion.

Monday, December 4, 2017

Monday night 10pm! English lesson!

Nico - Dec. 4, 2017
1. It’s free. = 
2. = It’s on the house. 
3. = The peanuts are complimentary. 
4. = It’s a courtesy. 
The courtesy van will pick you up from the airport.
The courtesy van will take you to the airport.
Would you like a courtesy wake-up call?
5. = There is no charge. 
6. It’s free of charge.
7. = It’s a freebie.
8. = I got it for nothing.
9. = It came with the food.
10. = Batteries are included.
11. = It was gratis. 
12. I left a gratuity. 
      There is an automatic 15% gratuity added to tables of 8 people or more.
13. I’ll take care of the tip. / I tipped the waitress. / Don't forget to tip your server.
14. He tipped her 20%.
free = adjective, 
free = verb, 
freedom = noun, 
freely = adverb

Feel free to verb.
Animals yearn for freedom. 
SB years to be free.

Free idioms:
1. Are you free?
2. I’m as free as a bird.
3. I’m feeling footloose and fancy free.= no responsibilities
4. I'm finally free and clear of my debt. 
5. The murderer got away scot-free.
6. I'm home-free. = Often used at the end of a journey to show you arrived home safely.
7. One I finish my interview I'll be home-free!
8. This apartment is bug-free.
I’m trying to keep my apartment dust-free.

Thursday, November 30, 2017

(会員)2017年11月30日(火曜日)22:00 英語ライブレッスン

(会員)20171130日(火曜日)22:00 英語ライブレッスン
1. sexual harassment 
He was fired because 3 women ~ him of sexual harassment. 
2. He was fired ~ sexual harassment accusations. 
3. They had a fight ~ money. 
4. He ~ sexually harassed 3 women. 
5. Is it true? I don’t know, but where there is smoke there is ~. 
6. He made ~ comments. 
7. NBC fired him, citing  "inappropriate workplace behavior.”
8. If both people want to have sex, that kind of sex is called ~. / He had many ~ relationships with women.
9. He was ~ for allegedly continuously making lewd comments verbally or over text message, and that he was "fixated on women, especially their bodies and looks." 
10. Children sometimes ~ on small things.
Answers: 1. accused, 2. over, 3. over, 4. allegedly, 5. fire, Idiom: Where there is smoke there is  fire. 火のないところに煙は立たない。, 6. lewd, 7. inappropriate, 8. consensual, 9. infamous/known, 10. fixate

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

(会員)2017年11月29日(水曜日)22:00 英語ライブレッスン

(会員)2017年11月29日(水曜日)22:00 英語ライブレッスン

Why do you think he retired?

1. I thought he was being responsible.
2. I thought he was doing the right thing.
3. I thought he was being noble. 

stable = 相撲べや

He resigned before he was forced to quit. 
4. He did it to save face. = He did it for his pride. = He did it to avoid embarrassment. 

5. He did to save his 退職金 retirement bonus.

6. a stable master = 親方

7. There has been a lot of media attention surrounding this story.
Harumafuji has gotten a lot of media attention.

8. speculation: guess, 臆測

9. After weeks of media attention and speculation over his future, sumo grand champion Harumafuji announced his retirement.

10. to assault sb = to attack sb
He assaulted another sumo wrestler. 

11. Harumafuji does not qualify to become a stablemaster because he is not Japanese.

12. He kept/retained his Mongolian citizenship.

13. He is a naturalized Japanese citizen. 
I am a naturalized American citizen.
I am a naturalized U.S. citizen.

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

(会員)2017年11月28日(火曜日)22:00 英語ライブレッスン

(会員)20171128日(火曜日)22:00 英語ライブレッスン
1. I prefer to remain anonymous.
anonymous = 匿名
line idioms
2. Get in line.
3. I am in line. 
4. Are you in line? 
5. He cut in line. 
6. Could you [hold/save] my [spot/place]? 
Could you hold my place?
would you / can you / could you 
Do you mind VERBing?
Do you mind holding my spot/place?
7. Where is the back/end of the line?
Excuse me, is the end of the line?
This is the end of the line. = This is the last stop on this train/subway.
I road the train to the end of the line. 
8. This is the end of the line. = This is the end for you. You are in trouble. You are fired. / You are going to jail. 
9. You crossed the line! = You went too far! = You did too much!

RELATED: to draw a line in the sand = to state where your limit is 

10. That’s the point/result/final decision. = That’s the bottom line.
What is the final result/point/decision? = What’s the bottom line?
I would like a new car, but — bottom line — I can’t afford it. 
The bottom line is that I love you. : つまり、僕は君のことを好きなんだ。
The bottom line is this. : 結論はこうだ。
11. Please contact me in the future. = Drop me a line. / Drop me a line sometime.  
12. on the line = to be at risk = to be in danger of losing

My job is on the line.

(会員)2017年11月27日(月曜日)22:00 英語ライブレッスン

(会員)20171127日(月曜日)22:00 英語ライブレッスン
frequency words
1. sometimes = once in a while = on occasion = occasionally = from time to time = now and then = every so often = every once in a while = every now and then 
(formal) periodically
2.  rarely = seldom = on the odd/rare occasion = once in a blue moon 
3. start st and do it for a while and then stop for a while and repeat the circle: on and off
I played tennis on and off for a few years. 
4. never = never ever = at no time = not once 
Bitcoin is showing no signs of slowing down, blowing past $9,500.
to blow past st = to go by st very fast 
The Ferrari blew right past me. 
Eight bodies found as second suspected North Korean boat washes up in Akita Prefecture
suspected = thought to be
to wash up = to come onto the beach 
A volcano in Bali erupted. 
They evacuated everyone within 10 kilometers of the volcano. 
to erupt = 噴火する,   
 to evacuate = 避難する

Saturday, November 25, 2017

(公開)11月25日(土)22:00 英語レッスン生放送 (15分)

(公開)11月25日(土)22:00 英語レッスン生放送 (15分)
1. My room is a pigsty. = very messy
2. Be my guinea pig.  / guinea pig モルモット
I’ll be your guinea pig.
3. He let the cat out of the bag. = He told a secret. 
うっかり秘密を漏らす= to accidentally reveal a secret
4. the man of steel = superman’s nickname 
He has nerves of steel. 
5. trashed = very drunk
He was trashed/smashed.
Throw it in the trash.
Throw it away.
I got trashed last night.  
Let’s get trashed. 
I got smashed last night. 
Let’s get smashed. 
6. 二日酔い I have a hangover.  
I am hungover.

7. 時差ボケ I have jet lag. / I am jetlagged. 

Monday, November 20, 2017

(会員)初級 English Lesson - Monday 11月20日 10pm

Nico - Nov. 20, 2017
(会員)初級 English Lesson - Monday 11月20日 10pm

1. 上手に
She can dance.
She can sing.
She dances (very) well.
She is a good dancer.  
She is good at dancing.
She is a good singer. = She has a beautiful voice.
He is a good baseball player. = He has a great arm. / He has a great swing.

He has a Hell of an/a ~.
He has a Hell of an arm.
He has a Hell of an swing.
She is a good singer. = She has a beautiful voice. = She has a Hell of a voice.
Hell of a = great = Helluva
He is very skilled ~.
Modern slang: He has skills.
That boy has got some skills.
He is very skilled. He is a very skilled (PERSON).
He is a very skilled ~.
He is skilled.  He is a skilled chef.
He is an expert ~.
He is an expert. / He is an expert with children. / He is an expert of karate. / He is an expert with a knife. / He is an expert translator.
He is an expert on modern art.
He is a pro. / He is a professional. / He is pro figure skater. / She is pro basketball player.

2. He is bad at baseball.
He is bad at English. / He doesn’t really speak English much.
His English is bad/pretty good.
His English stinks. colloquial English: My Japanese is crap.
colloquial English: My Japanese is shit.
I don’t know shit. = I don’t know anything.
I know my shit. = I know a lot (about something.)

When it comes to history, I know my shit.

3. 忙しい、用事がある
I’m busy.  
I have plans.  
I have something to do. 

急用ができた=Something came up.

先約 = a previous engagement
Conversational: I'm sorry. I have plans.
Formal: I'm sorry. I have a previous engagement.

He gave her an engagement ring.
engagement ring エンゲージリング、婚約指輪

4. ~してもらう form
SB had/got ST 完了形
Ex: I had my hair cut.
I got my hair cut.
I got a haircut.
I had/got my cellphone fixed/repaired.
I had my uniform dry-cleaned.
He had his wife killed.

4. to improve = 上達する
Do you think my English is improving? 
Do you think I’m making progress?
Sometimes I don't feel like I'm making progress.
Sometimes I feel like I'm not making any progress.

(会員)初級 English Lesson - Sunday 11月19日 10pm

Nico - Sunday, Nov. 19, 2017

1. I am good at tennis/dancing/the guitar.

2. I am bad at singing/school/soccer.

3. I can sing. <—> I can’t sing.

4. X I have a plan.
O I have plans. 
O I’m busy.
O I am planning to meet some friends after work tomorrow.

A: Want to go out for a drink?  
B: I’m sorry. I can’t.
B1:  I’m sorry. I can’t. I have something to do.  
B2:  I’m sorry. I can’t.  I have things to do.  
B3: I’m sorry.  I can’t. I have to do something. 
B4: I’m sorry.  I can’t. I have to take care of something.  

I would love to, but I can’t.

先約 = a previous engagement

I would love to, but I can’t. I have a previous engagement.

5. 上達する  to improve

Victor, do you think my English is improving?
B1: Yes, you’re improving.
B2: No, you’re not really improving.
B3: Yes, I’ve seen some improvement.
B4: No, I haven’t seen any improvement.
B5: Well, I’ve seen a little improvement.

(会員 Mixed / News - English Lesson - Saturday. 11月18日 11pm

Nov. 18, 2017

Harumafuji assaulted another sumo wrestler.

a sumo bout/match 
X a sumo fight

a sumo tournament

to drop out = to quit

Tottori police question Harumafuji in Tokyo over alleged assault
to allege (verb) = to accuse (not proven yet)   
an allegation (noun) = an unproven accusation
alleged (adjective) = said, accused
allegedly (adverb) = used with verb, Ex: He allegedly stole the money.
Tottori police question Harumafuji in Tokyo over alleged assault
Police questioned sumo grand champion Harumafuji on a voluntary basis Friday over allegations that he assaulted a lower-ranked wrestler in October, investigative sources said.
The 33-year-old Mongolian returned to Tokyo late Thursday from the city of Fukuoka, where the 15-day Kyushu grand sumo tournament is underway, apparently to meet with investigators from the Tottori Prefectural Police.
Ex: The tournament is underway.
Harumafuji assaulted/attacked Takanoiwa over(because of) his attitude.
They were drinking with other Mongolian wrestlers at a restaurant in the city of Tottori during the night of Oct. 25 when the alleged incident took place.
The alleged incident took place in Tottori at a restaurant, on Oct. 25th while drinking with other wrestlers.
It has been alleged that Harumafuji angrily assaulted Takanoiwa.
Takanoiwa was hospitalized.
a stable = a sumo group/team
a stable master = boss of the stable, 親方
He was diagnosed with a skull base fracture...
fracture = 骨折

on his behalf = for him (= somebody did it for him)
Her husband accepted the award on her behalf.

供述書     affidavit;  deposition;  testimony
宣誓証言 = spoken evidence, testimony
He testified in court.
The police have already questioned Takanoiwa about the incident, after accepting a victim report on his behalf. They have started questioning the Tottori restaurant staff.
The police will also seek testimony from wrestlers who were at the restaurant, including Hakuho, another grand champion, sources said.
Hakuho has denied reports that Harumafuji used a beer bottle to assault Takanoiwa.
“Harumafuji didn’t use a beer bottle or get on top of (Takanoiwa)” to beat him, Hakuho told reporters Thursday, while confirming that Harumafuji struck Takanoiwa with his bare hand.
Takanoiwa missed the Kyushu tournament from the opening day. Harumafuji dropped out Tuesday, the third day of the competition.

Thursday, November 16, 2017

(会員)初級 English Lesson - Thursday. 11月16日 11pm

Nico - Nov. 16, 2017
(会員)初級 English Lesson - Thursday. 11月16日 11pm

1. 上手に

She can dance.

She can sing.

She dances (very) well.

She is a good dancer.  

She is good at dancing.

He is very skilled ~.

He is very skilled. He is a very skilled (PERSON).

He is a very skilled ~.

He is skilled.  He is a skilled chef.

He is an expert ~.

He is an expert. / He is an expert with children. / He is an expert of karate. / He is an expert with a
knife. / He is an expert translator.

He is a pro. / He is a professional. / He is pro figure skater. / She is pro basketball player.

Monday, October 30, 2017

(会員)Scary English - Part - Monday. 10月30日10pm

(会員)Scary English - Part - Monday. 103010pm
1. I am scared of ghosts.
2. I am afraid of ghosts. 
3. I am afraid I cannot go to your party. 
A: Are you free tonight? / B: I’m afraid I’m busy. 
4. Ghosts are scary. 
5. I am scared. I am afraid. I terrified. I am petrified. 
6. It is scary. It is terrifying. It is petrifying. 
7. I am frightened. / Ghosts are frightening. 
8. a ghost = a spirit = a phantom = a spook = a specter = a spectre 
9. He is spooky. / That music is spooky. 
10. I am spooked. / He spooked me. 
11. You gave me a start/shock. 
12. Be quiet or you’ll spook the fish. 

13. I was scared stiff.   
14. He scared me to death.
15. I jumped out of my skin. 
16. He scared the life out of me.
17. I was scared shitless. / He scared the shit out of me. 
18. I was scared spitless. / He scared the spit/piss out of me. 
19. You scared the Hell out of me!
20. He scared me out of my wits!
I was scared out of my wits!

21. I was scared I couldn’t move/think/breathe.

Monday, October 23, 2017

(会員)Disney Song - Part 1 - Monday 10月23日 11pm [Details]

Nico - Monday 10pm.

I’ve got a dream

Opens on Oct/23/2017 (MON), 21:57.  Broadcast begins at 22:00. Timeshift
I'd like to teach you the lyrics from TANGLED -- the song
Especially the first 13 lines:
"I'm malicious, mean and scary
My sneer could curdle dairy
And violence-wise,
my hands are not the cleanest
But despite my evil look
And my temper, and my hook
I've always yearned to be a concert pianist
Can'tcha see me on the stage performin' Mozart?
Tickling the ivories 'til they gleam?
Yep, I'd rather be called deadly
For my killer show-tune medley
Thank you!
'Cause way down deep inside I've got a dream"

I got tangled up with him.
Gesundheit! = Bless you!
Sharks are scary.
I am scared of sharks.
curdle 凝乳する
His voice makes my blood curdle.
Do you play the piano?
I like to tickle the ivories once in a while.
You killed them! = Great performance!
X I saw a dream.

I've Got a DreamVocabulary:
1. malicious: 意地の悪い、悪意のある
2. mean: 卑劣な、意地悪な
3. scary: 恐ろしい、怖い
4. a sneer: 冷笑、軽蔑
5. to curdle: 凝乳にする、凝固させる ~を腐らせる
Idiom: make someone's blood curdle 〔恐怖・ショック・恥ずかしさなどが
6. dairy: milk, 乳製品
7. violence: 暴力、乱暴
8. ~ wise: ~ 面では、 ~的には
Ex: money-wise, time-wise, looks-wise, brain-wise, personality-wise
9. My hands are not the cleanest. = My hands are dirty. = I've done bad things.
10. despite: ~にもかかわらず、~をよそに
11. evil: (邪)悪、不正、不道徳
12. look: 外見, 見た目
13. temper: 気分、気質 or 怒りやすいこと、短気
14. to yearn to be ~ = ~になることを切望する
15. Cancha = can't you
16. to see = to imagine, 想像する
17. a stage: 〔演劇などの〕舞台、ステージ
18. to perform: 〔音楽を〕演奏する
19. Mozart:  モーツァルト
20. to tickle the ivories: to play the piano 
21. to gleam: to shine, 光る、輝く、キラリと光る
22. I'd rather... : I prefer, 
23. deadly: 致命的な、致死の、命取りの
24. killer: 俗語 cool
25. show-tune: 映画やミュジカルの歌
26. medley: メドレー
27. way down deep inside: 心の奥底

28. I've got a dream.:  私には夢がある。

Sunday, October 15, 2017

(会員)2017年10月15日(日曜日)Basic Feelings

    (会員)2017年10月15日(日曜日)Basic Feelings      

Nico - Oct. 15, 2017

1. I’m worried ~ my mother.
Don’t worry ~ it. 

2. I trust her. 
I trust her ~ money. 
I trust her ~ my life. 

3. I’m scared ~ snakes. 
I’m scared of snakes. 

4. I’m afraid ~ snakes. 

5. A: Can you come to my party?
    B: I’m afraid that I can’t go to the party. 

6. I’m afraid/scared ~ go skydiving.  

7. 腕を痛めた = I hurt my arm. 
Formal: I injured my arm. 


Answer: 1. about, 2. with, 3. of, 4. of, 5. to, 6. BODY PART

Friday, October 13, 2017

(会員)2017年10月13日(金曜日)English Live Lesson

(会員)2017年10月13日(金曜日)English Live Lesson

Friday the 13th!

1. to be scared stiff = to be really scared

I was afraid. I was scared. I was terrified. I petrified!

2. a death trap = a car or building that is very dangerous and can easily kill people. 

3. He is scared of his own shadow. = a person who is easily scared

4. to give sb the creeps = to make someone feel scared and uncomfortable 
Ex: He gives me the creeps. That music gives me the creeps. 

5. creepy = adjective
Ex: He is creepy. 

6. to creep sb out > to give sb the creeps
Ex: He really creeps me out. 

7. a creep = a very 嫌な奴  
Ex: Tom is a creep. 

8. to haunt sb  = a ghost who is scaring a person/place
Ex: They say that house is haunted. = They say it’s a haunted mansion. 
Ex. I am haunted by the memory of my ex-girlfriend.  
Ex: I am haunted by what happened that day. 

9. I was scared shitless. 

10a. ~ scared the shit out of me.  = ~ really scared of me., 
10b. ~ scared the piss out of me.  = ~ really scared of me. 

11. ~ to scare sb out of their skin 
Ex: He scared me out of my skin. 

12. I jumped out of my skin. = I reacted strongly because I was scared. 

13. ~ makes my skin crawl. 
make someone's skin crawl(人)をゾッとさせる、(人)の心胆を寒くさせる、〔主語〕のせいで(人)の全身に悪寒[むしず]が走る

14. ~ makes the hair on the back of my neck stand up. 
raise the hair on someone's neck(人)をゾクゾクさせる、(人)の身の毛をよだたせる

15. ~ gave me goose bumps. = scary or feeling very moved

16. to shake like a leaf = to shake because you are super scared or maybe nervous or maybe cold

17. to quake in one’s boots = to shake because you are scared

18. to scare the daylights out of sb,  
Ex: You scared the daylights out of me. 

19. to tremble with fear = to shake because you are scared 

20. to be so scared you almost piss/pee your pants 
Ex: I was so scared I almost pissed/peed my pants. 

(会員)2017年10月10日 (Tuesday) 23:00 English Live Lesson [Details]

(会員)2017年10月10日 (Tuesday) 23:00 English Live Lesson [Details]

The Lower House = The House of Representatives

call a snap election 解散[議会を解散して]総選挙を行う[実施する]

to throw one’s hat in the ring = to run to office in an election = to become a candidate in an election 

候補者 = a candidate

locked in a neck-and-neck race be ~》大接戦を演じる

too close to call接戦で勝敗の予測がつかない、わずかな差で予断を許さない

too-close-to-call election 僅差[接戦]で勝敗の予測が難しい選挙単語帳


to mud-sling  
to sling mud

Nixon ran against Kennedy

sling mud at (人)に泥を投げ付ける、(人)をけなす 表現パターンthrow sling, fling, cast, hurl mud dirt at

an endorsement = 人や計画などの〕支援、支持・The presidential candidate received endorsement from a powerful schoolteachers' union. : その大統領候補は、影響力のある教職員労働組合からの支持を取り付けた。

(会員)2017年10月8日 (Sunday) 22:00 English Live Lesson [Details]

(会員)2017年10月8日 (Sunday) 22:00 English Live Lesson [Details]

1. I gave her a gift. 
or I gave a gift to her. 

X I bought a gift to her.

O I bought a gift for her. 
O I have a gift for her.

I compared Japanese pizza to American pizza.

I compared pizzas for science.

Compared to American pizza, Japanese pizza is heaven/crap.

I compared Japanese pizza with American pizza.

The compared the two pizzas for an article. 

Why are you dieting?
a) I am dieting for my health. /  
b) I am dieting to lose weight. 
I am dieting to gain weight. 

Be nice to him. He was mean to her. 
That was kind of you.  
That was nice of you. 

moving = to
I went to Paris.
I brought lunch to my father. 
I sent a letter to Santa. 

This present is for you. / This is for you.
Kanji is difficult to remember.
Kanji is difficult for me to remember.

Japanese firm fined token sum after woman died from overwork

a firm = a company that provides a service not a product 

to fine sb = to make sb pay a 罰金

a token = a coin or st worth an amount of money

a subway token = worth one ride 

a token = a symbol 

This is a token of my appreciation/esteem/respect. 

a sum = amount (of money)

I overworked yesterday. => I worked overtime.  

I am overworked., 
Our employees are overworked. 

Saturday, October 7, 2017

(会員)2017年10月7日 (Sat) 22:00 English Live Lesson [Details]

(会員)2017年10月7日 (Sat) 22:00 English Live Lesson

to - use to before a verb
I want to sleep/eat/go to Tokyo.
I have to sleep/eat/go to Tokyo.
X I can to…
X I can’t to…
X I should to…
X I must to…

to - used for direction or motion
He is going to Tokyo. / He is traveling to Europe. / He is walking to school.
例外  X visit to
X He is visiting to Europe.   
O He is visiting Europe.

Idiom: to leave st to sb
Ex: I’ll leave it to you. 
I’ll leave it up to you.

He is leaving for Tokyo.
Idiom: He left his wife for a younger woman.

go to
come to

What time can you come here tomorrow?
—> What time can you be here tomorrow?

X to here/there/home.
What time did you get there?

What time did you get home?

It’s difficult for me. / It’s difficult to me.

Joe says kanji is easy, but it’s difficult for me.

Trump doesn’t care about the environment, but it’s important to me.

a) Good food is important for you.  / b) Good food is important to you. 

It’s important to me that you tell me the truth.

Vitamins are important for me.

for - use before a noun
with - use before a noun

O  Oil is important for the bicycle chain.

X Oil is important to the bicycle chain

Honesty is important for a romantic relationship.

I am looking forward to …
I am looking forward to going to the party.

I’ll sing for you. = あなたの代わりに

I’ll sing for you.

I teach for children.
vs. I teach to children.

I teach children English.

Friday, September 29, 2017

Sept. 29th (Friday) 23:00 English Lesson (Members Only)

Nico - Friday, Sept. 29, 2017
Sept. 29th (Friday) 23:00 English Lesson (Members Only)

to call a snap election: 解散[議会を解散して]総選挙を行う[実施する]

Japan's defense chief warns of possible North Korea provocation on October 10

to warn = 注意する
provocation 怒らせる[挑発する]こと

Tom provoked the dog, so the dog bit him.
to provoke sb  a) ~を引き起こす、招く、起こさせる、誘発する, b) ~を怒らせる、立腹させる

Don’t provoke me!

provocative = a) sexy, b) st that makes you think
a) She wore a provocative dress.
b) He has some provocative ideas.

Yuriko Koike is arrogant. = 傲慢な
Anime 'your name.' to be remade as Hollywood live-action movie produced by JJ Abrams

JJ Abrams is a bigwig.
a bigwig = a very important person in an industry or company

Toyota will team up with Mazda to make electric cars.
Women in Saudi Arabia got the right to drive
It has been illegal for women to drive in Saudia Arabia until now.

1. They cannot get married without permission from their male guardians.
2. They cannot get divorced without permission from their male guardians.
3. If they get divorced they cannot have custody of their children if their children are over the age of 7 for boys and 9 for girls.

to have custody of someone's child (人)の子どもの親権を持つ

4. They cannot get a passport without permission from their male guardians.

5. They cannot travel without permission from their male guardians.

6. They cannot leave jail without permission from their male guardians.

7. They cannot open a bank account without permission from their male guardians.

8. They cannot get a job without permission from their male guardians.

9. They cannot dress freely.

10. They cannot receive equal inheritance.

11. They cannot receive equal inheritance.
a woman's word is worth half a man's word

12. They cannot get medical treatment without permission from their male guardians.

Sunday, September 24, 2017

Sept. 24nd (SUNDAY) 23:00 English Lesson (Members Only)

Sept. 24nd (SUNDAY) 23:00 English Lesson (Members Only)

1. a scandal = a very embarrassing public event

2. Trump called American professional football players "sons of bitches".

The reason: Some professional football players are kneeling during the anthem.

They are kneeling to protest racism in America. 

Trump thinks they should be fired.

a son of a bitch = an insult meaning a son of a female dog

About a month ago there was a protest involving White Nationalists and Nazis.

a white nationalist = a white person who wants a white only country

to condemn = very strongly criticize someone

national anthem 国歌、ナショナルアンセム

 Everyone has a right to free speech.

free-speech rights 言論の自由の権利

an honor = 光栄

to hesitate = ためらう

an invitation = 招待

to withdraw = to take st away

Trump took back the invitation.

Friday, September 22, 2017

Sept. 22nd (FRI) 23:00 English Lesson (Members Only)

Sept. 22nd (FRI) 23:00 English Lesson (Members Only)

1. memory = noun

X I memory him.

I have a bad / good memory.

I have a good long-term memory.

I have a bad long-term memory.

I have a bad short-term memory.

I have a short memory. = forgiving (this can be good and bad)

懐かしい That brings back memories.

I took a trip down memory lane.

If my memory serves me correctly, ~.

If memory serves…

Let me remind you. = Let me jog your memory.

He has a memory like an elephant.  = very good memory

He has a memory like a steel trap.

They put up a statue of him to honor his memory.

They put up a statue of him in memory of his work.

That skinny police officer has a photographic memory.

to memorize st = He committed ~ to memory.

He has a long memory. = He will remember the bad thing you did to him. He holds grudges.

Thursday, September 21, 2017

Sept. 21nd (THURS) 23:00 English Lesson (Members Only)

Sept. 21nd (THURS) 23:00 English Lesson (Members Only)

Let’s do a quiz. 
Which of the following is correct?

a) Are you joining the party? 
b) Are you coming to the party? 
c) Are you going to the party?

a) How much is it together?
b) How much is it altogether?
c) How much is it complete. 

d) How much is it total?  = also ok, conversationally
e) How much is it in total?  = standard
f) What’s the total?
g) What’s the damage?

a) I don’t know the details. 
b) I don’t know a detail.
c) I don’t know well.

O d) I don't him well.

a) Today is rain. 
b) It’s rain today. 
c) It’s raining today.

d) It’s pouring. / It’s really coming down. / It’s really coming down in buckets.  / It’s really coming down in sheets. 

a) He is ugly, but I love him because of his face. 
b) He is ugly, but I love him despite of his face. 
c) He is ugly, but I love him despite his face.
a) My family is four.
b) There are four in my family.
c) There are four people in my family.

a) I’m getting to forget my English.
b) I’m getting forgetting my English.
c) I’m forgetting my English.
d) I’m starting to forget my English.

Answers: 1. b/c, 2. b, 3. a, 4. c, 5. b/c, best c, 6. c, 7.
b) He is ugly, but I love him despite of his face.   = little old
c) b) He is ugly, but I love him despite his face.   = contemporary English
d) He is ugly, but I love him in spite of his face.   = contemporary English

Monday, September 18, 2017

Sept. 18th (Monday) 23:00 English Lesson (Members Only)

Sept. 18th (Monday) 23:00 English Lesson (Members Only)

Today is a national holiday.

hit =
a) verb: 叩く = to strike, to beat, to punch, 轢く
Ex: He hit me. , I got hit by a car.

b) verb: to happen, Ex: The earthquake hit.   The typhoon hit.

c) noun or 形容詞/adjective: popular, successful
Ex: The song is a hit. /  My new tie was a hit.
He wrote a hit song.

d) verb: to go and do
Ex: I need money, so I’ll hit the bank on the way home.
I’m hungry. Let’s hit a McDonalds.
I hit the gym after work.
You better hit the the toilet before we leave.
I better hit the the toilet before we leave.
効率的な= efficient <—> inefficient
He is an efficient worker.
e - fish -ent
Riding your bicycle to work is more efficient than driving.
It’s inefficient to type while holding a baby.
baby fat
Look at this photo of me. This was taken before I lost all my baby fat.
emaciated 痩せ衰えた、衰弱した、やつれた
The baby was suffering from malnutrition.
I am fat.
He is obese.
a euphemism = a nice way to say something unpleasant
He is big-boned.
I'm not fat. I'm (just) big-boned. : 私は太っていません。骨太なだけです。
She is healthy. = fat
buxom = big boobs

Sunday, September 17, 2017

9月17日(日曜日)22:30~ 今夜は公開レッスンです! English Lesson

9月17日(日曜日)22:30~ 今夜は公開レッスンです! English Lesson
I just got home from the gym.  
I walked home in the rain.

It’s raining.     <  It’s raining hard.
It’s really coming down.
It’s pouring.
It’s coming down in buckets.
It’s coming down in sheets.

It’s windy.  
It’s sunny. 
It’s cloudy.
It’s cold. 
It’s hot.
It’s muggy.

X It's hard rain.  X Today is hard rain.

come down in sheets =〔雨が〕滝のように降る、土砂降りである
The typhoon will hit Nagoya tonight.
The earthquake hit at about 7am.

I got soaked. 
I got soaking wet.  
I got drenched. 

洪水 a flood
The streets are flooded.

Water comes out of the river.
The rivers are overflowing.

Friday, September 15, 2017

Sept. 15th (Friday) 23:00 RANDOM English Lesson (Members Only)

Sept. 15th (Friday) 23:00 RANDOM English Lesson (Members Only)
exercise and exercise related words
want to / wanna / would like to
1. North Korea launched another missile over Hokkaido. 
1. North Korea launched an ICBM over Hokkaido. 
ICBM stands for Intercontinental Ballistic Missile 
This is the 6th time, North Korea has invaded Japanese air space. 
I wonder what NK would do if the table were turned?
I think NK would probably consider it an act of war. 
2. It’s a little bit scary, but at the same time, there’s nothing you can do. 
3. masculine / feminine 
effeminate = used for feminine men 
tomboyish = used for masculine women 
4. ripped = very muscular — you can see each muscle and he is big
5. buff = big muscles 
6. He has very defined muscles. = you can see each line
He has a lot of definition in his arms. 
7. to lose weight / to shed weight 
8. love handles = fat on sides of waist
9. spare tires = roll of fat around waist that looks like a tire.
10. a gut = a fat stomach 
11. a beer belly = fat stomach usually sticking out in front of you and created from drinking too much beer 
12. shredded = ripped
Ex: That guy is ripped/shredded.
13. 筋肉痛 sore     
Ex: My legs are sore from running. 
14. He is in good shape. / bad shape.
15. He is in good condition. = athlete
My car is in good condition.  
16. I need to do some conditioning exercises. 
17. to objectify = to see sb as a thing or object not a human
He objectified her.
18. fit = adjective, 2 meanings:   
a) in good physical shape. 
b) sexy 
19. She/He has a good body. = sexual 
20. You have a lovely figure.  
21. She is a knockout! = sexy woman
22. How do you stay fit? / How do you stay in shape? 

Friday, September 8, 2017

Sept. 6th (Wednesday) 23:00 English Lesson (Members Only)

Sept. 6th (Wednesday) 23:00 English Lesson (Members Only)
onomatopoeia 擬音語 / 擬態語

めちゃくちゃ = a) messy (room, desk relationship), b) very
My desk/room/hair is messy.   
He is going through a messy divorce. 
Their relationship is complicated. It’s messy. 

ぐちゃぐちゃ = messy (room), sloppy or cluttered
My hair is a rat's nest.
His handwriting is sloppy.
I made a sloppy mistake. = careless mistake
My son is 2 years old, so he is still a very sloppy eater.

You need to unclutter your life/mind.

ぼさぼさ = messy, unkempt 
Ex: ぼさぼさの頭 bosa bosa no atama = unkept hair
unkempt hair / appearance / garden
disheveled appearance/hair
ぼうぼう = big messy hair, overgrown, wild and thick / out of control
His hair was out of control. His hair was wild and thick. The garden was overgrown. 
He has a really hairy chest. His hair is so hairy, it looks like he’s wearing a black sweater.
どろどろ = a) muddy, b) sordid
ぼろぼろ = disheveled, shabby, tattered, worn out 
Not too shabby. 
He wore a shabby coat. His shirt was tattered.
めちゃくちゃ mechakucha = a) messy (room, desk relationship), b) very

ぐちゃぐちゃ guchagucha = messy (room), sloppy or cluttered

ぼさぼさ bosabosa = messy, unkempt 
Ex: ぼさぼさの頭 bosa bosa no atama = unkept here
ぼうぼう boubou = big messy hair, overgrown, wild and thick
どろどろ dorodoro = muddy or sordid
ぼろぼろ boroboro = shabby, tattered, worn out 

Sunday, September 3, 2017

Sept. 3rd (Sunday) 23:00 English Lesson (Members Only)

Nico - Sunday, Sept. 3, 2017

Sept. 3rd (Sunday) 23:00 English Lesson (Members Only)

“Papa Was a Rollin' Stone” by
The Temptations

a rolling stone = sb who just keeps moving

誘惑 = a temptation

to tempt sb = to make sb want to do sb

Ex: I was tempted to VERB.
I was tempted to quit my job.

They had a dry spell in the 1970s.

1. It was the third of September. 
2. That day I'll always remember, yes I will 
3. ‘Cause that was the day that my daddy died. 
4. I never got a chance to see him
5. Never heard nothin' but bad things about him


6. Momma I'm depending on you to tell me the truth

7. Momma just hung her head and said, son

to hang one’s head = to show shame by putting one’s head down

8. Papa was a rolling stone

9. Wherever he laid his hat was his home

10. And when he died, all he left us was alone

When my father died, he left me his house and about 40,000 dollars.

遺産  inheritance

What did he leave you?

11. Papa was a rolling stone (my son, yeah)
12. Wherever he laid his hat was his home
13. And when he died, all he left us was alone
14. Hey Momma!
15. Is it true what they say that Papa never worked a day in his life

He never worked a day in his life.

16. And Momma, some bad talk goin' round town sayin' that

17. Papa had three outside children

18. And another wife, and that ain't right

19. Heard some talk Papa doing some storefront preachin' 

to preach = to talk to people about Jesus and God

hypocritical = describing sb who says one thing but does something different.

a hypocrite = a person who recommends you do st, but doesn’t do what he recommends

20. Talking about saving souls and all the time leechin'

to leech off sb = to take from sb
He is a leech. / He is leeching off his parents.

21. Dealing in dirt, and stealing in the name of the Lord

22. Hey Momma.  I heard Papa called himself a jack-of-all-trades
a jack-of-all-trades = sb who can do many different jobs

23. Tell me is that what sent Papa to an early grave
Ex: Smoking sent him to an early grave.

24. Folks say Papa would beg, borrow, steal
To pay his bills

25. Hey Momma 
Folks say Papa never was much on thinking
Spent most of his time chasing women and drinking

Sept. 1st (Friday) 23:00 English Lesson (Members Only)

Sept. 1st (Friday) 23:00 English Lesson (Members Only)

1. What is the difference between “wish” and “hope”?
“Wish” is used for set phrase and impossible situations.

I wish I could fly.  

I wish I was rich.

“Hope” is used for possible situations.

Ex: I hope it doesn’t rain tomorrow.

I hope I pass the test.

I hope you get well soon.

2. I could use … + NOUN.

Ex: I could use a vacation., I could use a beer.

You look tired. You look like you could use some sleep.

I could use a break.

3. You are better off Ving.  

You are better off with N.

Ex:  You should stop smoking.  = やめたほうがいい。

I have a used car.  My car has broken down.

It will cost a lot of money to fix my used car.   

You are better off buying a new car.

It would be a waste of money to fix the old car. You are better off buying a new car.

You’re better off not fixing the car.

a) He was better off not saying anything.    

b) He shouldn’t have said anything.

4. You cannot compare (A) and (B). = It’s apples and oranges.

5. He is very similar to his father. =

The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.

6. You are wasting your time talking to me about that. = You are barking up the wrong tree.

7. He talks a lot, but he doesn’t do much. His bark is worse than his bite.

8. I really wanted to say something, but I decided I was better off biting my tongue.

to bite one's tongue = to not say anything especially when you want to

9. Why don’t you answer me. = Cat got your tongue?

10. I’m really surprised at who just came into the room. = Look what the cat dragged in.

Thursday, August 31, 2017

Aug 31st (Thu) 10:30 pm English Lesson 今夜は公開レッスンです!

Aug 31st (Thu) 10:30 pm English Lesson 今夜は公開レッスンです!

Fun & Useful English:
1. I made a mistake. 
X I mistaked.
X I mistake.
2a. goofy = silly
2b. to goof / to goof around = to play or make jokes or not be serious 
2c. I’m just joking. = I'm just goofing.
2d. I goofed. = I made a mistake. 
3a. messy = 散らかっている, ぐちゃぐちゃ
My hair/room/desk is messy. 
3b. I messed up. = I made a mistake.
3c. I messed up.< I screwed up. 
DANGER: I fucked up. 
4a. I mistook (A) for (B).
I mistook 像 for 象.
I mistook 発車 for 発射.
発車 = departure of a vehicle
発射 = shoot, fire, launch

My brother looks like me.
My brother looks exactly like me.
My brother is my spitting image.
You are the spitting image of your father. 
You look alike. 
Tom and you look alike.
You and your brother look alike.
X Tom looks alike. 
X Tom looks alike Joe.
My brother is my twin.
Tom is my twin. 
My brother is a dead ringer for me.
My brother is my doppelgänger.

5. What does your name mean?
6a. He is mean.
6b. Don’t be mean to me. 
7a. I didn’t mean to say that. 

7b. I didn’t mean to do that. 

Aug. 30 (Wed) -11 pm English Lesson

Aug. 30 (Wed) -11 pm English Lesson
1. You smell bad. = You smell. = You stink.
2. You stink. a) You smell bad., b) You are bad at doing st. / You are not skilled at doing st., c) You are a bad person. 
Ex: I stink at the guitar.
The weather stinks. 
3. Something stinks about him. = suspicious
4. There is something fishy about him/his business…
5. It smells fishy. = suspicious
6. fishy=suspicious=doubtful =dubious=shady=murky=questionable
7. I don’t feel comfortable here at all. = I feel like a fish out of water. 
8. It was really easy to get them to buy my book. = It was like shooting fish in a barrel. 
PAUSE: side-idioms:
9. It’s like shooting fish in a barrel. = It’s like taking candy from a baby. 
10. It’s easy. = It’s a piece of cake. = It’s as easy as pie. = It’s a walk in the park. = It’s not rocket science.  = It’s not brain surgery. 
11. Last night we all went drinking, so I wasn’t surprised to see Tom was still a little green around the gills. 
You look a little green around the gills. Are you ok? 

12. He drinks a lot. = He drinks like a fish. 
Time out for related idioms:
お酒が強い = He can hold his liquor.
お酒が弱い。= He cannot hold his liquor. 
He eats a lot. = He eats like a horse. 
She eats very little. = She eats like bird. 
He is messy eater. = He eats like a pig. 
13. He is always fishing for compliments. = to act in a way that encourages compliments 
14. I’m too busy dealing with more important matters right now. = I have other fish to fry.
15. Would you rather be a small fish in a big pond or a big fish in a small pond?
I’d rather be a big fish in a small pond. 
入院する = to hospitalize,     
退院する = to discharge