Friday, December 26, 2014

(Members Only Fri - Dec. 26, 2014 -11pm LIVE ENGLISH LESSON

    (Members Only Fri - Dec. 26, 2014 -11pm LIVE ENGLISH LESSON      
1. I need a little R&R.
rest and relaxation

2. I need to get away. 
I need to take a vacation.

I need to get away from it all. 

3. Karuizawa is a favorite getaway spot for Tokyo-ites.

4. I need to kickback and relax. 

5. I need to kick back and relax and maybe throw back a few.
Let’s throw back a few. 

6. Stop being so uptight. Let your hair down. 

7. I want to go to the beach. 
I want to hit the beach. 

8. I need to get some sun. 

9. UK: He’s on holiday. = USA: He’s on vacation. 

10. USA: I have a day off. 

11. the holiday season = Xmas time & New Year’s time

12. A national holiday = 祝日 shukujitsu 

13. Christmas is a national holiday. Most stores are closed for Christmas. 

14. Japan does not observe Christmas. 

15. It’s a piece of cake!  = It’s really easy.

16. That’s not really my cup of tea. 

17. You can’t have your cake and eat it too. 

18. She makes the money in the family. = She brings home the bacon.

19. Someone that you do not trust says something. = I wouldn’t believe him. I would take everything he says with a pinch of salt. 

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

(Members Only Tues - Dec. 23, 2014 -11pm LIVE ENGLISH LESSON

(Members Only Tues - Dec. 23, 2014 -11pm LIVE ENGLISH LESSON

1. Happy Birthday!

2. Happy Belated Birthday!
Belated Happy Birthday! 

3. a birthday suit = nothing, naked
He was in his birthday suit. = He was naked. 
He was naked . = He was nude. = He didn’t have any clothes on. 
decent = a) morally good, or b) good
Are you decent? = Are you dressed? 
indecent = morally bad or naked
He was arrested for indecent exposure. 
He was arrested for public indecency. 

He is a decent.
He is a pretty decent guitar player.
He stripped off his clothes. 
He was indecent. = no clothes
He was butt-naked.= He was stark naked. = He was buck-naked.
He was completely naked. = He was as naked as a jaybird.

He killed the bear with his bare hands.  

He walked into the room in his bare feet.  
Give me the naked truth. 

Have you seen the Emperor’s new clothes?

bare hands
bare feet 
You cannot see it with the naked eye. 
to go skinny-dipping = to go swimming with no clothes
to throw a party (conversational)
a small party = a get-together 
a gathering (formal)
a meet-up = a social gathering 
I’m going to the party.
He is the life of the party. = He is a lot of fun. 
He brings the party with him. = He is a lot of fun. 
He is a party pooper. 
He crashed the party. 
He is a party crasher.  
Slang: He likes to party. 
He is a party animal. 

Sunday, December 21, 2014

(Members Only)Sunday. - Dec. 21, 2014 -11pm LIVE ENGLISH LESSON

(Members Only)Sunday. - Dec. 21, 2014 -11pm LIVE ENGLISH LESSON

metal idioms

1. “Strike while the iron’s hot.” = Take advantage of an opportunity while you can.

2. He has an iron will. = strong will

3. I have too many irons in the fire.

I have a lot of irons in the fire.

4. We've got to iron out some problems.
= We have got to fix some problems.

5. I am pumping iron. = I am lifting weights. = I am doing free weights.
I am working out. = I am exercising.

6. He has an iron grip!

7. Copper top. = someone with red hair
8. Hey copper! = Hey cop!

9. He was born with a silver spoon in his mouth.
= He was born to a rich family.

10. Every cloud has a silver lining.

11. on a silver platter
I want his head on a silver platter.

12. silver tongued = a very eloquent speaker

13.  My word is as good as gold.

14. All that glitters is not gold. = classic proverb
Just because something is attractive does not mean it is good.

15. She has a heart of gold. / He has a heart of gold.

16. She/He is a gold digger. = To get romantic for money.

17. He is worth his weight in gold. 
~ is worth its weight in gold.

18. Silence is golden. = It is good to be silent.

19. You’re golden! = You will be happy because you’ll be in a good position.

20. That is a golden opportunity.

*deja vu
I’m getting deja vu.

Friday, December 12, 2014

(Members Only)Fri. - Dec. 12, 2014 -11pm LIVE ENGLISH LESSON

(Members OnlyFri. - Dec. 12, 2014 -11pm LIVE ENGLISH LESSON

Today: TOEIC & 仮定法

First let me answer your question:

Whoever I hire must be dependable. 

Whoever I hire must be dependable. 
Who I hire is my business. 

1. I won’t be at school tomorrow. I’ll be ~. 
2. A) Have you ever lived ~? 
    B) No, I haven’t. I’ve never even been outside my home town. 

3. Can you explain where you were last night? = Can you account for your ~ last night?

4. I'm fat. I want to lose ~. 

5. He looks heavy. I wonder how much he ~?

6. Cameras ~ in price from $30 to $30,000. 

7. There are many different. Prices ~. 

8. I don’t understand all that medical lingo. Can you explain it in a way that a ~ would understand. 
仮定法 = a hypothetical question
Let me ask a hypothetical question. 
9. Which would your rather do, A or B? 
Let me ask a hypothetical. 

What would you do if you were me?  =  
What if you were me? 
What if another advanced species existed? (What do you think would happen?)
I think we would be in constant war with them. 

What would you do if you had been born a woman? 

What would have happened if you had died?

1, absent, 2. abroad/overseas, 3. whereabouts, 4. weight,  5. weighs, 6. range, 7. vary, 8. layman, 

Thursday, December 11, 2014

(Members Only)Thurs. - Dec. 11, 2014 -11pm LIVE ENGLISH LESSON

(Members OnlyThurs. - Dec. 11, 2014 -11pm LIVE ENGLISH LESSON
1. to re-gift st = to give someone st that you received as a gift
She gave me a doll for my birthday, but I already had the same one, so I regifted her doll to my niece.

It’s considered bad manners in America. 
2. a lavish gift = a very expensive gift

3. a souvenir = it must be a local gift/thing that you take back

4. a knick-knack = a small 

5. This is a small token of my appreciation. 
   This is a small token of my gratitude. 

6. Oh, you shouldn’t have!
Oh, you didn’t have to do that!

7. Never look a gift horse in the mouth. 贈り物にけちをつけてはいけない。

A: Wow! You’re a really good cook!
B: It’s a gift!

9. He has a gift for NOUN/VERBing.

10. It was a gift from God. 
 It is a gift from God. 

11. He thinks he’s God’s gift to women.
Brad Pitt is God’s gift to women. 

12. He has the gift of gab.

13. a free gift = something that you get for free when you buy something.
14. a redundant = 冗長な、重複する、不必要な、
He was fired from his job because he became redundant.  

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

(Members Only)TUESDAY - Dec. 9, 2014 -11pm LIVE ENGLISH LESSON

She had applied for a teaching job.
a) She got past the first interview. 
to get past st = 通過する
She passed the first interview.
pass interview 合格する

Oh, great! Congrats! I guess you’re in the running!

1. to be in the running:
So far, six candidates are in the running for the job. : 今のところ、その仕事をめぐって6人が争っている。
to be in the running = to be a candidate for st

2. to give sb a run for their money = to give sb a good competition

a) Want to race?
b) Sure, but are you fast?
a) Well, I don’t if I’m as fast as you, but I’ll give you a run for your money. 

Well, I lost, but I gave him a good run for his money. 

give someone a good run for his money

3. to run on fumes
fumes = gas left over after the liquid is gone, like smoke
My car is almost out of gas. It’s running on fumes. 

I’m so tired. I’m just running on fumes. 
I’m so hungry. I’m just running on fumes. 

4. He is running off at the mouth.
to run off at the mouth = とめどなくしゃべる、ペラペラしゃべる、よく考えずに口走る

to put one's foot in one's mouth
to make a gaffe = to make a verbal mistake

5. to eat and run
I hate to eat and run, but I have to go. 
It’s getting late. I have to run. 
I’m late. I have to run. 

6. I had a good run. = I had some good luck!

7. to run off with sb
He ran off with his secretary. 
They ran off together and got together.
Run away with me. 

Monday, December 8, 2014

(Members Only) MONDAY - Dec. 8, 2014 -11pm LIVE ENGLISH LESSON

(Members Only) MONDAY - Dec. 8, 2014 -11pm LIVE ENGLISH LESSON

special needs kids = kids with disabilities

You try to teach kids sensitivity.
You try to teach kids to empathize with disabled kids.
He has a disability.
身体障害 = a disability
physical disability=身体障害、廃疾
mental disability精神障害
psychological【形】    心理学の、心理学に関する
a handicap

List of disability-related terms with negative connotations

He is handicapped.

pc = politically correct

That is not PC.

You shouldn’t say “oriental”. You should say, “asian”.

a midget

He is blind. —> He is visually impaired.
正常な機能が損なわれた = impaired

視覚[視力]障害がある = visually impaired
SAFE: ~ challenged
He is visually challenged.
He is visually challenged.
He is height-challenged.【形】背の低い
He is linguistically challenged.
I am language challenged.
数学ができない = I am math challenged. 
I am mathematically challenged.
He is mentally challenged. = 精神に異常がある
Many women say all men are emotionally challenged.
He is weight-challenged. 太った
He is vertically challenged. 背が低い
She is romantically challenged. 恋愛に恵まれていない
She is love challenged.
He is tone-deaf. He can't carry a tune. He is musically challenged. 音痴である
He is nuptially challenged. = can't get married

Sunday, December 7, 2014

(Members Only)SUNDAY - Dec. 7, 2014 -11pm LIVE ENGLISH LESSON

(Members Only)SUNDAY - Dec. 7, 2014 -11pm LIVE ENGLISH LESSON

methamphetamines = crank, crystal, speed

She is tweaking.

She is high on meth.

illegal drugs = narcotics

She is on XXXXX.
Are you on XXXX?
Are you on drugs? = a) Are you taking any drugs now?
                                b) Are you high on any illegal drugs now?
                                c) Your opinion is crazy.

Are you high? = Are you crazy?

He does drugs.
He has a drug habit.=He is addicted to drugs.
He has a gambling habit/smoking habit.
He has the annoying habit of ~ing.
He has the irritating habit of ~ing.

He has the annoying habit of drinking too much.
He has the annoying habit of cracking his knuckles.
He has the annoying habit of interrupting people.

He is a habitual drug user.
He takes drugs habitually.

He has a gambling addiction.

You have to kick that habit. = You have to stop doing that.

1. Planning Spontaneous Trips
spontaneous = sudden, no planning, no warning

2. Falling Asleep After Sex
3. Not Listening
4. Leaving The Toilet Seat Up
5. Leaving Toenail Clippings And Beard Shavings Around
18% of women cited it as their top male idiosyncrasy.

6. Having Friends You Don’t Like
The opposite is true too.

7. Displaying A Poor Sense of Style
He's a good dresser.
He is very fashionable.

8. Treating The Server Poorly
waiter /  waitress / bartender
a deal-breaker

9. Using His Cell Phone On A Date

10. Trying To Go Through The Back DoorWomen don't like doggy style.
See the list here:

Men are more easily distracted.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

(Members Only)THURS - Dec. 4, 2014 -11pm LIVE ENGLISH LESSON

(Members Only)THURS - Dec. 4, 2014 -11pm LIVE ENGLISH LESSON

1. 危険ドラッグ a dangerous drug
The authorities coined this word to help fight the use of 危険ドラッグ.

2. synthetic drug = a manmade drug 
synthetic = 人工の

3. 脱法ハーブ = law-evading drugs
evade = うまく切り抜ける、うまく逃れる
He evaded the police.

4. to wig out = to go crazy ハイな気分になる

5. to be strung out = 麻薬にひどく酔っている、麻薬中毒である
He was strung out on drugs/coffee.
He was strung out from work.

6. to be burnt out = 疲れ切った

stab = 刺す,
slash = 切りつける
stab = 刺す,
slash = 切りつける

7. UK men’s slang: I’ve got to take a slash. = I have to pee.
"to urinate" = "to pee"

8. Japan wins 'Fossil' award of shame
a fossil = 化石
She’s a fossil. He’s a fossil.

9. What a shame! = That’s too bad! = 残念です。

10. He shamed her. = He made her look or feel bad.
He shamed her into donating money.

11. to body shame sb = to criticize yourself or others because of some aspect of physical appearance
a) Criticizing your own appearance
b) Criticizing another’s appearance in front of them
c)  Criticizing another’s appearance without their knowledge

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

(Members Only)Tues - Dec. 2, 2014 -11pm LIVE ENGLISH LESSON

(Members Only)Tues - Dec. 2, 2014 -11pm LIVE ENGLISH LESSON

放火 = arson
He set fire to the house.
He torched the house.

a torch (UK) = a flashlight
carry a torch for = to be in love with sb who maybe doesn’t know you love them

unrequited love = 片思い
This is a pretty safe neighborhood.
This is a rough neighborhood.
This is bad part of town.
bedridden 寝たきりの
a ghetto / a slum

I'm spoon feeding you!
spoon-feed one's students 生徒に手取り足取り教える

My face is acne-ridden.
My face is pimple-ridden.
My face is zit-ridden.

commit a crime
commit + “CRIME”

commit an error

I’ve committed a grave error.
=I’ve made a big mistake.

That was a big fail.

snafu = situation normal all fucked up

That was a big snafu.

a blooper

a blooper reel

What a blunder.

What a goof up. 

I screwed up. 
What a screw up.

I messed/screwed/fucked up.
I blew it.

I face-planted.

He fell down hard. = He bit it!

bites it

Monday, December 1, 2014

(Members Only)Mon - Dec. 1, 2014 -11pm LIVE ENGLISH LESSON

(Members Only)Mon - Dec. 1, 2014 -11pm LIVE ENGLISH LESSON 
(Members Only)Mon - Dec. 1, 2014 -11pm LIVE ENGLISH LESSON
I’m surprisingly full of energy today.
I’m surprisingly well.

4K camera=high resolution video
All video sites will have to embrace this technology.
I’m really excited about my new camera. = I’m really psyched about my new camera.

放火 = arson
an arsonist
He was arrested for arson. 
He was arrested on suspicion of arson.
to set st on fire=
to torch
He torched the building.
He set the car on fire.
You're on fire! = You’re doing very well.
You’re fired!
They fired me. I got fired. I got the ax.
They ~ me ~.
They let me go.
I’m really sorry, but I’m going to have to let you.

They laid me off.
He is really gung-ho to start his new job.
He has fire in his belly. (REALLY strong ambition.)

Fire!  = Shoot! = Open fire!

A: Can I ask you a question? 
B: Fire away!

A: Can I ask you a question? 
B: ~!

I’m really excited. = I’m fired up!
I’m really fired up to see the game!

I had many ~ in the fire.

I have many iron in the fire.
I am doing many things at once.

Sunday, November 30, 2014

(Members Only)SUN - Nov. 30, 2014 -11pm LIVE ENGLISH LESSON

(Members Only)SUN - Nov. 30, 2014 -11pm LIVE ENGLISH LESSON
Is anyone going anywhere?
Is anyone doing anything for New Year’s?f

I’ll be staying in Japan this year.  
I’ll be in Japan this year.

Where are you staying?
I’m sick today, so I’m not going to work.  I'm staying home.

Q. Where will you be tomorrow at about 2pm? 
A. I’ll be at work.

Present Perfect
has/have + past participle

past tense
I ate lunch.  I had lunch.
I have eaten lunch.  I have had lunch.

Q: Have you ever been to Hawaii? 
A: Yes, I have.

X I have been to Hawaii last year.
X I have had lunch at noon.

O I went to Hawaii 2 years ago. 
O I had lunch at noon.

X I have ever ~.
O I have ~.

O I have never been to Hawaii.

Have you seen this movie?

I have been ~ ing. 
I have been 形容詞

How long have you been ~ ing?  
How long have you been 形容詞?

How long have you been studying English? 
How long have you been sick?

How long have you been thinking about breaking up with me?
How long have you been thinking about quitting your job?
How long have you been feeling like this?
How long have you been feeling this way?

I have been thinking ~ ever since ~ .

I have been thinking about you ever since we first met.
I have been thinking about quitting my job ever since I read that book. 
I have been thinking about quitting my job ever since 1999.

You can use this to show your accomplishments.
I have gotten my driver's license.
I have passed my Eiken Level 2.
I’ve been to Machu Picchu many times.
I’ve never passed Eiken Level 1. 
I’ve never killed a man.
I’ve never had a car accident.

Monday, November 24, 2014

(Members Only)MON - Nov. 24, 2014 -11pm LIVE ENGLISH LESSON

(Members Only)MON - Nov. 24, 2014 -11pm LIVE ENGLISH LESSON

sexual harassment   
sexual molestation   

He was accused of raping a woman. 
She tried to sue him. 
He denied it. 
They settled out of court. 

They were developing a new Cosby show for him. 

A new show was in the works.

~ is in the works

Frank Scotti, a 90-year-old ex-NBC employee, is the latest to go public with stories of Bill Cosby’s past.

He went public with the stories.

The company went public. = They started selling their stocks publicly. 

He arranged for monthly payments and more for eight women.

15-minutes of fame

"In the future, everyone will be world-famous for 15 minutes.”

He’s getting his 15-minutes of fame. 

He's just trying to get his 15-minutes.

Cosby now has claims against him from at least 15 women with varying charges of sexual assault. 

15 women have accused Cosby of sexual assault. 

to make a claim = to say st is true
No comment. = He declined to comment.

He declined to comment on the claims. 
He declined to comment on the accusations. 
NBC has pulled Cosby's new project.
NBC has canceled Cosby's new project.

to claim sb did st bad = to make an allegation
to make an allegation = to allege
She alleges that Cosby raped her.
Netflix postponed his stand-up special.
TV Land has stopped airing re-runs of “The Cosby Show.”

Man injured by wild boar in Yamaguchi
They put the dog down. 
They put the dog down. 
They put the dog to sleep. 
They destroyed the dog.
The dog had to be destroyed.

Saturday, November 22, 2014

(Members Only)SAT - Nov. 22, 2014 -11pm LIVE ENGLISH LESSON

(Members Only)SAT - Nov. 22, 2014 -11pm LIVE ENGLISH LESSON

1. Today a new movie opens in Japan.

2. The name of the movie is INTERSTELLAR.
excellent = stellar

3. Reach for the stars! = You should be ambitious! You should try hard to reach high goals.

4. to star in st = to appear on a movie, tv show, etc.
He is starring in a new TV show. 
He is the star of a new TV show.

5. I thank my lucky starts that SENTENCE.
I had a lump on my chest. I thought it might be cancer. So I had it checked out. It wasn’t cancer!  I thank my lucky stars it wasn’t cancer.
I thank my lucky stars that I don’t live in Detroit anymore.

6. Reach for the sky! = Hands up!

7. The sky is the limit! = There is no limit.

8. I’ve had enough. = I’ve had it!
9. I haven’t been snowboarding in 5 years.
I haven’t seen him in a while.

10. I need space.

11. to come around = to come

12. I swear = 誓います
I swear it’s hot as Hell today.

13. That lasted for a day.
14. like = a) 好き、b) ~の様、c) って感じ、d)って言いました = said
He was like, "No way!" He said, "No way.”
15. I'm really gonna miss you picking fights
to pick a fight = 喧嘩を売る
He tried to pick a fight with me.

(Members Only)TUES - Nov. 21, 2014 -11pm LIVE ENGLISH LESSON - ACTUALLY FRIDAY!

(Members Only)TUES - Nov. 21, 2014 -11pm LIVE ENGLISH LESSON

I was careless! I do apologize!

~ is going to Hell in a handbasket.

The economy is going to hell in a handbasket.

Abe dissolves lower house, seeking mandate for 'Abenomics’.
to dissolve = 解散
to seek for = to look for, to try to get
a mandate = 〔選挙民から議員などへの〕委任、負託
consumption tax 消費税
U.S. auto safety regulator calls for nationwide recall of Takata air bags
Some people have been killed by the airbags.

Man jailed for rape released after accuser's testimony proven false

He was arrested 3 1/2 years ago and sentenced to 12 years for rape.

testimony = 証言

to jail sb = to put sb in jail
to imprison sb = to put sb in prison
The person who says he raped her is the accuser.

They proved that is was not true.
It was proven false.
The man vehemently denied the woman’s claims.
vehemently 熱烈に

filthy = a) dirty physically, b) dirty morally

My room is a pigsty.

Clean up after yourself.

Don’t forget to clean up after yourself!

She's a basket case.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

(Members Only)THURS - Nov. 20, 2014 -11pm LIVE ENGLISH LESSON

(Members Only)THURS - Nov. 20, 2014 -11pm LIVE ENGLISH LESSON

1. I had my hair cut.
I had a haircut.  
I HAD my computer FIXED.  
I HAD my computer REPAIRED.
I had my nails done.
I had my nails done.
I had my nose done. 
I had my eyes done.  
I had my boobs done. 
I had a nose job. 
I had a boob job.
I had a facelift.
I had my bicycle stolen.
I had my house broken into.
I had my lawn mowed.
My bicycle was stolen.  
Someone stole my stolen.
They say….  
People say….
X It is said….
I’ll try to make them everyday.  
I’ll endeavour to make them everyday.

'Black widow' with seven dead partners arrested

a widow = 未亡人
a black widow = spider, the female of the species eats her “husband”

She claims to be innocent.

a millionairess
a millionaire

SB was arrested on suspicion of CRIME

They found traces of cyanide in her last husband's body.
to find traces of st = ~の跡を見つける

"If people suspect murder, I’d find it easier to bite my tongue off and die".

to bite one’e tongue = to not say what you want to say
Bite your tongue! = Shut up!

I had to bite my tongue not to say anything.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

(Members Only)TUES - Nov. 18, 2014 -11pm LIVE ENGLISH LESSON

(Members Only)TUES - Nov. 18, 2014 -11pm LIVE ENGLISH LESSON

1. My throat was so parched, that I almost had a beer.

2. Ken Takakura died today.

3. What was he most well known for?

4. He was most well known for playing Yakuza characters.

5. He was most well known for his role in BLACK RAIN.
6. He was most well known for playing brooding characters.

7. He was known as the Clint Eastwood of Japan.

8. Aiko Nomura is the Lady Gaga of Japan. 
9. I remember when we broke up the first time
I remember when + event.
I remember when I first met you.
I remember when you broke your leg.

I’ve had enough. = 限界です!
= I’ve had it! = That’s it!

3. We had not seen each other in a month. 
I haven’t been snowboarding in 3 years.
I haven’t ~ in ~.

4. Give me some space.
I need some space.
Just give him some space.

5. to come around = to come, to visit

6. Terms of endearment: Baby, Darling, Honey, Sweetie, Pumpkin
What's your favorite term of endearment?

7. I miss ~.

8. I swear ~.
a) 誓う
b) say a dirty word

I swear it’s hot.
I swear I love you.
I swear I hate him.

Friday, November 14, 2014

(会員)11月14日(金)23:00〜 英会話生放送レッスン

(会員)11月14日(金)23:00〜 英会話生放送レッスン

He takes the law into his own hands.
He is a vigilante.
So I decided to give chase.
effeminate = like a woman

From my vantage point I could see where he was exiting the park.
I cut him off.

He had a head start.

He hailed down a taxi. 
He jumped into the taxi.
The taxi sped away.

I got lucky.
The taxi hit a red light.
So I was able to catch up with the taxi at the light.
I caught up with him at the light. 

The criminal made a break for it. 

I thought he was a purse snatcher. 

I assumed the purse was stolen.

They chased him. They caught him. They arrested him.

I was really pumped up!
I was high from the adrenalin.

Here’s the kicker. = Say this before you tell the best part of your story.

He has stolen an old rusty bicycle. 

It turns out the purse was his.

I was out of breath.

I was very disappointed. = I was bummed.


It was a little anti-climactic.

It's vigilante justice.


Blocking Blanc DALE

Sunday, November 9, 2014

(会員)11月8日(土)23:00 ~ 英会話生放送レッスン - NEWS & MORE

(会員)11月8日(土)23:00 ~ 英会話生放送レッスン - NEWS & MORE
I have been sleep deprived.

I have am deprived.

China and Japan, in Sign of a Thaw, Agree to Disagree on a Disputed Island Group


There has been a thaw in the relationship.

agree to disagree 意見の不一致を認める、見解の相違を認め合う

He witnessed the accident. = He saw the accident.

He was arrested for larceny.

He claims the South Korean police threatened him.

If you confess to the crime, you’ll get to go home.

You’ll have to pay a fine, but you’ll get to go home.

If you don’t confess, you’ll stay in jail.

Police launch 'chikan eradication' campaign at Ikebukuro Station

to eradicate = to get rid of completely

to eradicate = ~を全滅させる、絶滅させる、絶つ、絶やす、根絶する、撲滅させる

“chikan” = train groper = a molester, a sexual molester

They are trying to promote public awareness of the problem.

promote public awareness = 普及啓発

Police said that as of Oct 31, they had arrested 48 persons for allegedly groping women on trains

Many women never report being groped.

The campaign urges women who are groped to alert station authorities or call 110.


I urge you to reconsider.

顔色が悪い = You look pale.

昨日は遅くまで起きていた。 = I stayed up late last night.

You should ~.

You shouldn’t ~.

Maybe you should ~.  

Maybe you shouldn’t ~.

I think that maybe you should ~.

I think that maybe you shouldn’t ~.

(会員)11月4日(火)23:00 ~ 英会話生放送レッスン - expressions

(会員)11月4日(火)23:00 ~ 英会話生放送レッスン - expressions

I got stuck working late.

I got stuck talking to the boss.

I got stuck babysitting.

I got stuck with the my sister’s kids.

I got stuck at work.

to rest on one’s laurels = 現在の栄光に満足する

Sony started resting on their laurels (and got lazy). This gave Samsung a chance to take over the

Something is lacking.

You should get back to (the) basics.

Back to the drawingboard.

I want to turn over a new leaf.

to wipe the slate clean

juvenile =過去を清算する、新たに出直す、新しく出発する、もう一度初めからやり直す、

Idioms related to mistakes:

to bark up the wrong tree = to be chasing something in the wrong place

to back the wrong horse = to support the wrong person.

I botched things. ヘマをする

The doctor botched the operation.

The doctor botched the abortion.

a Freudian slip

He made a Freudian slip.

to make a gaffe = to say st by accident

to put one’s foot in one’s mouth.   

I put my foot in my mouth.

“the douche of Cambridge.”

(会員)11月3日(月)23:00 ~ 英会話生放送レッスン - stereotypes

(会員)11月3日(月)23:00 ~ 英会話生放送レッスン - stereotypes
Vocabulary from here:

Thank so much. You made my day!

Go ahead, make my day!

Japanese – disciplined=自制心がある、規律を守る

He has no discipline.

He is disciplined


very techie / techy =  very good at technology

fearful =おびえている

neurotic = 神経過敏な

extroverted = 外向的な

introverted = 内向きな

competent =【形】有能な、力量のある
incompetent 無能者、不適任者

short = 背が低い

wealthy = rich

wealthy due to being a running dog of the US

workaholics = 仕事中毒

perverted = ゆがんだ、異常な、変態の

bathe in unisex public showers =

buy sex toys and porn from vending machines

very “short” somewhere private but “bigger” than Chinese; women are subservient to men and make
perfect devoted wives

a touchy subject = a dangerous subject to talk about
raw-fish eaters

suicidal = sb who wants to commit suicide

arrive in packs = like to travel in groups

They have a group mentality


no sense of cuisine = no good food

impulsive =【形】〔人が〕衝動で動く、直情的な

drinkers = glass of whiskey or beer in his/her hand

They love their alcohol.

music lovers = Celtic music fanatics

Gingers = have red hair and “white-white” skin

live and sleep with their sheep

religious fanatics and protesters

a religious fanatic = 狂信的な信者

抗議する人、抗議者 = a protester

(会員)11月2日(日)23:00 ~ 英会話生放送レッスン - Random

(会員)11月2日(日)23:00 ~ 英会話生放送レッスン - Randompersonality traits 性格特性

Today let’s talk about stereotypes.

American – arrogant = 傲慢

assertive = 積極的な、自己主張の強い、強引な

open-minded = 心の広い

materialistic = sb who cares about things, 実利主義の、唯物論の、唯物論的な、物質主義の

a gold digger =  金品を目当てに異性を誘惑する人

ambitious 大きな望みを持って、大望のある

He is ambitious. He has ambition.

progressive 進歩的な、進歩主義の

efficient 効率の良い、高い効率の

straight-forward = direct

blunt = 無愛想な、無遠慮な、ぶっきらぼうな、きっぱりとした、率直な、単刀直入の

He’s a straight shooter.

touchy 神経質な、怒りっぽい

alert = 警告する、警報を出す

practical = 実践的な

US-centered world view

egoistic 利己的な、利己[自己中心]主義の

egotistical = 自負心[うぬぼれ]の強い、尊大な、傲慢な

anxious about 《be ~》~のことを心配している

fast food eaters = people food restaurants

war mongers

monger = つまらないことに夢中になる人

(会員)10月30日(木)23:00 ~ 英会話生放送レッスン - Halloween Idioms!

(会員)10月30日(木)23:00 ~ 英会話生放送レッスン - Halloween Idioms

1. creepy = 【形】〔虫が〕はい回る
He’s creepy.
He’s kind of creepy.

2. a creep = 気味の悪い[ゾッとするような]やつ
That guy is a creep!

3. to creep = はう
The spider creeped along the ceiling.

4. to give sb the creeps = give someone the creeps
That gives me the creeps. = ゾッとするね
5. gruesome 【形】
That was a gruesome car accident!

6. The hair on my neck stood up. 身の毛がよだつ思いがした

7. grisly【形】ゾッとするような
That was a pretty grisly murder scene.

8. My blood ran cold.=私は全身が冷たくなるのを感じた。
9. to send shivers down someone’s spine =ゾッとする
The sound of his voice sent shivers down my spine.
 It sends shivers down my spine. それには背筋がゾッとするよ。
His voice sent shivers down my spine. 彼の声は私の背筋をゾッとさせた。
Blood Idioms
10. bloodcurdling = ゾッとする、戦慄させられる、身の毛がよだつ
He let out a bloodcurdling scream.

11. bad blood = There's a lot of bad blood between them.

12. No thanks, that's a little too rich for my blood.
used for food or prices

13. in cold blood = cruelly
He stabbed her in cold blood. 
He shot her in cold blood. 
He killed her in cold blood. 

14. to sweat blood for = to work really hard
I sweat blood for my family.
I was sweating blood while I waited for the cancer test results.

15. young blood = new young people with fresh ideas
We need some young blood in this company.

16. Spit it out! = Say it!

17. to spit up = vomit
The baby spit up its dinner.

18. to be the spitting image of somebody = to really look like sb
He’s the spitting image of his father.

19. She’s just skin and bones.

20. I have a bone to pick with you! = I am angry at you and want to talk about it.


Monday, October 27, 2014

(会員)10月27日(金)23:00 ~ 英会話生放送レッスン - MORE Fun Idioms

(会員)1027日(金)23:00 ~ 英会話生放送レッスン - MORE Fun Idioms

You will see my bed hair. 

From last week’s lesson:

13. When pigs fly.   =Never.

14. The whole enchilada. =Everything.

15. He drinks like a fish.  =He drinks a lot. 


16. He doesn’t know his elbow from a hole in the ground. 

      He doesn’t know his ass from a hole in the ground. 

      He doesn’t know his ass from his elbow. 

      = He doesn’t know anything.

17. It was like taking candy from a baby.

18. That show jumped the shark.  

19. He swears like a sailor.

20. He wouldn’t know a good ~ if it hit him in the face.

      He wouldn’t know a good ~ if it sat on him. 

      He wouldn’t know a good ~ if it punched him in the face.

      He wouldn’t know a good ~ if you fell over one.

They are testing him for Ebola. 

They are testing him for Ebola. 

They are checking him for Ebola. 

He’s a foreign journalist living in Japan.  

外国籍 foreign nationality

He was running a fever of 37.8 degrees .

Friday, October 24, 2014

(会員)10月24日(金)23:00 ~ 英会話生放送レッスン - Fun Idioms

(会員)10月24日(金)23:00 ~ 英会話生放送レッスン - Fun Idioms

1. That guy is out to lunch.
He is spacey.

2. I’m all thumbs.
I am clumsy.

3. I’m all ears.
I’m listening to you.

4. He’s lost his marbles.
He has become crazy.

5. I need some elbow space.
I need some space.

6a. That guy is chicken.
6b. That guy is a chicken.

7. A little bird told me.
Someone told me but I don’t want to tell you who told me.

8. He’s a bird brain.
He is stupid.

9. He’s  bone head.
He is stupid.

10. Can I have a word?
Can I talk to you?

11. They had words.
They had a fight.

12. I have a bone to pick with you.  
I have a complaint.

13. When pigs fly. 

14. The whole enchilada.

15. He drinks like a fish.
He can drink a lot. = He can hold his liquor.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Notes for TWO Daily Lessons for Oct. 22, 2014

Notes for Daily Lessons for Oct. 22, 2014

Video 1:
The Action Teacher. infrastructure インフラ
I think I’ve got it all figured out.
You can find trending topics.
They were badmouthing a few of my friends and myself. But they praised one of my friends.
This is proof that reddit knows its shit.
to know one’s shit = to be very knowledge
That guy really knows his shit. = He knows a lot about something.
He knows he’s shit. = He knows that he is bad.
I know I’m shit. / I know my shit.
Reddit knows it’s shit.
Reddit knows its shit.
You are shit. = You are terrible.
I am shit at the guitar. = I’m a terrible guitar player.
I am the shit. = I am great.
You are the shit! = You are great!
exclamation mark = !

Video 2:
US urges Japan to be bolder in opening markets
urge: 促す、要請する、勧める
You should do that!
bold = brave
open a market 市場を切り開く
Court orders Facebook to reveal revenge porn IP addresses
to comply = to obey
Britain’s government has proposed creating a new criminal offense of posting “revenge porn”, punishable by a maximum jail term of two years.

(会員)10月21日(火)23:00 ~ 英会話生放送レッスン - Random

(会員)10月21日(火)23:00 ~ 英会話生放送レッスン - Random

1. Denver Broncos 

2. 小渕優子

3. 在特会 = The Citizens Group That Will Not Forgive Special Privileges for Koreans in Japan

4. 宮澤洋一 Miyazawa Youichi

5. ~ is trending now.

6. Miyazawa Youichi  will replace Obuchi.

7. Oscar Pistorius sentenced to 5 years in prison.

8. a prosthetic =《医》人工装具

prosthetic arm 義肢

prosthetic leg 義足

9. He threatened me.

He threatened to quit. 

10. I called his bluff.

11. to be sentenced to ~ years in prison = 懲役_年の判決を受ける

12. culpable homicide = blameable murder

culpable 責められるべき、とがむべき、非難に値する

homicide = murder


13. He is a fashion icon.

14. Amal Alamuddin wore de la Renta when she married actor George Clooney in Venice last month.

She wore de la Renta.

Who are you wearing tonight?

15. He makes a woman look like a woman, feel like a woman.

He makes a woman look like a woman.

He makes a woman feel like a woman.

You make me feel like a ~.

You make me feel like a man.

You make me feel like a woman.

You make me feel like an idiot.

That guy is so stupid, he makes me feel like a genius.

That guy is so stupid, he made me feel smart.

16. She makes me feel good.

      She makes me feel better.

Talking to her makes me feel better.

My daughter makes me feel happy. 

My job makes me feel like + 文章

My job makes me feel like I’m crazy.

My job makes me feel like I’m making the world a better place.

You make me feel like a better person.

You make me feel like a jerk.

Monday, October 20, 2014

会員)10月20日(月)23:00 ~ 英会話生放送レッスン - Random

会員)10月20日(月)23:00 ~ 英会話生放送レッスン - Random

continued from yesterday’s lesson…

10. to force sb’s hand = to force someone to do st that they did not want to

Ex: She threatened to quit her job if she did not get a raise. When the boss refused she tried to force his hand by quitting, but the boss refused to change his mind.

11.  to bluff = to threaten to do st that you have no intention of doing

Ex: She said she would quit her job if she did not get a raise, but I think she’s bluffing.

12. to call sb’s bluff = to challenge sb to do st that you think is a lie

Ex: My son threatened to punch me if I did not leave his room, but I knew he was bluffing so I called his bluff and dared him to hit me.


1. Abe suffered a setback when Obuchi resigned.

2. to quit. < to resign = to step down

3. to acknowledge = to accept
She did not acknowledge any wrongdoing.

4. a discrepancy = a difference in information
She needs to focus on an investigation into the financial discrepancies.

5. euthanasia = 安楽死

6. to botch
They had to pay for costly repairs because of botched DIY videos.

Sunday, October 19, 2014

(会員)10月19日(日)23:00 ~ 英会話生放送レッスン - Poker Idioms - Part 1

(会員)10月19日(日)23:00 ~ 英会話生放送レッスン - Poker Idioms- Part 1
Poker Idioms - Part 1

The weather report is calling for rain.

1. Ante up! = Time to give the basic fee. Time to pay your share.
Ex: OK! I need $10 each for the party. Everyone ante up!

2. to up the ante = to increase the risk of st
Ex: He decided to up the ante and quit his day job to concentrate on music.
He decided to up the ante and quit his day job to work on his new company.

3. to have an ace up one’s sleeve = to have a secret weapon
A: Don’t worry! I’ll get the job.
B: How can you be sure?
A: Easy! I’ve got an ace up my sleeve.
B: Really? What?
A: My father and the company boss are old  friends.

4. to play one’s cards close to the chest = to be secretive about your plans and thoughts.
Ex: I like to play my cards close to my chest when I’m negotiating.
Ex: I like to play my cards close to my chest when I’m writing.

5. to play the hand/cards you are dealt = to do the best you can with what you have
Ex: I wasn’t born rich or smart, but there is no use complaining. I just have to play the hand I’ve been dealt.
I just have to play the card I’ve been dealt.

6. to play one’s cards right = to do things to be successful (work hard, etc.)
Ex: I just joined the company, but if I play my cards right I think I can get promoted next year.

7. to be dealt a bad hand = to be unlucky
Ex: Cancer? Wow. That’s tough. You got dealt  a bad hand.

8. to put one’s cards on the table = to be honest about your plans
Ex: I decided to put all my cards on the table and tell her how I felt.

9. sb’s strong suit = sb’s strength
Ex: Teaching kids is my strong suit.
Ex2: Teaching kids isn’t my strong suit.
~ isn’t my strong suit.
Kids aren’t my strong suit.


Friday, October 17, 2014

(会員)10月17日(金)23:00 ~ 英会話生放送レッスン - NEWS!

(会員)10月17日(金)23:00 ~ 英会話生放送レッスン - NEWS!

1. It was a random act of violence.

2. It was a senseless crime.

3. There was no motive.

4. Japan is infamous for the hornets.

5. I was stung by a hornet.

6. That stings!

That stings. = That smarts. = That's painful.

7.  She apologized for the misuse of funds. 

8.  She apologized for the misappropriation of funds. 

9. Because it's a slow news day.

It must be a slow news day.

10. There is no cure.

11. contagious

His enthusiasm was contagious. 

Her laughter was contagious.

12. They are going bankrupt. 

They will file for bankruptcy.

They are in bankruptcy court.

13. That's the story of my life!

14. They are scaling down the floats.

15. The government is giving the maglev project the green light.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

(会員)10月16日(木)23:00 ~ 英会話生放送レッスン - driving idioms

(会員)10月16日(木)23:00 ~ 英会話生放送レッスン - driving idioms

Please overlook my rudeness.

Please overlook my indiscretion.

I'll overlook your indiscretion.

Please be discreet about this. このことについては口外しないでください。

use one's discretion 手心を加える、手加減する、自分で物事を判断する、物事を慎重にする
commit an indiscretion 了見違いなことをする、失態を演じる

overlook a mistake 過ちを黙認する、誤りを見落とす、失敗を大目に見る
1. I went to work by car.
—> I drove to work.  (= better)

2. ~ the car.

3. I put the key into the ~, but the car wouldn’t start.

4. ~ your seatbelts!

5. ~ on your turn signal.

6. Take a right. = Turn right.  = Make a right. = ~ a right.

7. Japanese sometimes put the car in ~ at a red light.

8. He ~ the car ~.
     He backed out of the parking lot.

9. I ~ a dog.
9b. I ~ ~  a dog.

10. I ~ my car.

11. I had a small accident. = I had a ~ ~.

12. I completely destroyed my car. = I totaled my car.

13. お釜ほられた。I got ~ ended.

ANOTHER MEANING: to back st up = to support st with power or evidence
I'll b ack you up. = I'll support you.
I think he’s lying, but I can’t back it up.

2. start, 3. ignition, 4. fasten,/put on/buckle, 5.  put , 6. Hang, 7. park, 8. backed / up, 9. hit, 9b. ran over, 10. crashed, 11. fender bender. 12. totaled,

Monday, October 13, 2014

(会員)10月13日(月)23:00 ~ 英会話生放送レッスン - sports idioms

(会員)10月13日(月)23:00 ~ 英会話生放送レッスン - sports idioms

1. He’s doing a great job and is being very successful. = He’s ~ 1,000.

2. What’s the strategy = What’s the ~ plan?

3. You supported the wrong guy. = You backed the wrong ~.

4. Everything is at a good and acceptable level. = Everything is up to ~.

Is everything up to ~?

Yes, everything is up to ~. 

5. You are trying to do something that is too difficult for you. = You are out of your ~.
= I’m beyond my ~.

5b.  You are out of your depth. = You are in over your ~.
I shouldn't have entered this race. I'm in over my head.

6. You made a premature decision. = You jumped the ~.

7. That came out of left field. = That was unexpected.

8. ping pong!  (Japanese) = Bingo! = Bullseye!

9. He is the boss. = He calls the ~.

Answers: 1. batting, 2. game, 3. horse, 4. par, 5. depth, 5b. head, 6. gun, 9. shots

1. bat a thousand= to be successful in everything that you do
2. game plan= strategy (from the game of football)
3. to back the wrong horse = - to make the wrong choice and support the wrong person / thing (from horse racing)
4. to be up to par = to be at an acceptable and expected quality or level
5. to be out of one’s depth. = in water that is too deep, doing something that is too difficult for one's ability
5b. to be in over one’s head = same as No. 5
6. to jump the gun = to make a premature decision or judgement
9. call the shots = to control something, to make the rules (from calling the shots in billiards or pool)
call the shots = to be the boss, to be in control
EXTRA: He’s the head honcho. He’s the big cheese. He’s the top banana.

10. slam dunk = a dramatic success, a sure thing, a dramatic forceful dunk shot in basketball

(会員)10月11日(土)23:00 ~ 英会話生放送レッスン - random

(会員)10月11日(土)23:00 ~ 英会話生放送レッスン - random

1. You should be out having fun!

You should be VERBing. = Why aren’t you VERBing right now.

You didn’t get the promotion? You should be the boss.

a promotion = 昇進

should be VERBing = I am not VERBing and I’m not happy.

I had planned to go to the beach, but I suddenly had to work today.  I should be sitting on the beach right now.

I was going to fly to Hawaii, but when my boss died all the employees had to cancel their vacations. 

I should be on a plane headed to Honolulu right now.

Look at the time! It’s late. I should be going!

I should be on the beach right now.

I should be the boss.

You should be married with children by now.

Mother —> children: You should be in bed!

You should be ashamed of yourself! = 恥を知れ!

He should be at work. / They should be at school.

My name should be on the list.


I’m still a little sick, but I should be OK by Tuesday.

A: I just sent you an email. It should be in your IN box.  
B: I just checked. It’s not there.
A: Well, I just sent it a few seconds ago. So you should get it soon.
B: I never got your mail.
A: Check your SPAM box. It must be there.

Someone is in a difficult situation: Hang in there!
Someone is going to give a speech: Break a leg!
Your friend wants to ask someone on a date: Go for it!, Good luck!
I’m crossing my fingers. = I’m praying. / I’m hoping.

Cross your fingers for me.

I just took a test. I hope I passed: I think I passed. Knock on wood.
If you say something a bit optimistic, you can add: Knock on wood!
to go the extra mile = to try really hard  = to do more than necessary = to do more than is expected of you
Ideas? Email me at:

(会員)10月10日(金)23:00 ~ 英会話生放送レッスン - studying

(会員)10月10日(金)23:00 ~ 英会話生放送レッスン - studying

1. apparently

2. to hit the books = to start studying
It’s time to hit the books.

3. to buckle down and study = to get serious and study
3b. to buckle down and work = to get serious and work

4. to pull an all-nighter = to stay up all night studying or working, etc.
I stayed out all night. = at a disco or drinking

5. I’m a quick study. = I can learn st quickly.

6. to study up on st.
I'm studying up on cats, because my wife wants to buy a cat.
My wife wants to buy a cat, so I’ve been studying up on cats.

7. They are studying the Ebola virus.

8. I have to study for my test.

9. I have to study for my written test.

10. I have to practice for my driving test.

11. a teacher's pet = the teacher’s favorite student
He’s the teacher’s pet.

12. to brown-nose = to kiss ass
He is always brown-nosing the boss.
He is always kissing the boss’s ass.
He is always sucking up to the boss.
He is a yes man.

Old fashion:
He has a reputation for apple-polishing.

He is a sycophant. = He’s a brown-noser. = He’s an ass-kisser.

13. to pass with flying colors= He did very well on the test.
He passed the test with flying colors.

(会員)10月4日(土)23:00 ~ 英会話生放送レッスン - Random

(会員)10月4日(土)23:00 ~ 英会話生放送レッスン - Random

1. sniffly

2. I’ve got a bit of a cold.

3. He is seriously sick.

4. Is it serious?
No, it’s not serious. 
No, it’s nothing serious.

5. He has cancer.   = He has the big C.
He’s fighting cancer. 
He’s battling cancer. 
He lost his battle/fight with cancer.

6. It’s breast cancer week.

7. They wear pink to help raise awareness.

8. There is an ebola scare in the USA right now.

9. The Ebola Virus.  Ebola hemorrhagic fever

10. to hemorrhage = to bleed, 大出血する、大損失を被る、大赤字を出す
11. 診断される = to be diagnosed
Only one person has been diagnosed with the Ebola Virus.

12. He came in contact with about 100 people.
to come in contact with = 接触する

13. He caught a cold from his daughter. 
He contracted the virus from his daughter. 

14. He was infected.

15. Laughter is infectious.

16. The water is contaminated. = polluted

17. He contaminated my daughter.

18. I’m as sick as a dog.  (usually throwing up)

19. to call in sick = to call work and tell them you are not coming because you are sick

20. to be sick of st = I’m sick of that TV show.
I’m tired of that TV show. <  I’m sick of that TV show.
21. I never get tired of ~.

(公開)9月30(火)23:00 ~ 英会話生放送レッスン - Random

(公開)9月30(火)23:00 ~ 英会話生放送レッスン - Random

1. st was a slap in the face.
That offer was a slap in the face.

2. It’s a rat race.
Time to go back to the rat race.

3. It's a jungle out there.

4. What’s the body count?

5. I’m checking out.

6. I swear I didn’t watch it.

Fact / Opinion:
I swear he’s crazy.
I swear I love you.
I swear I’ll never do it again.

7. I had a a bachelor party.

8. Women have hen parties.
   She had a hen party.

9. Miss? Miss, can I have another one of these, please?
Another cup of coffee.   
I’ll take another cup of coffee. 
I’ll have another cup of coffee.

Can I get another cup of coffee?
Can I have another cup of coffee?
I would like another cup of coffee, please.
Could you bring me another cup of coffee, please?

10. I mistook you for a woman.
I was mistaken for a 20 year old.

11. You look kind of familiar.

12. I get that all the time.

13. I guess I just have one of those faces.
He just has one of those faces.
He just has one of those faces.

14. He just has one of those personalities.

15. And now for our loser of the week. This week it's a no-brainer.
It's a no-brainer. = It’s easy to decide.

16. He is a bonehead.
He made a bonehead decision. 

17. cool = かっこういい
    cool = 大丈夫, no problems
It's cool. = No problem.

18. Good job, Einstein! = You did something stupid.

Monday, September 29, 2014

(会員)9月29日(月)23:00 ~ 英会話生放送レッスン - Random

(会員)9月29日(月)23:00 ~ 英会話生放送レッスン - Random

1. A volcano erupted erupted for the first time in 7 years.

I met Aiko for the first time in 2 years.

I went to the beach for the first time this year.

I went to the beach for the first time this year.

2. 心肺停止 = cardio-respiratory arrest or cardiopulmonary arrest

3. 12 have died and another 27 people have 心肺停止

4. The GoPro Hero 4 will be released in mid October.

5. Unfortunately I don't do anythign that adventurous.

6. The resolution is amazing. picture quality.

7. He is very adventurous. = He is brave and like trying new things!

8. The sound is pretty crappy on GoPro cameras.

9. It's a no-brainer. = an easy decision, a decision that requires no thought

10. brainless = a) stupid, b) requiring no thinking

He is brainless.

That movie is pretty brainless.

Stapling is a pretty brainless job.

11. bonehead = no brain, stupid

12. Stocks close up 0.50%

13. SoftBank mum on reports it is bidding for DreamWorks Animation.

Sunday, September 28, 2014

(会員)9月28日(日)23:00 ~ 英会話生放送レッスン - Random

(会員)9月28日(日)23:00 ~ 英会話生放送レッスン - Random

1. 気が小さい = He is timid. / He is a timid man.
He is a coward. / He is a wimp. / He is wimpy.

2. Don’t litter. = Don’t throw garbage in the street.

3. I would never do that. 

4. I don’t want to get involved.

5.  I don't know. = IDK

6. 景色 = scenery, view, landscape

I love watching the scenery go by when I ride the train.

England has beautiful scenery.

The view from my hotel room was magnificent.

7. スリ= a pickpocket

to pickpocket sb / to pickpocket sb’s pocket

He pickpocketed me. / I was pickpocketed.

I was followed by a pickpocket.

I was targeted by a pickpocket.

8. “necessary” is a bit formal and an adjective

That’s not necessary. / It’s necessary. / Politicians are a necessary evil. 

9. I need ~. Do you need ~?

10. before / early / fast or quickly

Please come to class 5 minutes before the starting time.

He arrived before me.

He arrived before 9am.

He arrived early.

He is always early.

He’s early.

He’s fast/quick.

11. たばこを毎日一箱吸ていた

I smoked a pack a day. 

I used to smoke a pack a day.

I smoked 2 packs (of cigarette) a day.

I was a 2-pack-a-day smoker.

She was a 10-year-old girl at the time.

12. After you! Please go ahead! You go first.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

(会員)9月25日(木)23:00 ~ 英会話生放送レッスン - Random

(会員)9月25日(木)23:00 ~ 英会話生放送レッスン - Random

1. I’m in a bad mood.

I’m grumpy.  

I’m grouchy. 

I’m cranky.

Who pissed in your cereal?

Who pissed in your Cheerios?

Who pissed in your miso soup?

Are you on your period? (dangerous)

Are you on the rag?  (dangerous)

That time of the month? (dangerous)

What crawled up your butt and died? (dangerous)

Don’t get angry. = Calm down. = Keep your shirt on.

Don’t get your panties in a bunch. = Don’t get your knickers in a bunch.

Don’t get mad. Get even!

Get even! = Get revenge!

I want revenge! = I want payback!

He is short-tempered.

He’s got a stick up his ass.

He’s got a stick up his ass about his job.

He is touchy about his ex-wife.

He is touchy about his weight.

reinvigorated me

Sunday, September 21, 2014

(会員)9月21日(金)23:00 ~ 英会話生放送レッスン - Random

(会員)921日(金)23:00 ~ 英会話生放送レッスン - Random

I hate Mondays.   

TGIF. Thank God It’s Friday!

The discount(ed) section 

It was really cheap.   

It was dirt cheap! 

It was a bargain. 

It was a good deal. 

It was a steal.  

It was on sale. = It was discounted. 

I’m addicted to coffee. 

I’m an alcoholic. 

He likes to avoid bars. 

If he goes to a bar he would be tempted to drink.


It’s a temptation. 

A: Want to go out tonight?  

B: It’s tempting, but I can’t. 


Food, coffee, and sex are my vices. 

X Food is a vice. 

O Overeating is a vice. 

Coffee is a gray area. 

Sugar is a vice. 

Scotland voted to stay in the UK. 

Their economy would suffer if they became independent. 

She would suffer economically if she got a divorce. 

That’s life. 

 That’s the life!  =  That’s a great way to live.

Am I being too idealistic?

Women should work and make enough money to live. 

In the USA, women get 50% of everything when they get divorced. 

alimony = monthly money from your ex-husband or ex-wife

child support and/or spousal support

The media says it’s “nothing” compared to Cruise’s $250 million fortune.

He has to pay child support. 

The judge decides who gets custody. 

joint custody

The mother gets full custody. 

The Hague Convention

(会員)9月19日(金)23:00 ~ 英会話生放送レッスン - Types of people

(会員)919日(金)23:00 ~ 英会話生放送レッスン - Types of people

1. a kind of lazy student or worker = a slacker

2. someone who drinks too much = a drunk, a lush, a boozer

3. teetotaler = someone who doesn’t drink at all. 
a person who abstains totally from alcoholic drinks

4. someone show smokes a lot of marijuana = a stoner, a pot-head

5. someone who sells drugs = a dealer = a carsalesmen

6. a person who uses meth = a meth addict 
メタンフェタミン◆脳内のドーパミン、ノルエピネフィリン、セロトニンのレベルを上げ、精神を高揚させる覚醒剤の代表的なもの。強い依存症状を引き起こすため、ADHDなどの治療薬としてのみ認可されている。1893年に日本の化学者、長井長義がエフェドリンから合成し、1919年に緒方章が結晶メタンフェタミンの合成に成功した。第二次大戦後に旧日本軍の備蓄が覚醒剤として出回り、多くの中毒患者を生み出した。日本語ではシャブという俗語でも呼ばれる。◆【同】methylamphetamine ; N-methylamphetamine ; crystal methamphetamine ; crystal meth ; meth

7. 依存者、中毒者 = an addict, a junkie 

8. someone who loves japan = a Japanophile (postive meaning)

9. someone who loves japan = a weaboo (negative meaning)

10. someone who loves England = an Anglophile (postive meaning)

11. someone who loves books = a bookworm 

12. someone who loves to do exciting activity = an adrenaline junkie

13. someone who causes problems = a troublemaker 

14. someone who introduces couples to each other for romance = a matchmaker 

15. Someone who is one of the first to do st in a field = a pioneer 

16. a person who commits a crime = a criminal = a perpetrator / a perp

17. a  person who helps another person commit a crime = an accomplice

18. a person who sees a crime happening = a witness

19. a person who has no connection but is there by when a crime happens = a bystander

an innocent bystander

20. a person who is walking by when st happens = a passerby 

1 passerby, 2 passersby 

Thursday, September 18, 2014

(会員)9月18日(木)23:00 ~ 英会話生放送レッスン -RANDOM Lesson

Channel live broadcast
(会員)918日(木)23:00 ~ 英会話生放送レッスン -RANDOM Lesson 
I went to the store.
I went to a concert.
X Car are useful in our society.
O  Cars are useful in our society.
I have to go to school. 
I have to go to work. 
I have to go to jail.  
I have to go to prison.  
I have to go to university.  
I have to go to college.  
I have to go to church. 
I go to church every Sunday. 
I have to go to class.  
Why aren't you in class now! Get to class!
I have a class at 11pm. 
I have to go to lunch.
I'm sorry, he's not here now. He went to lunch. 
I have to go to bed.
Do you have time? 時間ある?
Do you the time? 今何時?
I have to go to THE restroom. 
I was bored to death. 
Zenji Nojima is the chairman of a gender equality conference. 
やじ = jeer, heckle, taunt 
to make light of st = 〔物・人を〕おろそかにする、ないがしろにする、なおざりにする、軽く考える、軽んじる、軽視する
My husband makes light of my problems.
My husband makes light of my housework.
My mother made light of my problems.
Australian PM: Public execution terror plot foiled
PM = Prime Minister
public = outside, in front of everyone = 公衆の 
execution =  死刑執行、処刑
public execution 公衆の面前での死刑執行、公開処刑
terror plot = テロの陰謀
foiled plot 失敗した[阻止された]陰謀
My plans were foiled. = My plans were ruined by someone. 
thwart 阻止する、妨害する、挫折させる
to chop sb's head off = to behead sb

Have a question? Ask me!

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

(会員)9月16日(火)23:00 ~ 英会話生放送レッスン - sickness & injuries

(会員)9月16日(火)23:00 ~ 英会話生放送レッスン - sickness & injuries

1. I have a cold. 

2. I caught a cold.
I caught a cold from SB.

3. SB gave me his cold.
    Joe gave me his cold.

4. I think I’m coming down with a cold.
I’m coming down with a cold.
I think I'm coming down with a cold.

5. I have a touch of a cold. 

6. I have a slight cold.

7. I have a bit of a cold.

8. I have a fever/temperature.

9. I have a slight fever/temperature.

10. I have a high/bad fever.

11. You’re burning up!

12. I have diarrhea.
I have a bad case of diarrhea.

13. I’m constipated.
I have constipation.

14. BETH’S aches
I have a backache.
I have an earache.
I have a toothache.
I have a headache.
I have a stomachache.

15. My ~ hurts. 

16. I am in pain. 

17. I’m a little under the weather.

18. I’m not feeling myself today.

19. I broke my arm.

20. I bumped my head.

21. I cut my finger. 

22. I burned myself.

23.  I stubbed my toe.
I stubbed my toe. つま先をぶつけた。

24. He jammed his finger.

25. I had an operation. 
26. You have to get an operation. 
I have to get an operation.
27. He underwent an operation.
to undergo an operation

28. He underwent a procedure.

29. The doctor performed the procedure. 

30. I’m going under the knife tomorrow!
He went under the knife.

April 3-Action! Beginner! Beth's Aches! 痛い!

(会員)9月15日(月)23:00 ~ 英会話生放送レッスン -aging & NEWS!

(会員)9月15日(月)23:00 ~ 英会話生放送レッスン -aging & NEWS!

I assumed you all understood why I chose today's topic. Yes?

It’s “Respect for the Aged” Day

1. a spring chicken

You’re no spring chicken.

2. to rob the cradle

I can’t believe he’s dating an 18 year old! Talk about robbing the cradle.

3. an old fogey

4. an old fart

5. an old bag

6. my old man=my dad, or my husband

7. my old lady=my mom, or my wife

8. in one’s early/middle/late 20s/30s/40s/etc.
I’m in my early 20s. He’s in his mid 50s. She’s in her late 80s.

9. to be over the hill

10. He’s getting on (in years).

11. He’s getting up there?

12. a centenarian = sb 100 years old or older

The oldest man is also Japanese, 111-year-old Sakari Momoi.

Somewhat appropriately, one of the Japanese characters in Momoi’s last name means “100.”

13. The silence was deafening.

I live in "Shitamachi" Tokyo and the silence is just deafening.

14. She disappeared. = She went missing.

Now she is missing.

Her parents are frantic.

Her parents are worried to death.

Monday, September 8, 2014

(会員)9月8日(月)23:00 ~ 英会話生放送レッスン Roadtrip

Channel live broadcast
(会員)9月8日(月)23:00 ~ 英会話生放送レッスン Roadtrip

The Roadtrip movie
1. I got ~ the bus.

2. I got ~ the train.

3. I got ~ the plane.

4. I got ~ the subway.

5. I got ~ the truck.
6. I got ~ the car.
7. I got ~ the taxi.
8. I got ~ the motorcycle.
     I got ~ the bicycle.
9. Fill her up! Fill it up!

10. I’m running ~ on gas.

11. My car stopped because I ran ~ of gas.

12. Go faster! = Hit the ~!  or Step on the ~!

13. Hit the road. = to leave
I’ve got to hit the road. = I’ve got to go. ]

14. I ran out of gas. = no more gasoline or no more energy

15. I better gas up. = usually gasoline, but could mean food.

16. I ran out of steam. = no more energy

17. I have gas. = stomach gas

18. He passed gas. = fart

19. That car is a gas guzzler.

20. He guzzled his beer.

21. I’m running on fumes.
continuing to do something when you have almost no energy left After two straight games against top teams, the Tigers were running on fumes and lost on Saturday night.

22. A gas station.
a self-serve gas station

23. I’m out of fuel.  
I have fuel. 
I need to put some fuel in the tank. 

Thursday, September 4, 2014

(会員)9月4日(木)23:00 ~ 英会話生放送レッスン Conversational B...

(会員)9月4日(木)23:00 ~ 英会話生放送レッスン Conversational B...

Can you accept this package?
I’m sorry. I can’t accept your excuse. 
They accepted him as one of the group. 

I believe in God. 
I believe you. 

He called me.   
He called me a fool. 

Don’t give up on me.

Envision success
envision 〔将来のことを〕想像する、心に描く、思いを巡らす

Forgive my mistakes.

Give unconditionally. 

Help me!

Invite me over.

I sent out the invites.  
Did you get an invite? 

Joke with me. 

I joked with him. 

He is a joke. = I cannot respect him. 

I played a joke on him. = I played a trick on him. 

Keep your friends close.

make a difference
Make a difference in his life. 

It makes no difference.
It makes no difference to me whether or not the teacher is male or female. 


Never judge a friend.

(公開)9月3日(水)23:00 ~ 英会話生放送レッスン Conversational Basic

(公開)9月3日(水)23:00 ~ 英会話生放送レッスン Conversational Basic

1. I read it in the newspaper.
She’s apparently a little girl from England. 
She’s apparently 4 apples tall. 

2. When do we use the word “occupation” in conversation?   
Answer: Almost never! 
Formal:  What is your occupation? 
Conversational: What do you? 
So what do you do for a living? 
I am a businessman by occupation, but it is not what defines me. 

3. If you are surprised in a good or bad way: 
I can’t believe + SENTENCE. 

4. Here you go.   or    Here you are. 
This is what the waitress says when she brings you food.: “Here we go.” or “Here we are.”

If a taxi driver wants to say, “We have arrived.”
= “Here we are.”

If you are looking for something and finally find it, for example a word in the dictionary, you can say “Here we are.” or “Here we go.”

5. I can't afford to buy a new car. 
I can't afford to get fired. 
I can't afford to lose my job. 
I can't afford to gain anymore weight. 
Japan cannot afford another major disaster. 

6. save money お金をためる、貯金する
save up for st
I’m saving up for a new computer. 
What are you saving up for?  

I’m saving up for a trip to Hawaii. 
I’m saving up for my vacation. 
I’m saving up for NOUN.   
I’m saving up to VERB.

Monday, September 1, 2014

(公開)9月1日(月)23:00 ~ 英会話生放送レッスン Conversational Basics!

(公開)9月1日(月)23:00 ~ 英会話生放送レッスン Conversational Basics!
Please introduce yourself.

1. There are 5 people in my family.
I’m married and we have 3 children.
I’m married and we have a son.

2. I joined bon odori this year.
I took part in the bon odori this year.
I participated in the bon odori this year.

3. 盲導犬 a seeing-eye-dog
or a guide dog

4. Poor thing!
Poor dog!
I feel sorry for the dog.
My heart goes out to the dog and his owner.

5. That was disgusting. 
That was despicable.

X I cannot forgive him.
That crime is unforgivable.

7. Japanese publishers blast new Amazon book sale rules
to blast sb = to criticize sb = 批評する, 批判する
I went to the party, and I had a blast.

8. conservation

9. California passes plastic bag ban, would be first such law in US

a ban = 禁止

10. Reception is bad. We have a bad connection. The signal is weak.
I’m not getting a signal. 
I’m not getting any bars. 

He is a pain in the neck.
Doing laundry is a pain in the neck.
FORMAL: It’s a bit troublesome.
He's a regular pain in the neck.

He is really smart. He is a regular Einstein.
He is a great painter. = He's a regular Picasso.

Friday, August 29, 2014

(会員)8月29日(月)23:00 ~ 英会話生放送レッスン Conversational Expressions

(会員)8月29日(月)23:00 ~ 英会話生放送レッスン Conversational Expressions

A: I did something bad. I blame myself. 
B: Don’t kick yourself for it. 

to kick oneself = to blame oneself

2. How do you like to get your kicks? 
= What do you like to do for fun?

Just for kicks.  = Just for fun. 

4. I kicked ass today. = I did great today. 
I did great today.

A: How was the test?  
B: It kicked my ass.  

= It was really difficult!

6. 助かりました!
Thanks! I appreciate it!   
You saved my life!    
You’re a lifesaver!   
Thanks! You were a big help! 
I couldn't have done it without you!

7. はっきり決めてください。
Make up your mind!

8. 気が変わりました。 
I changed my mind. 

9. 微妙
I’m not so sure.   
That’s a tricky question.  
(That’s) Hard to say. 

10. 考えさせてください。
Let me sleep on it. 
Let me think about it.  
Let me think on it.  
Let me give it some thought. 
Let me get back to you about that. 

11. Have you ever thought of getting a dog? 
      Have you ever thought of me? 

12. Did you hear about ~?  (NEWS!)

Have you ever heard of ~?